Home > Whelon (Dragons of Preor #12)(36)

Whelon (Dragons of Preor #12)(36)
Author: Celia Kyle

“Well, when we know we are flying to a specific destination, we carry a small pouch with our clothing. For emergencies, we simply shift and destroy our clothing. Our katoth cross straps bear our rank and honors, but every Preor warrior keeps a few spares nicely tanned and ready to go.” He smiled. “You never know when you are going to have an emergency and must rush to save your mate.”

“Damn right.” She grasped his hand and led him to the elevator. Sasha had words for her mother and wanted to confront her, if she hadn’t bolted the second the meeting went down the drain.

When they arrived in the lobby, numerous police and Preor warriors were moving humans back and encouraging them to disperse. Anyone being violent was arrested and thrown into police vans. Sasha though her mother had disappeared for good when she suddenly saw the slender figure rising out of the crowd as she attempted to brain a Preor warrior over the head with a camera stand.

The poor puzzled Preor caught the makeshift weapon with ease and stared at Jenna as she desperately tried to bludgeon him with the tripod. He held the camera stand gently and looked around in alarm, unsure how to handle the female attacking him. “Can someone—I mean—what is this? What do I do with her? Lady, lady! Please cease.”

Jenna got the tripod free and tried swinging it again, and a cop hurried over and cuffed her, making the Preor sigh with relief. “Thank you, officer,” he offered. “The poor thing would hurt herself. She is not well.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Sasha muttered.

Jenna screamed at the retreating Preor that she would get him, get all of them.

“Mother,” Sasha called. She stopped in front of the handcuffed Jenna, but not too close.

“Sasha! Help me! It’s all a misunderstanding. You know that. Have your dragons let me go and we can work it all out. I can get you a spot on—”

“Mother,” Sasha cut her off firmly. “You would have let me die just so you could cover the story. I owe you nothing. You should think yourself lucky that the police cuffed you and not the Preor.”

“You are no friend to the Preor,” Whelon growled with menace. He kept his hand on Sasha’s shoulder for support and Jenna’s eyes ran up and down Sasha’s body, noting how close she stood to Whelon.

“You’re under a spell!” Jenna hissed. “You aren’t my daughter. You’re one of them now! My enemy. I disown you. You’re a traitor to your own race. You—”

“Save it, Mother.” Sasha shook her head tiredly. “I’ve really had enough.”

She turned and hugged Whelon as they dragged her mother away. He stroked her long hair, and even though she was comforted, the recent events were catching up to her and she was incredibly tired—exhausted—by everything.

“Let’s go back to Preor Tower,” she requested softly. “I want to see the others.”

He nodded. “I also have duties to attend.”

“Well then,” she grinned, linking her arms behind his back, “let’s fly. I’ve got a sordid urge to watch these overalls pop open across your huge muscles.”



Chapter Thirty



The night swept under Whelon and he felt as if it lifted him without any urging from his own wings. Now that he had his mate, everything was beautiful, and his heart overflowed with hope.

He took a few turns around Preor Tower before landing, just to feel Sasha’s delight as he swept along in a big curve. She was utterly without fear and he could not wait to take to the sky when she was well.

Once on the roof of the tower, he secured a pair of loose pants for himself, placed there for this exact purpose. Preor landing on the roof and transforming into naked, two-legged humanoids was not a big deal but wandering around the tower in search of clothes definitely ruined the human-friendly atmosphere they sought to achieve.

He took Sasha straight to the main living area near the clinic they had recently set up, desperate to see Melissa. He could not believe he had left his patient, but he knew that saving his mate’s life was the only acceptable reason to do such a thing.

The room seemed full of people, and Brukr was the first to turn around and welcome him inside.

“My male!” Brukr grinned, hurrying over to shake Whelon’s hand and clap him on the shoulder. “That was an impressive stunt!”

“I did not mean for it to be a stunt,” he murmured, somewhat embarrassed by the attention. All the other Preor and their mates turned and advanced on them, and Whelon noted that Sasha’s grip tightened. She was anxious and he did not blame her.

“Sasha,” he spoke softly. “This is Brukr. The lovely female over there holding the baby is his mate, Hannah.”

Sasha waved shyly. Then he went through each couple, Ellie and Ivoth sitting off to the side of the room where they could see the television but where none could feel like a threat to Charlie. Lily and Argan were nestled together on the couch, while Delaney and Zadri were in the kitchen area making dozens of cups of tea for everyone in the room.

Movement on the other side of the room caught her attention, and Sasha broke free of Whelon’s grip to run to the other woman.

“Dawn!” she cried, and Whelon heard the excitement in her voice at seeing a familiar face. He hurried after his mate, eyeing Dawn as he drew closer. He did not like the tense look on her face.

“Dawn, how is she?”

“Not well, Whelon. Come through.”

He entered the room hesitantly and found Chashan standing over Melissa who lay flat and pale against the ryaapir unit. Her hair was damp from sweat and she had dark circles under her eyes. Jarek was collapsed in a cot next to the unit, one hand reaching out weakly to touch Melissa.

“What’s happening?” Sasha asked, her voice filled with pain for the pregnant female.

“She’s struggling with labor,” Whelon answered absently as he approached. He gave Chashan a quizzical look, eyebrows raised in question.

“We managed to turn the young one,” Chashan murmured. “But her body is still not responding. I’ve tried extra pregnancy hormones, but nothing is working.” He touched Melissa’s forehead gently.

“I want you to get some rest, Whelon,” Chashan voiced tiredly. “I need to sleep soon, and I want you to monitor her in the meantime. There’s a room for you in the other hall.”

“I’ll stay,” Dawn said gently. “There’s technically nothing wrong with Jarek. He’s simply too connected to his mate. If I can rouse him, he can help her. It’s a joint effort, so I’ve heard from Lana.”

Chashan nodded and went to a nearby table for a cool cloth to wipe Melissa’s face. He waved Whelon off and, with a nod, Whelon drew Sasha from the room. The moment they were outside, his mate spoke.

“Can’t you help her?” There was fear for Melissa in Sasha’s voice.

His sweet, sweet mate.

“We have lots of technical equipment,” Whelon told her. “We can perform a perfect Caesarion if needed. Preor young are not human, though. They can be put in serious danger if they are taken from the womb too soon. Even with all our technology, caring for a dragonlet that needs to be within its mother or at her breast is difficult. Our young ones simply do not survive in incubators as yours are able.”

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