Home > Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1)(61)

Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1)(61)
Author: J. Bree

Axe is dressed in black, his cut still hanging in the office by some stroke of luck. He looks like a security guy, some hired muscle who will just take their shit without needing to bleed for the patch.

“Find the girl.”

My eyes snap across the room and meet Law’s.

It’s Poe.

They’re here for her.

My eyes drop back down but Poe already has her phone out, the screen lit up from where I can see it so she’s got Rue on the line already. We just need to stay alive and safe until he gets here.

Then the Demons start hurting the girls.

I can’t stand listening to it and neither can Poe, I see her hands begin to shake and I know exactly what’s going through her head.

They’re going through the girls to find her.

They’re being hurt for her.

I know it’s not her fault, I know it, but I also know how heavy that shit will weigh on her because my skin is crawling at the sounds of the other women being thrown around.

When the group of guys comes to grab Axe he throws a few good punches but the club is now teeming with Demons and there’s no real chance of getting the hell out of here without people dying.

Or a sacrifice.

I figure that out at the same time as Poe does but when she opens her mouth I step forward, discreetly stashing the gun on the bar and ignoring Axe’s scowl at me from where he’s bleeding on his knees.

My voice shakes but they hear me clear enough. “I’m Posey Graves. You’re here for me right? I’ll go with you, just stop hurting the girls.”

I can’t choke the word please out of my mouth.

Poe makes a squeaking noise and I glance back to find Lyn’s hand wrapped around her mouth, stopping her from arguing with me or saying a goddamn word.


Rue will be here any freaking minute for her and at least I’ll die knowing my death will keep her safe.

It’s more than I thought I’d die with.



I wish so fucking badly that I had the chance to put pants on before the Demons got to The Boulevard, because the feel of their hands on me has bile creeping up the back of my throat.

The comments that they make about me make me choke on it.

“I’m fucking her first.”

The guy holding my arm and dragging me wrenches me closer to his body. “No fucking way. Fastest way onto the Council is bagging this bitch so she’s mine! It’ll be fucking weird, imagine sticking your dick in some bitch that looks like Grimm.”

The guy walking out in the front laughs. “She doesn’t though, thank fuck. If she’s dancing in the club she’s gotta have a decent rack under the Unseen rags.”

The night is cool and quiet outside and I freaking pray that Rue will arrive now and shoot these assholes in the fucking head.

He doesn’t.

They walk me out to the farthest end of the parking lot and with none of the other businesses even open the entire block is quiet. No one would even be able to tell that there’s an MC war happening in this sleepy little town tonight.

It all turns to shit when we get to the car waiting there.

The guy holding my arms spins me around and looks me over, unzipping the hoodie and grunting at me.

“Well, fuck! I wasn’t expecting much from the little lost Graves girl but that’s a fucking great rack! I’m sure you bring the green in for the Unseen, do you fuck them all too? You’ll have to show me how good you service your men.”

Instinct kicks in and there’s no fucking way I’m just going to just lie down and take it. No fucking way am I being raped here or back at some other location.

If I’m here to die then they can just fucking kill me.

My hand shoots out to punch him in the nose and it breaks just as well as Mav’s had. When blood comes pouring out of his face he flings me around by my arm until my body slams into the car, my head snapping back and colliding with the glass. I feel just a little dazed when he kicks my legs out from under me, sending me down to the gravel where he can kick the shit out of me.

He really does enjoy kicking me.

He just doesn’t do it long enough to take me out.

“Fucking whore, tie her the fuck up! Get her in the fucking trunk, if she’s not going to play nice she can fucking rot in there. It’s a long drive to Texas, little Graves!”

One of the other guys scoops me up and drops my body into the trunk like I weigh nothing. I feel my ribs crunch, knocking the wind out of me, and I can’t even fight back when they tie my arms behind my back, slipping a blindfold over my eyes as well.

When they slam the hatch back down the air in the trunk goes hot and heavy, but maybe that’s just my panic.

I try to remember what the hell I’m supposed to do in this kinda situation but it’s been too fucking long since my dad taught me. All I remember is to kick out the tail lights. It’s loud as fuck but the car doesn’t stop. They wouldn’t be able to hear a fucking thing over that terrible freaking music in the front anyway.

Can’t account for taste.

We drive for a while. It’s hard to get a good feel of time passing but I’d guess about an hour or so. They drive recklessly and I find myself being thrown around in the trunk so I barely notice when the brakes are slammed and the car comes to a screaming halt.

The music suddenly shuts off and I hear muffled talking from within the car, sounding a little like an argument.

Then the screaming starts.

Blood curdling, bone chilling screaming from fully grown men.

Even being in the trunk it sounds like a fucking horror movie, the kind of screams that come from the worst possible deaths. If there were literally anything in my bladder, I’d wet myself in terror but instead I lie there and tremble like a freaking leaf.

Is it Rue?

Hell, did Tomi come home to find me gone and go into some kind of fucking rage-fueled massacre?

When the screaming finally stops the silence is even worse. If it’s not the Unseen here to rescue me then that means I might be the next victim of… whatever the hell is happening here.

The trunk pops open and a squeal rips out of my throat that I can’t hold in.

I don’t recognize the voice at all when the man speaks. “I found her… yeah, I know the one… she’s beat up but breathing, bring your medic.”


Okay, that sounds positive I guess?

Then I’m lifted up, the arms around me like stone, and even if the voice didn’t tip me off I know for sure that I don’t know this guy because this just feels… wrong.

I’m in danger.

Even if this guy was sent by the MC there’s something not fucking right about this situation and I’m really fucking scared.

The man places me into a car and cuts the ties off of my wrists but he doesn’t take the blindfold off. I heard him talking to someone on the phone, I know he’s here to rescue me so why the hell hasn’t he taken it off?

“If I take it off you, I’ll have to kill you.”

Oh God.

Maybe the Unseen hadn’t sent him.

My hands shake and I clasp them in my lap, not at all trying to hide how fucking terrified I am.

The drive is smooth and the engine is a loud roar. It’s a muscle car for sure but obviously well maintained and he drives it like it’s on rails.

I sit there in silence and try not to weep, no idea how much time has passed before he speaks again.

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