Home > The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(29)

The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(29)
Author: Charlie Cochet

With an agonized cry, Ezra threw his hand out, only to stop himself. As fiercely as he desired to end the miserable bastard’s life, it wasn’t his place. The Soldati and Queen Verity would ensure Gori paid for his crimes. With a grunt, he withdrew his powers, letting Gori drop to the ground.

“I would advise you enjoy the next few minutes of fresh air,” Ezra growled as he turned away from Gori. “For it will be your final taste of freedom.”

Gori’s war cry echoed through the garden, nearly drowned out by Segreti’s Orso roar as he sped toward Ezra. Spinning on his heels, Ezra threw his hand out, his powers disintegrating the knife Gori had hurled toward the back of his head. Gori charged, rage and hatred in his wild eyes. Closing his fist, Ezra crushed Gori’s windpipe. Segreti called to Ezra in the distance, his voice barely audible over the howling wind as Ezra released the full force of his power. The tree before him exploded into millions of tiny pieces, along with Gori’s body, blood splattering Ezra, but he didn’t so much as blink. Gori would never hurt anyone else, ever again.

“My love!”

Ezra lowered his arm. The wind stopped and the night grew silent once more as he turned to face the stillness behind him. Khalon and Riley stood in each other’s embrace, the Soldati army surrounding them. The traitors were on their knees in shackles, the demons gone.

It was finally over.


At the soft word, Ezra fell to his knees, tears in his eyes. Segreti ran to his side and gathered him in his arms, cradling him close as the last of Ezra’s power returned to the Eye. He laid his head against Segreti’s chest, eyes closed as Segreti lifted him into his arms.

“I am safe and well,” Segreti assured Ezra as he carried Ezra into the castle, murmuring a few words to Riley and Khalon before taking Ezra into his bedchamber and closing the door behind them. He placed Ezra on his feet in his washroom and prepared a bath. Ezra didn’t quite know what to do with himself. Everything had happened so fast. He decided not to think on it but instead bask in Segreti’s tenderness.

The heavenly aroma of lavender filled the washroom, and Ezra allowed himself to be undressed and helped into the tub of steaming hot water. The moment the water sluiced over his skin, he released a sigh that appeared to have come from his very core. A weight lifted off his shoulders, and he laid his head back, smiling softly at the feel of Segreti soaping his body.

“I wish I could have spared you that horror.”

Ezra opened his eyes and lifted his head. He met Segreti’s gaze and cupped his cheek. “It’s done. His vileness was a stain upon this world. Never again will he hurt some other innocent as he did you.”

Segreti turned his face and kissed Ezra’s palm. “You truly forgive me for the deception?”

“When Riley said it was time for me to learn the truth, I had been prepared for all manner of platitudes and apologies. I hadn’t expected to discover I was part of a clever plot to flush out the traitors.” Ezra stroked Segreti’s cheek with his thumb, the glow of the wall sconces and gentle lapping of the water as Segreti washed him bringing him peace. “Khalon confessed you’d agreed to help because of me, to keep me safe.”

Segreti nodded. He leaned over the marble tub’s edge and kissed Ezra sweetly. “For months I’ve been trying to find the traitors, growing ever closer to discovering their identities. I couldn’t allow them to harm you.”

Ezra’s heart swelled. “My champion.”

“As you are mine. My sweet Ezra, ready to battle any dragons that may threaten his love.”

“Always.” Ezra kissed him, melting into the taste of his tongue and the warmth of his mouth. He sat up and placed his hands to Segreti’s face, their kiss deepening until they were panting. A groan of protest escaped him when Segreti pulled back, making Segreti chuckle.

“Come. The king and the prince wait for us. We’ll see them, then return so I might finally claim my mate.”

Ezra could barely contain his smile. “It’s time?”

“Yes, my love.” Segreti brushed his lips over Ezra’s, his voice quiet. “The time has come. My bear would not allow me to claim you with the deceit between us. Had you not been informed of the plot by our prince, I would have told you the moment I could. I have been desperate to claim you as my mate, but there must never be anything but honesty between us.”

“Yes,” Ezra agreed. He swiftly finished washing and stood, a wicked smile coming onto his lips when Segreti stood and adjusted himself, a low groan escaping him.

“We should make this a quick visit.”

Ezra laughed, then thanked Segreti for helping him out of the tub. He dried himself quickly, then dressed.

They soon stood in Khalon’s study along with Riley, Rayner, Toka, Adira, Fausti, and Sansone. Ezra turned to Sansone.

“How is your brother?”

Sansone’s eyes grew glassy. “He is well, thank the Goddess. His Majesty sent someone to find him the moment I informed him of Gori’s treachery.”

“So Khalon knew this whole time?” Ezra asked.

Khalon nodded from his seat behind his desk, Riley nestled at his side. “I had asked Segreti if he had an Orso who he trusted with his life. Someone who could carry out a perilous mission for me.”

Segreti turned his attention to Fausti. “You found Sansone’s brother.”

Sansone gasped, a hand flying to his mouth. “You?”

Fausti shrugged. “I knew Lazzari was up to something. That jackal has always been unscrupulous and vile. I followed him one evening and found the hidden den. When he left, I sneaked in and found the poor foxling shackled inside. I eased his terror and promised him we would free him soon. Then I reported my findings to Khalon. When given the orders, I fetched your brother.”

The tears in Sansone’s eyes spilled, and he launched himself at Fausti, who caught him. “Easy there, my little foxling,” Fausti murmured. He ran a hand over Sansone’s hair. “All is well. Your brother is safe and unharmed.”

Sansone nodded, his cheeks flushed as Fausti placed him on his feet. Ezra had a feeling they’d be seeing more of these two, judging by the starry look in Sansone’s eyes as he gazed upon Fausti.

“There’s something I’ve been giving quite a deal of thought to, Your Majesty. How was it possible you and Segreti had this all planned, yet I still had a vision of your death at Segreti’s hands?”

“Our spies discovered someone close to the queen was aiding the conspirators, but we didn’t know how. They always seemed one step ahead of us,” Khalon said. “How was it possible they were evading capture when we had the Eye to guide us? It soon became clear that the manner of help the Orso traitors were getting was of the magical kind. It was possible they’d gotten their hands on the Soldati Tiger’s Eye.”

Ezra gasped. That would explain how they knew. “They could see what I saw.”

“Exactly. That’s when we had the idea of using the Eye’s visions against them.”

Ezra whirled to face Segreti. “You and Khalon orchestrated a false death.”

“Yep,” Riley replied cheerfully. “We needed the Eye to see Khalon’s death so Gori and his minions would see it. They’d believe Segreti was going to betray us and kill Khalon. He had no idea he was being fed false information, both from the Eye and Sansone.”

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