Home > The Lost Lieutenant(74)

The Lost Lieutenant(74)
Author: Erica Vetsch

The prince listened, his mouth open a bit, his brows raised.

“But before he could marry her off, the Prince Regent stepped in and gave the girl in marriage to another man, along with the fortune that the girl would inherit upon her wedding day. The prince gave his blessing on the marriage, even attending their wedding breakfast and assuring the couple that he would visit their country home in the coming months.”

The prince’s eyes snapped from Evan to Diana and back again as realization dawned.

“But the girl was torn. What about the child? Her new husband insisted upon leaving the city immediately. If she left the baby behind, her father had threatened to abandon him to a foundling home. But how could she take the baby with her into the home of her husband, a stranger who might not appreciate having an illegitimate child brought into his household? What if this man, too, decided to cast the child out? So she cleverly disguised the baby’s identity and secreted him out of her father’s house, claiming that the child was the offspring of a ladies’ maid that she had compassion on and wanted to help.”

Evan studied his hands in his lap. “Eventually the girl came to trust her new husband enough to reveal the baby’s parentage and her promise to her sister. The husband was surprised, and at first he struggled to come to terms with the information, but he finally realized that his wife had not deceived him out of any malicious intent but only to ensure the baby’s safety. He promised to protect the child as well, but even with the husband’s protection, the danger wasn’t totally averted for the infant. The girl’s father is outraged that his plans have been foiled to get his hands on the girl’s inheritance, and he has bided his time, scheming how to get his revenge. Legally he has custody of the child, but morally he is bankrupt. He has threatened the girl and her husband. They must pay him, or he will take the child. If they try to keep the child, he will tell the Prince Regent and have them in court for kidnapping.”

Letting the last sentence hang in the air for a moment, Evan took a deep breath and braced his hands on his thighs. “You ask me what reward I would have for bringing to justice the man who tried to kill you? I ask a life for a life. I ask for the life of Cian Seaton, son of Catherine Seaton. I ask for custody to be transferred from the duke to myself and my wife. We plan to raise Cian as our own son, see to his needs both physical and spiritual, and give him the love he deserves.” His voice grew rough as the tears that had formed in Diana’s eyes tumbled down her cheeks.

For a moment, Evan felt like the prophet Nathan, coming before his ruler, delivering information through the power of a story. But how would the prince, who was no King David, respond?

“This is true?” the prince asked. “There is really a child, and the Duke of Seaton is using him to extort money from you?”

Marcus spoke from the foot of the bed. “I can verify this account, Your Highness.”

Letting go of Diana’s hand, the prince made a fist, then pointed his plump finger at Marcus. “Bring the Duke of Seaton here now.”

With a small bow, Marcus left.

“I will hear from his own lips what he intends to do with the child.” Diana rose from the bedside, wiped her tears with the backs of her hands, and went to the table, pouring a small helping of brandy into a glass and bringing it to the prince. The restorative put color back in his pale cheeks. When he returned the empty glass to her, she put it on the table and circled the bed to stand beside Evan’s chair. Her hand rested on his shoulder, and he reached up and covered her fingers with his own, squeezing them gently.

The duke entered the room with Marcus just steps behind. Eagerly Diana’s father approached. “I’m honored that you summoned me, Your Highness.” He wore a smug smile, but he slanted a hot glare at Diana and Evan.

Evan felt her stiffen, and he increased his grip on her hand, rising and circling her waist with his arm. “It will be all right.”

“What if he sides with my father?” she whispered, her lips brushing his ear. “The prince is most mercurial in nature.”

“Then we’ll find another way. Trust me.” He hugged her hard into his side.

The prince glared at Seaton. “I have just been told the most disturbing story by your son-in-law and daughter, and that story has been verified by Mr. Haverly. I have asked you here to defend yourself.”

Her father’s complexion went ashen and then livid. “What lies have they been telling you? My daughter is not trustworthy, Your Highness.”

“I see.” The prince studied Seaton. “Perhaps we had best continue this conversation in private. Whitelock, Haverly, all of you, step outside. I’ll send for you if I need you.”

“Your Highness, would you like me to stay as a witness? Perhaps as protection? There has already been one attempt upon your life today. It would be most reckless not to take precautions.” Marcus stayed at the foot of the bed.

“Hmph. Perhaps you are right. Stay, Haverly.”

The duke snarled. “Are you suggesting that I would try to … That’s absurd.”

Evan took Diana’s icy hand in his and led her from the room. In the anteroom to the bedchamber, Diana sank onto a chair, as if her legs wouldn’t hold her a second longer, and Evan paced.

The double doors did little to stop the sound of the heated exchange within, but they couldn’t make out the words. They didn’t have to wait long, but it felt like an eternity. The doors flew open and the duke stomped out. He strode with his fists at his sides, his movements stiff, his face blanched.

“Whitelock?” the prince called.

They returned to his bedside, and Evan noted the flush riding his cheeks and the fire in his eyes.

“You may rest assured that the child known to you as Cian Seaton will remain in your custody. And that the duke will never trouble you again regarding his well-being.” With satisfaction, he let his head fall to the pillows.

Diana rushed to his side, kneeling by the bed and taking his hand. “Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you.”

Evan inhaled sharply. “We are in your debt, Your Highness.”

“You know, I take much criticism for investing titles on those some of the ton deem unworthy. But look at this case. A bred-and-born duke acting like a scoundrel, and a common-born soldier behaving with nobility. I don’t think I made a mistake in your case, Whitelock.”

With a rueful smile, Evan shook his head. “There was a time when I was certain you had. I didn’t know the first thing about being an earl or a husband. I’m still not sure I know much, but I’ll learn.”

Diana nodded. “I think he’s finally realized that nobility starts in the heart, not in the pedigree. It’s a matter of action, not standing.”

The prince patted her hand. “I’m tired. Send in that housekeeper with some of that beef tea you promised.” He sighed, as if suddenly weak, shooing them away.

Marcus remained, but he grinned and nodded to them as they went.

When they were once more on the other side of the prince’s bedroom doors, Evan hugged Diana and swung her in a circle. She tilted her head back and laughed, gripping his shoulders.

“You were wonderful.” He gave her a resounding kiss.

“Cian is ours. No more danger, no more threat, no more fears. I can’t wait. Let’s go see him and tell him the good news.” She took his hand, tugging him toward the nursery.

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