Home > Watch Over Me (Wishing for a Hero #2)(25)

Watch Over Me (Wishing for a Hero #2)(25)
Author: Kait Nolan

“I thought I was too late.” He worked on swallowing down the heart that was still hammering in his throat. “But I guess you had it under control.”

“If you’re going to date me, Nash, you’re really going to have to get used to the fact that I can handle myself.”

When he was sure he could put on the cocky smile she wanted, he pulled back a little. “I’m gonna date you?”

“I figured you would since I’m planning to try to move here.”

“Thank God.”

She lifted her head from his chest. “In all seriousness, I should’ve listened to you. If I hadn’t been on my own, he never would’ve gotten to me.”

“If you’re gonna date me, you’re gonna have to learn that you’re not alone anymore. I’ve got your six. Always.”

Her smile bloomed, and it was the best damned thing Nash had seen in weeks. “If you’re gonna kiss me, you should probably do it fast before my prospective future colleagues arrive. For propriety and stuff.”

“Screw propriety,” he said, and captured her mouth with his.






Rowan’s hands shook a bit as she buttoned up the new uniform shirt. The starched fabric scraped against her skin, reminding her that this was a beginning. One where she’d be starting over in nearly every sense of the word. The newest officer on a tiny force. The only woman. It was imperative she make a good impression.

So she’d shined her shoes to a mirror gleam and put creases in her navy pants sharp enough to cut. Her hair was pulled back in a severe bun that added a few years to the face she knew still looked young, despite the college degree and six years of experience on the job. Her new badge rode proud above her left breast. As a last step, she slipped on her duty belt. The familiar weight of it settled around her hips, a welcome anchor as she stepped into uncharted waters.

Rowan smoothed down her tie. The woman in the mirror was the one she’d been fighting to get back to. After the past few months, she almost felt like a stranger. Maybe it would feel different after the swearing in today.

“Ready to go?”

“Yes, sir.” Rowan nodded, more at her reflection than her great uncle, and turned.

He stood in the doorway, shoulders straight in a sport coat, his brown hair still damp from a shower. Two months out from his bypass surgery, he looked almost himself again. It would still be a while before he was as active as he wanted to be, but she no longer had to play warden.

“Nervous?” Of course he’d see that. No one knew her like Uncle Robert.

“A little. I know it’s not the same, but this was your department, your people. You left big shoes to fill.”

“You’re more than up to the task. And if he didn’t think you were qualified, Ethan wouldn’t have hired you.”

True enough. But it wasn’t her new boss who worried her.

The drive to City Hall only took ten minutes, but it felt like an hour. Her hands were actually a little bit clammy as they climbed out and made their way to the conference room on the second floor. She surreptitiously wiped her palms on her pants before they entered the room and she was introduced to Mayor Sandra Peyton and the members of the City Council. Chief Greer was also in attendance, but he was the only one from her new department.

Rowan herself seemed to be the only one with a steel rod in her spine. As her great uncle chatted with these people he’d known for years, she stood at military attention, wishing they’d just get this show on the road.

“At ease, Officer Beale.”

The murmured voice had her shoulders tensing momentarily in surprise before melting in relief. Nash had come.

“Sorry I’m late. My client ran late, so I was almost an hour past my planned return. It’s possible I used my dash lights to get here on time without getting a ticket.”

Rowan kept her voice low, her eyes on the assembly. “I’m not sworn in yet, so I guess we can overlook that gross misuse of power.”

“The uniform looks good on you.”

She just hoped the new position fit as well.

Mayor Peyton smiled. “Well, shall we get started with the formalities?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Rowan stepped to the head of the table as everyone else took a seat. Everyone but Robert, who had the honor of holding the Bible. His look of pride as she laid her left hand on the worn leather tome warmed her down to her toes.

The mayor’s smooth voice filled the sudden quiet. “Please raise your right hand.”

She did as instructed and repeated the oath she was given. “I, Rowan Beale, do solemnly swear and confirm that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and government of the United States, the State of Mississippi, and the city of Wishful...” With every word spoken, her voice gained confidence, ringing out in the small room. “I will bear truth, loyalty, and allegiance to the same, and I will honorably and faithfully perform the duties of a police officer, so help me God.”

She signed the necessary paperwork. Then it was over and the mayor was clasping her hand. “Congratulations, Officer Beale, and welcome to Wishful!”

Short and sweet. Thank God.

She ran the gauntlet of handshakes, posed for the obligatory pictures for the paper with the mayor and Chief Greer. The photographer even took one of her with Robert, saying they wanted to do a story in the Observer about her connection to their much-beloved former Chief of Police. She hesitated at that. There might be some who believed he was why she’d gotten the job. But after all the years she’d come here, all the stories she’d heard, she realized that for most, that connection would lead to greater acceptance, so she agreed to a brief interview later in the week.

Ethan crossed his arms. “Well, Beale, you ready for your first day on the job?”

“Absolutely, sir.”

Amusement flickered across his features as he looked to Nash. “How long do you think it’ll take to break her of all this formality?”

“At least a couple of weeks.” He grinned.

“You coming in for the briefing?” Ethan asked.

Nash nodded, all businesslike, but Rowan didn’t miss the smile flirting at the corners of his mouth.

“You’re up to something,” she accused as they made their way downstairs.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about. See you at the briefing in a bit.” Before she could say anything else, he’d peeled off from the group and headed to his truck.

“I’ll drive you,” Robert said. “Figure I’ll stop in and say hello to Inez and whoever’s around.”

“So glad you’re with me on the first day of school, Dad.”

Robert’s lips twitched. “Might as well be a little like that. Proud of you, Roo. And I’m selfishly glad you decided to apply for the job here. I got used to having you around.”

“I like having you around, too.”

From all the cars in the small lot of the police station, it looked like everyone had come for this morning’s briefing. The nerves came back with a vengeance. Rowan braced herself to walk in, wondering what these men would think about her—the woman who’d held the law higher than the brotherhood.

Voss had been arrested, along with two other officers found to be involved in the scheme. Dr. Powers had lost her license and been charged as an accessory. The trial was coming up, and until it was over, the stain of the whole sordid mess would follow her around like a storm cloud. She just hoped her new coworkers would be able to overlook it.

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