Home > Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(8)

Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(8)
Author: B.C. Morgan

“Yes, but it’s a new game now. Come on, Thirty-Four. Tell us why.” Tom is almost gleeful as he says this, and I should have kept my mouth shut.

“I guess, b-b-because no one ever does, and it’s about t-t-time he realizes he can’t mess with people’s heads and n-n-not have anything come back to him.” Is it just me or is my voice rising?

“Aww, did the Prince hurt your feelings?” Tucker asks mockingly, and I can feel my face flame, and spread down across my neck and over my chest.

“What did he do? I mean, the list of possibilities is endless,” comes from Jake, and D goes rigid every time he opens his mouth.

“He pretended to be a cleaner and became one of my first friends in the Academy. He comforted me when I cried and gave me a reason to smile. Oh, and warned me off the dreaded ‘Prince’ every chance he got. He didn’t even react if I spoke about him or any of the Harkwright men other than to agree with me. He fooled me, so many times I should have seen it, but he blinded me.” D takes a hold of my hand and I release a shaky breath.

“Fuck, that’s messed up. Didn’t you ever get suspicious when your room didn’t get cleaned?” Jake asks, and I honestly believe he had no idea Emmet was doing any of this.

“He cleaned it. I’d sit there talking to him while he did his work. Anytime I offered to help, he would tell me it was his job. He said he wouldn’t want to get in trouble if anyone found out I did it myself.”

“Wait, you’re being serious. Fuck, I would pay good money to see Emmet doing something like that. He really wants to claim you, girl. I’d watch how far you push him. Aeron will let you go real soon and then you’ll be at his mercy.” Tom looks almost pensive as he says that last part.

I already know that I’m playing a dangerous game with him, they don’t need to keep reminding me of that fact. Besides, I didn’t start it. But I refuse to just roll over and let him get away with everything. Just because he’s the heir to the vast Harkwright fortune does not mean that I’ll bow to him and treat him like the royalty he pretends to be. Arrogant jackass.

“In this new game, am I the only one who has to answer the questions?” I ask carefully, keeping my head slightly downcast.

“No, but it doesn’t mean that any of us will answer though,” Tucker replies and my eyes lock with his for a few moments.

“Why don’t you like Bradley?” I don’t even have to say his name for everyone to know who that question is posed at.

“Because, like Emmet, he gets everything he wants. Regardless of whether he deserves to. He doesn’t care how he affects anyone else, eventually, though he’ll grow bored with what he has and go after something else. Steamrolling over anyone who stands in his way, so yeah, I think he’s a dickhead and I won’t apologize for it.” He folds his arms across his chest and his body seems to vibrate with pent up rage.

“You just don’t know him the way I do. You make him out to be the villain but you’re wrong. Eventually, you’ll realize that, and he’ll forgive you like the kind-hearted guy he is,” D spits out, leaning forward and baring her teeth at him.

“Trust me, Daria. You’ll be the one seeing Bradley in his true light… not me.”



I’ve never sighed so hard in relief as I am right now, I might not have wanted to come to this retreat, but I am beyond ecstatic to be out of that fucking car!

Jake said that we would stay in a beach house and I guess he was telling the truth, but I don’t know why I expected anything other than a mini mansion. These pretentious asses can’t ever do humble, can they?

Our driver and the retreat staff carried our things into the place and I’m just standing here, staring up at the looming house. It would be almost quaint if it wasn’t so large. The wooden paneling and shutters across the windows give it a beach like feel, but that is where it ends.

“Word to the wise, Luna.” Tucker’s breath stirs the hairs on my neck, I didn’t even realize he had gotten so close to me. “Aeron has been stuck with his bitch of a mother ever since he left, so I doubt he’ll be in a good place. Add that to the ridiculous restrictions Emmet keeps placing on him. Well, I don’t think we’ll see him sober soon.”

“What restrictions?” I ask quietly, and I feel his front press against my back as he steps closer.

“No touching you when you’re alone together. Since barely any of us kiss you girls, that would never be an issue. But to claim a girl and not even be able to touch her, it’s an extra kick in the teeth. I’ll think he’ll release you even sooner than I thought.” He moves away and a chill sweeps through me before I take a step forward and close the distance between me and my claimer.

I don’t know what room I’ll be staying in or where I’ll find Aeron, but I can’t stand out here for the rest of the day.

D comes up beside me and links our arms before steering me inside to see one big open space, with doors leading to… well, I don’t know. But there are large sectionals placed around a glass coffee table, with a flat screen TV on the wall and a set of stairs off to the side of the space leading up to a balcony, overlooking the sitting area and I’m guessing that’s where the bedrooms will be.

The whole of the space is dark oak with a sand color wood for the flooring, and I can’t get over how open it is. Are we all expected to be together and play games or watch movies or something? God, I hope not, I do not want to be around all fifteen of them at one time. It will be torturous, I’m sure.

“Welcome to the retreat.” Goosebumps travel down my skin. The menace in those four innocent words has my stomach bottoming out, and I refuse to turn around to face him.

“Hey, Shane. How’d the surgery go?” comes from Tucker and there is no point in waiting to turn around now that he is here. Not that he would protect me, but I can always hope.

“Fuck you, Tucker. You’ll get yours, believe me. You and the fuckwit everyone calls a Prince.” His eyes are spitting fire. His mouth purses so much, it looks as though he’s been sucking on a dozen lemons.

“Fuckwit? Surely you can come up with a better insult than that,” says Emmet, who seems to appear out of nowhere.

“Forgive me for not suddenly quaking in my size elevens now that you’re here. Unlike the rest of these dickheads, you don’t scare me. Don’t worry, Zero, I’ll get my go on you, eventually. You’ll be ruined for life,” he sneers at me, and I feel as though I’m about to puke.

“You don’t get to lay a finger on my claim.” All I hear is the husky timber of Aeron. All this testosterone in one place should be illegal. Especially with how they all look, it isn’t fair to the rest of the men of the world.

His arm snakes around my waist and D steps away from me, as I’m pulled back against his hard chest, and his other arm snakes over my shoulder. His hand splays over my collarbone, while his thumb strokes against the hollow of my throat.

Emmet is glaring at us, and I can’t fight the small smile playing over my lips as I lay my hands over the arm on my stomach and hold it in place. I should stop antagonizing him, but I can’t. It’s just too fun, especially if it involves Aeron. My body is already thrumming with something that feels both electric and terrifying. It shouldn’t feel this right being held by him, so why does it?

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