Home > Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1)(44)

Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1)(44)
Author: J. Bree

Okay, a fucking great fuck.

The second she leaves, I throw my clothes back on and make it my fucking mission to get blackout drunk. I should have a shower to get the honey-scent of her off of me but, like I said, she’s got me fucked in the head so when I wake up in my bed the following afternoon I can still smell her on my skin and my sheets.

I lay there and fucking stew in it.

I hate her.

I want her.

I want to hate her so much more than I do but instead I’m laying here fucking worried about her.

Finally I get my bitch-ass up and take a shower, shave while I try not to look at my bloodshot eyes too much, and get dressed.

When I leave my room, I find King in the chapel with the door wide open. I hesitate for about a half second but the whole fucking deal of being a man is owning your bullshit.

“You got a minute, Prez?”

He glances up at me and nods with a frown. I step into the room but I don’t close the door. I’ll keep my voice down but I don’t want anyone getting suspicious about our conversation.

It’s not about the fucking rat.

“It’s about the shooting at the bar. I’ve been thinking about it and I need to triple the security at The Boulevard."

King nods and leans back in his chair. "You think they'll hit there next?"

I shrug and pause for about a half second before I answer him honestly. Owning my fucking bullshit. "I don't wanna talk about it with Keely or Hawk yet but... I was 'struck. Angel is working down there and while there's even a fucking chance that she could get caught up in this... I'd just rather there's extra eyes. It makes sense that if they've hit the bar and the shipments it's only a matter of time before they go after the garage and the titty bar. Rue will keep shit on lockdown at the garage and I'll get over to The Boulevard when I can but right now, I've got to be where the club needs me and that isn’t always with her.”

He stares at me for a half second and then says, "A stripper? You've been 'struck by a stripper?"

I huff out a breath. "Yup. The curse strikes again, there's no fucking chance of this ending well but I'll be goddamned if I can't stop looking out for her."

King nods and looks out of the door. The bar is quiet, no guys loitering around at the moment. Everyone is on edge and has a job to fucking do. Beer will just have to wait.

"She’s the new girl right? That one who broke Mav's nose for trying to touch her? What's her story?"

I do not want to talk about her, especially not with my lost uncle, the one I haven't had all that much to do with thanks to prison but he's also my Prez and if shit is going to go right around here then we need to have some form of a good relationship.

"Yeah. She's a fucking vault. Won't talk to anyone about anything, except maybe Poe. She's twitchy and flighty. Speck thinks she's got an old man somewhere beating on her but nothing we've tried to get her to talk has panned out and we've been too busy with club bullshit to tail her properly."

He nods and leans back in his chair. "Don't write her off. Keely was a good girl but that also made her dangerous for a long time. Your pops spent a lot of time dancing around with her before we knew she was it for him. She coulda easily been too straight for this life but she's fucking perfect. Strippers don't always mean drug addicts and whores."

Something fucking snaps in my head over him calling her a whore, even if he wasn't directly saying it, and he smirks at whatever it is my face is doing. "Yeah, you're fucked. Either way, the curse has you locked the fuck down."

I get up, ready to get back to my work and find these assholes and he calls out to me.

"Tomi, if she is bad news... you'll get over it. I know you're pissed off about it now but Callaghans always move on. I'm better off now than when I was trying to sort shit out with Liza. It’s not the fucking end of everything, even if it feels like it.”

That’s way too much emotion for me but I can’t say that to my Prez. I just nod my head and walk my ass outta there, keeping my ass moving until I get to my hog. I need to take the long way to The Boulevard, let the fresh air clear my head until I can deal with Angel without losing my shit.

My face must be fucking terrifying because everyone scatters the second I step into the strip club. It’s probably for the best, the ride over barely took the edge off of my mood.

I lock myself into my office and get back onto my laptop, trying to keep my attention on the stats and not the hot piece of ass destroying my life, slowly but surely.


Lawson switched out his SIM card.

That’s not that big of a deal but he switched it out, called his dad and then switched it back to the club-issued SIM.

What the fuck is he up to?

My attention is so focused on that twenty-eight second phone call between Harbin and Lawson that I almost miss Angel arriving to work.

In a police cruiser.

I squint at the security cam but no matter how I change my gaze it doesn't change the fact that Angel is climbing out of Thorn's patrol car and leaning back into the window to speak to him, a smile on her face.

Is she... is this her version of a walk of shame? Did she fuck me and then run off to his bed? My vision turns blood red.

Not on my fucking watch.

I call him.

"What a coincidence, I'm just dropping one of your girls off."

"I know, I'm watching you right now and you better be real fucking careful on how you answer this next question. Did you fuck Angel last night?"

He groans. "Are you kidding me? Are you really getting all fucking territorial about a piece of club ass?"

The door clicks open and shut, her footfalls easy to distinguish against all of the other noises in the club. I'm primed for her, always listening out for her presence, and isn't that just the fucking worst thing for this cunt down the line.

"Answer the fucking question."

He sighs. "No, I didn't. I would though, if she wanted me, have you seen the ass on her? What am I saying, of course you have. Alby found her asleep on his front doorstep last night. She didn't have anywhere else to go, no car thanks to Poe working on hers, and the cabs don't go out to that side of town after two in the morning. She was fucking terrified and I took her in for the night. She's staying with me until her house is ready next week."

What the actual fuck?!

It’s hard, but I manage to unclench my jaw enough to tell him, “Don’t fucking bother. I’ll sort her out.”

Thorn laughs. “It’s no fucking problem, she’s—“

“She’s gonna get you six foot under if your mouth keeps fucking running. I said she’s good. Don’t come back here unless you’re feeling ready to meet your fucking maker, asshole.”

I hang up.

Then I throw my phone at the wall so hard the screen shatters.



I can’t go out and confront Angel the way I want to.

I want to walk out and throw her over my fucking shoulder, drag her into my office and force her to tell me everything.

Who is taking her money?

Why is she fucking flinching?

Why the hell is sleeping on a fucking doorstep a reasonable option to her?

I’m fucking enraged so I make probably the first good decision when it comes to Angel and I leave her the hell alone for the night while she dances.

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