Home > Whelon (Dragons of Preor #12)(8)

Whelon (Dragons of Preor #12)(8)
Author: Celia Kyle

“Shaa kouva…” he repeated the term of endearment, louder this time. He held out his hand as he took careful, slow steps toward his mate. The Knowing provided her name to him and he tried that instead. “Sasha…”

“Whelon,” she murmured, her eyes locked on him. Only a few feet separated them then.

Everyone in the meeting room had stepped back against the walls. Preor warriors spoke softly and pointed, nodding and smiling. This was what they had all come to hope for. Even if no others found their mate, this match would give everyone renewed hope that another was waiting for them among the human populace.

The women gathered on the opposite side of the room watched with amazement though some seemed downright hostile. He got the impression that some had come to the Choosings several times and still had not found a male. He could almost feel their jealousy stealing across the room toward him and Sasha.

Yet… that was not quite right. No, he realized it was a reflection of emotions from his mate. It wasn’t that he sensed their jealousy. It was her. There was a deep well of insecurity attached to the emotions, as if she could not go anywhere or do anything without being judged harshly.


“You are perfect, shaa kouva.”

Sasha shook her head. Her beautiful red lips opened and she mouthed the words, “Shaa kouvi.”

It was the most beautiful sound Whelon had ever heard.

Now that they no longer fought one another, his dragon gave him strength. He found he could straighten and catch his breath as he took careful, slow steps toward his mate. He smiled and reached for her, desperate to touch her hand and feel the softness of her skin on his own. As he drew near enough to touch her, she took a quick step back, and it struck him that she backed away from him now.

What was this? They were mates. Why would she…

He frowned and his dragon experienced the first twinges of panic at her retreat. It raged to be free, to take her, claim her. The beast knew nothing of finesse or common sense. It simply wanted and it had been searching for centuries for its mate. It wanted her to belong to them. Now.

Whelon continued to hold out his hand as he crept forward further. If she was afraid and attempting to reject the Knowing… why had she attended the cattle call? His mind was blinded by red-gold fiery fury, and he knew he could not think clearly until his dragon was appeased.

How do I appease the beast when my mate will not take my hand? he wondered wearily.

Even as she continued to back away, his fear did not consume him. They were not far apart, and he knew that within a couple of steps he would be able to touch her and all would be well.

Except… a mass of people suddenly appeared, swarming his mate, and it took him a few moments to realize what was happening. He was so focused on his mate’s face he didn’t see the several darkly clad people rush through the doors and surround Sasha until they entirely blocked her from his view. They grabbed her, dragging her toward the door. Even though she had been resisting him, her eyes filled with panic and she cried out for Whelon.

“Shaa kouvi!” Her cry was all the dragon needed to wrench complete control over him. Whelon’s shift rolled through him before he had even left the room in pursuit of his mate.

Several Preor warriors launched themselves at Whelon, their muscles straining as they attempted to restrain him. But he threw them off and chased after the small crowd of humans who had spirited away his mate. He shook off the last, lingering warrior and raced to the wide parking lot outside the Choosing station, but… no one was to be seen in the area. Fresh tire marks lay on the asphalt, as if a large vehicle had raced away.

Dragon still riding him hard, Whelon was in the sky before he contemplated his actions, his beast roaring fire toward the clouds above as he took to the skies. He didn’t know where he ventured, nor did he know how to find her, but that didn’t stop the beast. The dragon flew frantic circles over the surrounding roads and buildings, but he found no clue as to where his mate had been taken.

How did they get away so fast? He mentally cursed the Preor warriors that had slowed his progress, a rumbling growl building in his chest.

Before he could put voice to his impending roar, the impact of another dragon struck his side and sent him careening. He roared and bared his teeth at the other beast, blowing flames at the intruder. Yet the other dragon was undeterred, nudging him again and clicking his teeth together in a feigned bite.

On his other side, another interloper shouldered against him, bracketing him in vicious beasts. He beat his wings and tried to bolt free of their oppressive presence, but he was too confused, too reactive as both he and his dragon approached a state of panic.

Preor were extremely dangerous when threatened—a male hunting for his mate, more so than most.

Yet he soon realized he could not properly hunt with these two warriors intent on getting him to land, so he let the others guide him back to the earth, his dragon only allowing it as his wings began to fail. Before he even touched the ground, the Knowing sickness flooded him, making him stumble as his claws struck the sand. He took one lumbering step and then another before his dragon’s form retreated and his two-legged shape returned to him.

He dropped to his knees in the sands of the Gulf of Mexico, clutching his stomach as it twisted and writhed within him. It was a good thing he hadn’t eaten as his stomach attempted to empty itself while his heart hammered violently. Even through the Knowing sickness, he attempted to find his feet once more, wings outstretched and beating as he tried to fly and find Sasha… Must. Find. Her!

But Whelon could not move. He could do nothing except hold onto himself and pray he did not lose consciousness.

Whoever had taken Sasha had gotten her away with incredible speed. Already they had taken her a great distance from him, the strength of the Knowing sickness telling him how far they had already traveled.

The Knowing sickness… Yes, it was upon him. It consumed his every cell yet he bore the pain with the strength of a soldier. He could not bear that his mate was out there, his shaa kouva, suffering because she was parted from him.

He would find her and those who sought to keep them apart would pay.



Chapter Seven



Sasha was nauseated and weak, the streetlights strobing across the vehicle windows only making her symptoms worse. She wasn’t sure where the large, dark van had come from—she and her mother had traveled to the Choosing station in a taxi—but it seemed her mother had a bigger plan than she initially shared with Sasha.

“What’s happening?” she murmured, swallowing hard against the rising bile in her throat.

Her mother knelt at her side and touched her forehead, pressing the back of her hand to her skin to gauge her temperature. They were in the back of the panel van, Sasha lying on a mattress that covered half of the cargo space. She glanced around weakly and spied cupboards and small panels set with electrical sockets and chargers. Almost as if the van were setup like a small mobile home.

How long has she been planning this? Venom filled her mental voice. This van was not like the trailer they occasionally took to remote locations.

No, that vehicle has my name plastered all over the exterior. This van is for secrecy—for hiding.

Sasha moaned, clutching her stomach and squeezing her eyes shut as dizziness assailed her. Sweat seeped from her pores and dried on her skin, making her feel scratchy and gross. Even though she shivered from a sudden chill that claimed her, she continued to sweat.

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