Home > Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(105)

Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(105)
Author: B.C. Morgan

“Yep, got it in one, Five.” His eyes are hard, and it’s easy to see that he isn’t happy about revealing that to me.

“Tucker Mathew Harkwright, do not disregard her so easily. I don’t care what you do in that place, but in my home, you call her by her name, or you can take your backside straight out of my house.” She gets to her feet, and stares him down while his eyes cut to the table.

“My family was very old fashioned and did not believe in having children out of wedlock. I was young and stupid, and let them talk me into giving him away. I’ve regretted it every day since, but when he turned up on my doorstep seven years ago, it was the greatest day of my life.” She smiles fondly at him, before returning her gaze to me.

“Not everyone is aware I see her, so this can’t go any further. This is just another necessary step, to see if I can trust you. So, you’ve met her, and you’ll have a friendly face at the party.” He gets to his feet and disappears off into the garden.

“Don’t mind him, hon. He isn’t used to letting his guard down. This kind of thing doesn’t come easy to him, and he wouldn’t have brought you here or invited you to that sweet little girl’s party, if he didn’t trust you. Just so you know, his other parents know about me, and they’re happy we’ve reconnected. It’s that Arthur fellow who wouldn’t allow it. He gives me the creeps.” She shivers and I understand her reaction.

I guess with Sir, you either hate, fear, or want him. I’m just glad I’m the first two.

Tucker comes back in not long after, and we sit around the table as they discuss the party. I’m not a great help with this kind of thing, but it’s nice to see him happy and relaxed. Sure, there’s tension, and I gather it’s because I’m here, but I’m glad he’s done this.

Another layer of the Tucker mystery has been revealed, and it isn’t making things easier. Apart from one, right now I belong to him. Which means that for once, my feelings finally make sense. I’m not ready to question how deep they go, but I can act on them within reason. Did I say easier? Maybe there isn’t a right word for how I’m handling everything, maybe for now. I should just go with the flow and see where it takes me.



Seeing Sophie has probably been the highlight of April for me. The rest is just dragging by so slowly. I’m worried that I may have fried my brain with all the studying I’ve been doing. It doesn’t help that not only my tutors, but also the guys, are quizzing me every chance they get.

Apart from Dustin, I seem to do the quizzing with him, and I hope he isn’t hating me for it. But it’s almost over, May will soon be here, and I’ll know if I’ve done enough to make it to next year.

“How’s it going, buttercup?” D asks, as she takes the treadmill next to mine.

“Just getting some stress relief,” I huff out and she gives me the side eye.

“I take it Tucker was busy.”

“I can’t believe you just said that, D.” I’m laughing so hard, and it’s making my power walk a lot harder to do.

“Well, it does burn off a lot of calories. So really, sex is actually a way to gain better health.” How can she sound so serious while she’s saying this?

“I am not talking about this with you, go away.” I wave my hand at her, and she sticks her tongue into the side of her cheek.

“Fine, spoilsport. Anyway, I have some news. You up for going for a walk?” I turn the machine off in answer, and we head out of the gym.

We walk the halls, and pass guys getting blown, and girls arguing over which Harkwright they’re going to try to nab next. So the usual.

“I’ve been wondering, what college only lets sixty-five students in at a time? It feels so absurd.”

“It is strange, but it just adds to the appeal I guess. So many people apply, and only a handful get in. I guess it makes the girls feel special, that they’ve beaten the odds. That, and I doubt they could keep such a level of security if they opened their doors to more students” It seems like a reasonable excuse, but it still doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

“So, what’s this news you have?” I ask, as I nudge her with my elbow.

“Maddox is taking me away when we finish the term. Apparently, we’ll be going skiing and staying in our own lodge. I’m so excited, I just wish you could join us.”

“I would love to, but Tucker already has plans for us once we’re done here. I think we’re even leaving the next day. I’m excited, but also a little nervous. He’s been so good lately, I can’t help but wonder when the other shoe is going to drop.” I chew on my thumbnail, until she bats my hand away.

“Hey, just enjoy it. Life’s too short to sweat the little things.”

“I know I shouldn’t ask this, but you don’t have feelings for Maddox, do you? I mean, he’s a great guy but I don’t want to see you get hurt again.” I feel foolish even saying it, but she may not know he’s gay. I mean, I didn’t.

“No, I know the score, Luna, he told me the night of the ball. But he’s sweet, kind, and he makes me feel good. It’s nice to have a friend who understands the way the Harkwright mind works. You don’t have to worry about it, I don’t have any foolish notions where Maddox is concerned.” She wraps her arm around my shoulders, and I slide mine across her waist.

“I definitely like your news, I’m glad you’ll be having a fun summer.”

“Oh shit, that wasn’t the news. I just got excited and had to tell you.” She laughs softly, before finding her composure.

“Shane is getting married in July. Yeah, apparently, he’s had a fiancée the entire time he’s been here. Can you believe it?”

Why is that interview only coming back to my mind now? I remember Sir saying how his eldest found his future wife in the Academy, I just never realized it was Shane. The poor girl, I can’t imagine being stuck with someone like that.

“It really makes you feel for her, doesn’t it?”

A loud commotion reaches us, and we hurry our steps until we make it to the lobby. A crowd has gathered around the front doors, and I’m trying to make myself taller, so I can see what they’re all staring at.

“What’s going on?” I ask, as I tap a girl on the shoulder. She looks back and gives me a soft smile, and I realize it’s Elena.

“Hey, Luna, it’s not good. Someone painted a message on the steps. They tried to paint over it, but someone saw it, and the next minute everyone is gathering, trying to get a glimpse.”

“Do you know what it says?” D asks, and Elena grimaces.

She grabs a different girl, and we move away from the commotion, and stand by the stairs.

“Can you tell them what you told me?” Elena asks, and the girl is shaking.

“‘All can rise, and all can fall. Beware the dark, for when the next girl falls.’”

Nothing is said, as we let the words sink in, and it doesn’t take a genius to work out what it means.

“They think it’s a hoax, that someone got bored and decided to stir up a little chaos. Although, I saw some cars arrive earlier, and the guys that got out weren’t small, and I think I even saw a gun,” the girl says, before she looks back at the crowd.

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