Home > Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3)(25)

Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3)(25)
Author: T. Gephart

Tibbs was the last person I was expecting to see. And had I been prepared for it, I might’ve been able to form words. Instead, my mouth stayed shut as I glanced over to where Presley was, oblivious that her brother had just walked in. “You know you’re going to piss her off,” I coughed out, the her in question not needing to be named. “I thought the plan was you find out what was happening with Shapiro and I was keeping an eye on Presley?”

Sure, he had as much right as anyone else to visit Diablo—it was still a public place and everything—maybe more so since his sister was running it. But I’d spent the better part of the day and evening trying to disguise my hard-on and pretend the woman who shared a bed with me last night wasn’t the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

And yes, I’d said all that bullshit about us being friends while trying my best to keep my hands off her. What I didn’t need when I was already fighting that battle was Tibbs looking over my shoulder, noticing shit that would pretty much confirm I was terrible at that game.

It had been what? A day? Twelve hours? I was still in deep with the DTs and had to pretend like it was all good.

Tibbs looked out to the dance floor, smiling in appreciation at the gyrating bodies. “Shapiro is on it, but investigations take time. He’s not just going to dig up something in an hour if the PD haven’t found anything. Besides, I’m climbing the walls. North and Quinn have gone to Hayden’s house for dinner with the chief, and I didn’t feel like dealing with the rookie.”

“North AND Quinn went to dinner with Chief and Hayden? Jesus, did Mack lose his mind?” I shook my head, wondering what was stranger. The chief having a girlfriend or that he was letting North’s beautiful but slightly crazy wife be involved in a date. Things were obviously going well for them if they’d moved to that stage. Still, I could understand why Tibbs didn’t want to sit home alone.

“Hi boys.” Two girls we’d met once before slithered into the two vacant seats. “We were hoping we’d see you.”

They meant Tibbs, the pair of them hooking up with him not so long ago. While the brunette had originally showed interest in me, she quickly changed her target when she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted. Tibbs didn’t seem to mind, happily picking up my slack and entertaining them both.

“Ladies.” Tibbs raised his eyebrows, widening his arms. “So glad you could join us. What an amazing strike of good fortune.”

Not sure any of it was good fortune, especially since my night had taken a dramatic turn. It had gone from working out how I was going to drive Presley home and not fucking kiss her, to watching my best friend tag-team two women. Which should have helped the situation in a way, the sideshow he was providing enough to get my mind off his sister. Except that Presley had suddenly diverted her attention to us and not only saw her brother, but the ladies he’d attracted, one of which who was trying to sit in my lap.

“Oops, we’ve been spotted.” Tibbs laughed, waving to Presley who was shooting such a murderous vibe I was surprised we weren’t laying in pools of our own blood. “And she doesn’t look happy.”

No, asshole, she doesn’t. And while I was sure she didn’t enjoy watching Tibbs get down and dirty in her classy establishment, she was saving an extra special death glare for me.



“Yeah, not going to happen, Babe.” I shook my head, making it clear that my lap and everything in it wasn’t on offer. “But thanks.”

Even if I didn’t have the woman I wanted glaring at me a few feet away, like hell I wanted to go where Tibbs had been not even a week before. We were close, but not that close. And one thing we never shared was women.

And while I was dealing with Ursula the sea witch and her many arms, Presley had made her way over to get a better view.

“Tibbs.” Her voice was ice cold, using the name we all did especially when she was pissed off. “Wasn’t expecting you tonight.” She smiled at the two ladies, both more handsy than was probably needed.

“Better I spend my money in your club than anyone else’s, right?” He winked at his sister, trying to smooth it over.

She rolled her eyes, not seeing a drink in front of him other than my half-consumed beer. “Well, then enjoy. And stay out of trouble.”

Her eyes glanced over to me, but she didn’t say anything, forcing a smile before walking off. It wasn’t even an angry walk, her measured steps taking her hot fucking legs away.

There was no need for an explanation. We weren’t dating and as far as sleeping together, well that was supposed to be stopping too. But whether or not she deserved one, didn’t matter. I wanted to give her one. To let her know that even if we weren’t a thing—which we weren’t—that I wasn’t some guy who went between women like a dog. Sure, I’d had my share of casual hook ups in the past, but nothing like Tibbs. I preferred if there was a connection, with nameless random sex making me feel weird. Maybe it was my upbringing, or maybe I just needed more than the physical release. And while I never really cared what people thought, with Presley, yeah, I fucking cared.

“Listen, it’s not going to happen.” I did my best not to shove the brunette out of my lap. “Tibbs, I’ll be back.”

Not bothering to give him any more than that, I stalked after Presley. She might have been wearing killer heels, but she could really move in them when she wanted to. My path was obscured by bodies, all of them in no hurry to get out of my way as I watched her brown curls disappear from sight.

“Looking for someone?” Raelle appeared, her hands landing on her hips.

The look on her face was enough to know she knew there was something between me and Presley. And considering she’d been the one to call Tibbs, she was partly responsible. “I’m not fucking around, Raelle. Why did you call Tibbs?”

“Because you two seem hell-bent on keeping away from each other. So, there you go.” She pointed in the direction I’d left Tibbs and his female friends. “But you can’t have it both ways. You want her, then go get her. You don’t, let her find someone else. She’s been dicked around plenty, she doesn’t need that from you.”

Raelle was maybe five-three, and would’ve been lucky to weigh one fifteen. But what she lacked in physicality she made up for in attitude, her intention to protect her friend, clear.

“I’m not dicking her around, we’re friends,” I answered, annoyed I had to justify myself to her.

She laughed, flipping me off. “Then go back to your posse, Leighton. Presley’s busy.”

Not giving me a chance to respond she left, heading back to the bar like the conversation hadn’t even taken place. Meanwhile, I was left in the middle of the floor surrounded by people I didn’t know and/or like.

Annoyed and determined to find Presley, I moved back where I knew her office was. There was a better-than-average chance that Bennett was going to stop me, but that was the risk I was willing to take.

Surprisingly, it was someone else.


He didn’t even speak, tipping his head and waiting for me to explain.

“I need to see Presley.”

“Does she want to see you?” he asked, drilling a hole in my head.

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