Home > Drop It Like It's Scot(32)

Drop It Like It's Scot(32)
Author: Caroline Lee

“Is that enough?” Alistair was panting now, his fist pumping around his cock as he watched her. “Is that all ye want?”

“Nay,” she moaned, and pulled Treenis from her entrance. “I need ye, Alistair. Now!” she commanded, tossing the wooden cock away and reaching for him.

‘Twas apparently all the encouragement he needed. With a muttered curse, he reached for her, falling atop her, and then he was in her. They both froze for a moment, then loosened.

“Aye, love,” he murmured. “Just relax and let me take command.”

“But ye dinnae—” She gasped, then wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and her legs around his hips. “Ye dinnae like—”

He was smiling above her. “I think I can manage this, Lara. Trust me.”

So she did, and neither of them lasted very long. She felt her own muscles clenching, tightening, pulling, moments before he roared her name. They both found bliss together, his strokes getting shallower and shallower, until at last, they lay, panting, in one another’s arms.

‘Twas a long moment before he rolled off her with a groan, pulling her with him. She ended up splayed across his chest, their legs tangled, as he pulled the coverlet from underneath his arse.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured against her hair, one hand stroking her arm. “I’m sorry I made assumptions about ye.”

She smiled against his skin, knowing she’d already forgiven him. “I’m no’ sure why it mattered. Ye werenae a virgin.” Technically, she hadn’t been a virgin either, but she’d never been with a man before him.

“Nay, no’ about that.” He blew out a breath, which ruffled her hair. “ ’Twas no’ like I had a claim on yer virginity or something—that belonged to ye. But I was just so damnably angry at the thought of ye being disrespected. I kenned ye loved someone, and I assumed ye’d given yerself to him, and he’d cast ye aside.”

He’d been angry on her behalf…not at her.

Lara took a moment to process that, then she shifted, pushing herself up, until she could smile at him from within his arms. “There was nae other man, Alistair. I’ve always loved ye.”

“Then I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that.”

She shrugged and dropped a kiss to his chin. “How could ye have? I only got around to telling ye this evening.” And only because Nessa and Agatha gave her the kick in the arse she’d needed.

Under her, his chest expanded as he took a deep breath. “I love ye too, Lara.”

Her scoff was immediate, and she let him see it. “Ye dinnae need to pretend to love me just because I’ve confessed my feelings—”

“Nay, let me explain.”

Part of her wanted to interrupt him again, knowing she wouldn’t be able to stand the heartbreak if it turned out he was just saying what he thought she wanted to hear. But the other part, the part which had desperately hoped for his love for so long, and who needed his words to be true, told the first part to shut up and go sit in the corner.

She pressed her lips together and watched Alistair gather his thoughts.

He was frowning thoughtfully as he stroked his fingertips down her arm, then across the back of her hand. She willingly turned her own hand over to take his, twining their fingers together, while he studied them. He kept his gaze on their joined hands as he began to speak.

“This evening, ye found me in my solar thinking about my father’s words about love. And then ye burst in and confessed ye loved me, and I was…well, I guess I was in shock. But,”—he sucked in a breath and turned a rueful smile her way—“I’ve just had a walk through the walls of my home, in passages I didnae ken existed, so I’ve had some time to consider this. I keep coming back to what ye said.”

When he paused, she prompted, “About loving ye?”

“About loving me for years. Are—are ye certain, Lara? This is no’ just a childish fantasy?”

Her brows rose. They lay in bed, their naked bodies entwined, the evidence of their lovemaking drying on each other’s skin, and he had the audacity to ask if he were just a childish fantasy?

Nay, this was very much an adult fantasy, thankyeverramuch.

Resting her weight on her elbow, she untangled her hand from his and reached up to cup his cheek. When she was certain she had his attention, she took a deep breath.

“I love ye, Alistair Oliphant. I’ve loved ye for years, aye, but the last fortnight, spending time with ye as we plan yer father’s celebration…I’ve come to love ye more. I love how uptight and firm ye try to be around yer clan, but ye cannae hide yer true self from me. I love the way we can laugh, and I can tease ye into showing me yer smiles and yer wit. I love how devoted ye are, and I love yer drive to do good things. I love yer sense of honor and fairness, and how everyone kens ye can be trusted to do the right thing for everyone. But I also love that ye’ve remembered how to let it go, how to relax, how to have fun. I love ye.”

Through her blabbering, his smile had grown. Now, when she paused for breath, he grabbed her hand and pulled her palm to his lips, brushing a kiss there. She could feel him smile against her skin. The sensation made her shiver and reminded her they were still wrapped together, and the night was young.

“I think I ought to explain too.”

She blinked; her mind having already moved on to the pleasure they could bring one another. “Explain what?”

His grin grew. “Since ye didnae believe me when I told ye the first time, I ought to explain my reasoning.”

“For what?”

In one, smooth movement, he flipped her over onto her back. It happened so quickly, she didn’t even have the chance to gasp. One moment she was atop him, the next, she was holding onto his shoulders as he loomed over her. She ran her hands across his muscles, remembering how he looked when he exercised in his room, and was pleased he hadn’t minded her voyeurism.

After all, it landed us here in bed, did it no’?

“I love ye, Lara Oliphant.”

That statement, from out of the blue like that, had her gaze slamming upward into his. “What?” she croaked.

He smiled wickedly. “I love ye. I love how ye care for everyone around ye, but especially for me. I love that ye went through so much trouble to show me what I needed to see—which is proof of yer love. I love the way I can relax around ye and show ye my true self. I love the way ye tease me and keep reminding me what’s important.” He paused, holding her gaze. Then he said, “I love the person I am when I’m with ye. Thank ye for helping me to become that person.”


Oh, heart, calm down.

But ‘twas impossible. Her heart was skipping gleefully all over the place, as thrilled to hear Alistair’s words as she was.

“Really?” she breathed, searching the depths of his eyes to make sure she wasn’t imagining this.

“Really, Lara. I love ye. And I understand what ye’ve been trying to tell me about the lairdship. I ken I’d make a good laird. I ken that. But…” He shifted his weight to one arm so he could brush a curl out of her face. “But ye’ve shown me it doesnae have to be my only goal. If I can have ye as my wife, and mayhap a bairn or two or three…that would be a life worth living. Ye will make my life a good one and being with ye is all I’ll need. Even if one of my brothers becomes laird, I’ll be content.”

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