Home > Claiming His Princess(8)

Claiming His Princess(8)
Author: Adelaide Forrest

A smile—predatory but not cruel. "Liar." He grasped my hips and yanked me to him, and even the fabric of my dress and of his suit were not enough to hide the hard ridges of his muscles underneath. He was so close his breath mingled with my own as I drowned in the blue of his eyes, like an ocean deep and unfathomable. Seductively dangerous. "Do you truly wish to go back?"

My hands reached up to grip his shoulders because it felt like I would fall at any instant and needed the anchor. "I do, yes," I said breathily.

"No." And I saw him smile one last time before his lips crashed down on mine. Like waves against the sand, the sensations of his mouth on mine was powerful and unstoppable. He tasted like wine and a sharp, hot taste I could not place.

Should I ever think of it in the future, I would simply call the flavor Reece.

I'd dreamt and yearned for a first kiss the likes of which they wrote about in great romance novels, but had resigned myself to the fact that a princess from a kingdom like mine would only ever have that in my head.

As his lips coaxed mine to open, as his hands tightened around me and pulled even closer, and as my arms wrapped around his neck, I realized that even the greatest words of the most romantic writers could not compare to the sensations that assaulted me. I opened up for him, allowed myself a moment to feel like a woman. Only a woman and nothing more.

But the princess, the propriety that came with being one, was too strong in me and I made a small sound of protest, gripping his shoulders once again, this time not for support but to push him away. He gave my bottom lip a nip and a pull before stepping away.

"You are looking beautifully mussed, my princess." His smile was indulgent, likely smug that his were the hands that had caused the mussing. I reached up to try and salvage my hairdo. He grabbed my hands, gentle, but firm, nonetheless. "No, don't. You are beautiful just that way."

"I—" I could not find the words to reply to him as I simply looked down. "Please, we should head back."

"Of course." He nodded, eyes cooling as he offered me his elbow to hold once more. Like a gentleman. He led us back through the garden, and I felt his guards trail us discreetly. We walked down the same hallway but somehow it felt different, looked different.

Or maybe I was different.

We walked right back into the ballroom, and I tried to avert my eyes, because I knew what everyone would see when they looked at me. At the way my lipstick had been smudged off and my hair was less than perfect. And then my eyes landed on Aric. It took all the restraint I possessed to stop myself from running to him like a child.

Not to mention the fact that he seemed otherwise preoccupied arguing with a petite woman with rich red hair. I didn't recognize her but raised my eyebrow at the fierceness of the emotions that crossed over my brother's face.

"What say you we dance and pretend we are proper once and again, my caged princess?" Reece's voice whispered over my ear as he leaned closer.

I startled. I hadn’t realized he was listening so closely to the words I spoke only for myself. I didn't want to dance with him again and invite the looks of everyone in the ballroom. But somehow the prospect of leaving him, of being parted from him, was even more unbearable. "I—"

But I was saved from answering at the sound of a voice behind him.









Her flavor was still on my lips—an addicting sweetness that mingled with her intoxicating innocence. Only the thought of dozens of guests who still occupied my ballroom and who would all no doubt note our absence kept me from getting caught up in the moment. I wanted nothing more than to test her attraction to me and find out how devoted to the lines of propriety she might be.

A jewel. She was that and so much more. Caged like a baby bird, hidden from the world for so long but no doubt ready to be polished and shine in it. She would reign in my world, knowing that no matter where she went, she did so as an extension of me. In that moment I’d first seen her, I knew she was mine and I would do anything and everything to make it so.

I asked her to dance, any excuse to have my hands on her, when Cheval's voice spoke behind me, "Your Majesty. There is a security breach in the Southwestern Wing that I'm afraid needs your attention."

Alina's hand still in mine, I turned around to face the contrite lines of my aide's face. A light of worry in his eyes caused a frisson of apprehension to dance down my spine. As a strong and prosperous kingdom, Oshal had to always be prepared to defend its own from those who sought to destroy it. And as its king, I had no choice but to face my duty, even if I wanted nothing more than to stay with Alina.

"I will see to it then, Cheval, thank you." I turned to my jewel, who looked at us with confusion, but interest also sparked in those emerald depths as she turned her gaze to mine. I looked forward to the day she’d be my Queen, when I could share my duties with her by my side and not feel as if I had to deal with the mounting pressures on my own. "My princess, I am afraid I must leave you for a moment. I will collect that dance the moment I return. Cheval, Her Royal Highness Alina Atwater of Lantis."

"I hope you're having a pleasant evening, Princess," Cheval greeted her, ducking his head into a polite bow.

She smiled, a full beam that hinted at everything she could be when she felt more comfortable around people. That she seemed to feel far more comfortable with my staff than with the rest of the royalty might have been a deterrent for some. For me, it only convinced me she would be a kind Queen.

That she cared about all people and not just the ones who could do something for her.

"It's certainly been interesting," she said softly, and Cheval's face threatened to break into a smile that he quickly pushed down.

"See to it that she has anything she needs from here on out," I told Cheval, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. I lingered there, enjoying the smoothness of her skin against my lips and stared into those light green eyes when I pulled away. "Until I return, Princess."

Turning, I made my way through the ballroom quickly with Cheval at my heels. He spoke into his earpiece, coordinating with the rest of my security to ensure Alina would have whatever she desired during the entirety of her stay in Oshal.

They weren't yet aware that the arrangement would be permanent, but they'd figure it out with time.

"Talk to me," I said when he finally stopped talking and stepped up beside me.

"There's been a commotion between a few of the guests. Security was hesitant to interfere since some have noble blood, so I thought informing you would be prudent," he said. We rounded the corner to the Southwestern Wing of the palace. With every step that put more and more distance between Alina and me, I cursed the opportunity it presented where another man might try to steal her away.

I didn't like her being out of my sight. I hated the thought that someone else could touch her when I wasn't there to protect her. That someone else would take her and claim her when I wasn’t there to stake my ownership on her.

The commons of the Southwestern Wing were mostly empty, with only a group of three men standing there and having a heated debate. While it didn't appear to be amicable, I wouldn't have said they looked near trading blows. My guards stood off to the side, blocking any others from entering the space and looking entirely conflicted as to what they were meant to do.

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