Home > Crimson Painted Snow(14)

Crimson Painted Snow(14)
Author: Brea Alepou

Holy shit. Snoe sat up ever so slowly, still not trusting what was going on. His body felt light—there was no evidence of the ordeal he’d just been through. He lifted his hands up, turning them over. Not a blemish on them. They looked cleaner than they had since he’d moved out into the forest.

“Wow.” Relishing in the moment of no longer feeling the pain, Snoe forgot about why he was there.

Claws scratching against the wooden floor drew Snoe’s attention. His head snapped up. Snoe wasn’t there for fun and games, remembering what he had to do to get the demon on his side. Snoe stared in horror as seven enormous wolves walked into the room. Their bodies seemed to shimmer, as if made of smoke instead of fur. Their eyes glowed a deep red, like blood. Sharp teeth dripped with saliva and soon would have Snoe’s blood on them. It had Snoe scrambling back until his back hit a wall.

His hands were clammy, and his heart felt as if it was going to beat out of his chest. He couldn’t do it again. Snoe wasn’t physically strong, and there was no way in hell he could handle them. The wolves crept closer, and Snoe attempted to crawl up the wall.

He was sure he was giving off the scent of fear, only making himself even more appetizing to the predators. One of them snapped his teeth at Snoe, and he nearly passed out as he pushed himself harder against the wall. But there was no escape, none that would actually help him. Snoe turned his hands up and made himself as small as he could, showing submission, hoping that would work.

The demon wolves stopped moving toward him, and Snoe watched with a mix of unease and wonderment as the black smokey bodies formed into humans with flesh. It was different from the shifters; there were no sounds of breaking and reforming bones. They seemed to change from one form to the next as easy as breathing.

Snoe went from cowering in fear of seven wolves to seven stark naked men standing in front of him. Shock was the only explanation that Snoe could think of as to why he couldn’t talk.

But it didn’t seem to matter if he could talk or not. One of them moved over to him and roughly grabbed Snoe by the arm. He flinched away and tried to pull his arm free, not willing to go through another beating. He tried to feel for his magic. Maybe he could do something, but where his magic always lay within him was now empty—there was nothing. Panic had his head spinning as he slumped in the wolf’s hold, but that seemed unimportant.

In that moment, Snoe expected to be beaten all over again. Tears slid from his eyes as he realized he couldn’t do anything to attempt to fight against them. They didn’t even bother to break his hands; he was weaker than a human. He truly was pathetic.

Snoe’s chin was roughly gripped with calloused fingers and his head yanked to the side. Snoe squeezed his eyes shut, and his body trembled as he prepared for the onslaught of a fist. But as lips pressed hard against his lips, Snoe’s eyes flashed open; despite the hands being rough, they were caressing his body, not beating it. Teeth bit his lip, and the pain had Snoe gasping. The man didn’t take long to plunge his tongue into Snoe’s mouth, devouring and dominating him in a way Snoe had never had before.

As a Blake, most of his lovers feared him and never truly took charge in the bedroom. The few he’d actually taken notice of, anyway. Snoe had stayed clear of most prominent families who had something to gain when being with him, but that meant he’d ended up with lower-class lovers who never stayed around for long. They were afraid of Snoe’s father or of his social standing. It was insane, and it had left Snoe wanting something he’d craved for a long time.

As fingers danced along his spine and more bodies pressed up against him, Snoe realized way too late that he was also naked. Rough fingers and nails scratched against his skin. His nipples were twisted and pulled to the point of pain. Snoe groaned and tried to pull back from the kiss to express his pain, but fingers tangled in his hair and there was no room to escape. There wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t being touched. It was a lot, and Snoe wasn’t sure where he should focus.

A hard length pressed against his back and slid between his cheeks. Snoe’s heart leaped into his throat at the thought of being used without lube. And at how big the guy felt behind him. There was no way in hell he’d be able to take him without some prep. The hard length was roughly thrusting between his cheeks, dragging over his hole. It caught a few times, and each time Snoe held his breath. Everything happening to him should have had Snoe screaming. Instead he found himself moaning into the toe-curling kiss.

His attention was being pulled in every direction. His hands were grabbed, and Snoe flinched, all too scared they were going to break his hands. He balled his fists on instinct, trying to protect himself. A deep growl right next to his ear had him trembling in their embrace.

“Open your hand.” The words were accompanied by licks to the shell of Snoe’s ear and a cock pressed against the back of his hand. It dawned on Snoe what the man wanted, and he slowly opened his hand. It didn’t take long for both hands to be given two very different hard cocks. Snoe’s thoughts were getting muddied up as the onslaught of sensory overlord continued to drown him in the unknown pleasure of touch.

Finally, Snoe’s mouth was released from the dizzying kiss. He shouldn’t have gotten so wrapped up into it. He breathed heavily, sucking in much-needed air. It didn’t last long, and Snoe didn’t get a chance to talk before another man cupped his face. He was a little gentler with his approach. He had auburn hair and deep black eyes; they were as dark as the night sky. A stark difference to when he was in his demon wolf form. Snoe got a small glimpse around as all seven of them crowded him at once.

The auburn-haired man pulled Snoe in for a kiss. Snoe was helpless in their hands, opening up to the kiss on a moan as a hand wrapped around his cock and stroked it. Snoe was being attacked from all angles, and he was falling deeper and deeper into the confusion of pleasure. This isn’t why he was there, but a bigger part of him didn’t care. This was better than pain any day, and after everything he went through, he fucking deserved to drown himself in pleasure.

Snoe was losing his grip, slowly but surely. His hips rocked back in time with the rough guy thrusting against his ass as he returned the kiss to the one in front of him. Snoe’s hands were moving of their own accord, no longer needing direction, and they were coated with precome. A part of Snoe relished that he had all seven men vying for him. Call it egotistic or whatever, but Snoe craved the attention more than he thought he should.

Snoe lost himself in the kiss, their tongues intertwining in a dance that Snoe never wanted to end. Or better yet, he wondered how the others would kiss him.

“Hurry the fuck up,” the one behind Snoe grumbled.

He sounded angry and gruff, and it made the hair on the back of Snoe’s neck raise. There were more growls at the angry one’s words.

“Don’t start that shit,” another snapped.

Even as they argued, their hands never left Snoe. They continued to touch him. The maddening hand around his cock disappeared, and it took everything in Snoe not to whine for it to come back. He was close—call him crazy, but he had seven guys after him, and they were all touching him in the right places. Snoe opened his mouth to give a suggestion when the man behind him wrapped his big hand around Snoe’s neck and pulled him back. Snoe’s head tilted at an awkward angle. He was ready to argue his own point and then his lips crashed with the gruff man.

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