Home > Crimson Painted Snow(52)

Crimson Painted Snow(52)
Author: Brea Alepou

Blade enjoyed cooking. It was a simple task, and many things had directions. He also liked the look of happiness on Master’s face when he ate his food.

“No, now get up and put pants on already,” Master said. He had a smile on his face that reached his eyes.

“Things are going according to plan?” Blade asked, flipping the last pancake.

Master nodded. “I don’t want to jinx it or anything, but yeah.”

Blade cupped his face and brought their lips together, tasting the sweet flavor of syrup on his lips. It was strange—every moment that passed and they were with Master, Blade’s devotion grew for the man.

“You know we would die for you?” Blade said. He wasn’t sure why he said it; it was a known fact, but he’d felt the need to put the words out there.

Master sucked in a breath as he stared into Blade’s eyes. “I know.”

Blade let his face go.

“You should sit and eat,” Blade said.

He shrugged. “We don’t have time. Is everyone ready? It’s the last elder. We need to make this work.”

With a resounding yes, they left. The next elder on their list didn’t live within the city. The drive was long, but being next to Master made it bearable. By the time they made it to their destination—a secluded mansion—it was nightfall.

“Kill whoever gets in our way but leave the main family alive. Easier to negotiate that way,” Master said.

They got out of the car, and in front of them was the mansion. Not the biggest one they’d been to, but still, the witches sure liked to flaunt their cash. A few humans came out with guns in their hands. Blade moved quickly and efficiently, ripping one of the guard’s throats out and sending the other flying with a kick. Gunner was right next to him, beating the other human into the ground until he was a puddle of blood.

They continued moving further into the house, each of them killing anyone who dared hold a weapon at Master. They paved the way with blood and bodies. Blade shifted into his demon wolf form and leaped, tackling another human to the ground. He opened his mouth wide and cut off the scream as he clamped his teeth down. Blood coated his tongue, and bone scraped against his teeth, and still he bit down harder until the bone shattered.

Blade shifted back, running his fingers through his hair and wiping the blood from his mouth. This was fun. The thrill of killing coursed through his veins. He wanted to kill more, hear the bloody screams of his victims.

“Come on, Smooth and Nyght already cuffed two witches, one fitting Mel’s description,” Master said.

Master smiled at him. “You can kill some more later,” he promised.

Blade calmed himself down as the thrill of the fight settled. “After you, Master.”

Master placed a single hand on his arm before he continued to walk. They made it to a large living room. Two men sat in chairs; one had bruises on his face, but both sported the cuffs.

“Found this one,” Wolly said.

He was covered in just as much blood as Blade. He pushed the younger witch further into the room.

“Please, he is our son,” one of the men pleaded.

“It’s okay, he can stay alive as long as he does nothing rash,” Master said, walking around the large couch and taking a seat as if it was his place.

“Mel Hollow, I’m glad we could have this meeting,” Master said.

“Meeting? What the hell are you talking about? You just barged in, killed most of my guards, and clearly threatened my family. I don’t know who you think you are—”

“If you shut up, you just might find out,” Master said, interrupting Mel. “You can call me Mr. Whyte. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

Mel crossed his arms. “Only in passing. You’re a witch who is trying to climb up the ranks. A fool if you ask me.”

“I’m not asking you,” Master said. He shook his head.

“You’ve got to be out of your mind, coming in here acting as if you run the place. Get out of—”

“Mel, love, please,” the man next to Mel, who was his husband, said.

“Can my son be excused back to his room if your business is with us?” the husband asked.

“No,” Master said. He lifted his hand, stopping any argument that might have come his way. “It’s not because I have any plans for him. But I don’t trust him. What’s to say he doesn’t call out for help or something. As long as he stays quiet and out of the way, he will be fine.”

“Dad and Pop, I’m fine. Don’t talk to this asshole. He’s a nobody; we are the great Hollow family, head of our coven. Dad is an elder. We are abov—” the young witch said.

“Indie, enough. Keep quiet, and you will stay safe,” the husband said.

Wolly snickered. “You better listen to your parents over there.”

“Now, what is it you want from us?” the husband asked.

“Our son is right, they are below us,” Mel argued.

Blade was sure if he broke the man’s legs, he’d realize just how below he was to Master. He refrained from hurting the man even if it was against his nature. Master sighed but let the married couple continue to bicker back and forth. Blade found it tedious. There were only two options: agree to Master’s terms or death. It was simple, and yet they needed to discuss it.

The glint of a knife caught Blade’s eyes. A stupid boy. He waited until the idiot took one step toward Master before he moved. Blade grabbed the man and broke his neck in the next breath. Blade let the lifeless body drop to the ground.

“What have you done? That was my son,” Mel shouted as he tried to reach out for his dead son but made it nowhere as Gunner pulled him back into the seat.

“He attempted to go after our Master. I gave him a quick death. You should be thanking Master for that,” Blade said.

Both men’s eyes were solely trained on the body at Blade’s feet. It was pointless. He was dead and would never come back. If they cared so much, maybe they should have taught their son to grasp his surroundings. He thought just because he wasn’t using magic, he might slip past them and kill Master.

Blade wanted to raise him from the dead just to kill him again. The audacity of some people. Blade looked to Master, and he gave him a smile, one Blade planned to forever protect. He didn’t care how many people he had to kill. Master was his sole purpose of living now.

“You have three other children,” Master said.

“Is that a threat?” Mel asked through clenched teeth, sis fists balled at his side. He looked ready to pounce, and Blade hoped he did, just so he could kill more.

“Honey, calm down, please,” his husband begged. Tears formed in his eyes but he didn’t let one fall. It was a bit impressive.

“I’d listen to him. As you can see, rash decisions will only result in further pain for you and the ones you love,” Master said.

“You come into my home and kill my son and you want me to be rational about it?” Mel stood, and each one of them was ready. The man couldn’t use his magic, but if Blade had learned anything being in the regular realm, it was that cornered people lashed out in unimaginable ways.

Master, to his credit, didn’t budge from his seat. He was so different from the first time they’d met. He was more solidified and confident in himself and them. He made bold moves and stuck by them. He no longer showed weakness to anyone but them.

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