Home > Amish Snow White(11)

Amish Snow White(11)
Author: Ashley Emma

When Jordan had married Henry, Adriana had felt as though he was not the right man for her, that he didn’t truly love her. She had no idea back then what Henry was truly capable of.

Over the years, Adriana had asked Jordan over and over if Henry was abusing her or hurting her in any way. It wasn’t just the feeling Adriana had about Henry anymore, the feeling she’d had that he was dangerous ever since she’d met him. It wasn’t just the way Adriana overheard him talking down to Jordan, criticizing everything from the way she walked to how she laughed.

When Jordan started getting bruises on her arms and face, blaming it on walking into a door or tripping over something, Adriana knew for sure. But Jordan continued to assure Adriana that she had a happy marriage, even defending Henry, saying he had never hurt her and never would.

Of course, Adriana knew that wasn’t true. Henry must have threatened Jordan so she wouldn’t tell.

Adriana tried to get Jordan to help her prove Henry was abusive by hiding cameras in the house, but Jordan had refused, even getting angry at Adriana. Adriana still didn’t know why Jordan and Megan hadn’t left Henry. Maybe Henry had threatened her, or maybe he’d brainwashed her.

Still, Adriana could have tried harder. How could she have let this happen to her sister?

Henry had killed Jordan.

He’d tried twice to kill Adriana.

What could stop him? Adriana wished more than anything that she could go to Jordan’s house and search for something, anything that would prove Henry had killed her. But she couldn’t until the new will was found.

“Oh, Megan,” Adriana cried, wrapping her arms around herself, which did nothing to ward off the bitter wind. “I’m so sorry I’m not there with you.”

She started moving toward the site of the crash, tears still streaming down her face, when large hands gently caught her and pulled her into a tender embrace.

She didn’t have to look up to know it was Dominic. Adriana sobbed into his chest as he held her, saying, "It will be okay.”

After a moment, she wiped her eyes and shook her head, suddenly embarrassed at her outward show of emotion. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. Really.”

“You don’t have to apologize for showing how you feel. You didn’t do anything to deserve this. I’m sure of it."

"How can you be so sure?" she asked, her green eyes still wet with tears.

Dominic smiled at her as they walked and said, "You are a genuine person. I can sense it, even from the short time you’ve been here. You’re kind and sincere. There’s no way you did something to deserve that.”

With each word he spoke, guilt stabbed at Adriana’s heart. She hadn’t done anything to deserve Henry trying to kill her, but after all the lies she’d told Dominic, she didn’t deserve his trust.

Or whatever feelings he had for her. When he found out about all of her lies, would he ever want to speak to her again?

“How do you know I’m a genuine person?”

“I was a police officer with the Covert Police Detectives Unit during my time away from here. If anything, the job taught me how to read people. And I can tell you have a kind, pure heart,” he told her, taking her hand.

“You were a cop?” Adriana asked, astounded. “But...you’re Amish.”

“I left for a while, then came back.”

So many thoughts swirled in Adriana’s brain. He thought she had a pure heart, yet she had been lying to him since they’d met.

Most importantly, he had been a police officer. Could he help her?

Should she tell him the truth?

“You were talking about Megan again. Who is she?” Dominic asked.

Adriana’s stomach lurched. He’d heard her? “I don’t know what you mean.”

“You said you were sorry for not being there with Megan when I walked up to you. Do you remember who she is?”

“Um…” Adriana searched for words. How could she lie her way out of this one?

“Maybe you just remember the name and that you love her, but don’t remember who she is yet,” Dominic offered.

She sighed in relief, nodding. “Yes, that’s it, I think.”

Dominic patted her arm. “Don’t worry, Snow. You’ll remember in time.”

In her head, she kept on trying to find the right words to tell him everything, but fear stopped her from voicing the truth.

Was he willing to be shunned for her when he didn’t know her at all?

Thoughts tumbled tumultuously in her head, and before she knew it, they had arrived back at the house. Constance hurried out and led her inside.

"You had us so worried. Damaris said you told her that you were going for a walk. You shouldn’t go out alone yet, not until you’re fully healed.”

"I am sorry for upsetting you." She looked from brother to mother, filled with guilt. "You’re right. I’m sorry. I went back to the site of the crash, and I didn’t even think about how it might worry you. I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. I needed to clear my head."

Dominic stood there watching her; he was so engrossed in doing it that he had no idea his mother was watching him.

"Don’t worry, Snow. I understand. You must be so confused right now. We’re just glad you’re here. I'm going to get dinner started," Constance said.

“Please, let me help,” Adriana said, but she knew that cooking and doing the dishes wouldn’t make up for the worry she’d caused Constance.

“No, no, dear. You’re just barely able to walk. You should rest,” Constance said.

“I insist. Please let me help. I feel well enough,” Adriana said, not taking no for an answer as she walked into the kitchen.


As Damaris watched her brother and the strange woman, she looked at her mother in shock. "I haven’t seen him laugh like that in years," Damaris said quiet enough so only her mother could hear.

After eating and cleaning up, they had all retired to the living room, where the younger children played board games or read books, as they usually did. The house was always filled with joyful noises between the children playing and talking with each other and the younger ones running around, but lately, Dominic had finally joined in on the fun again.

While Constance quilted and Damaris read a book, Dominic and Snow were engrossed in a conversation, laughing and joking as they played a game with the children on the floor. Daisy must have said something funny, because all of them smiled at her and erupted with hearty laughter. She had always been the clown in the family.

Constance smiled at Damaris and turned back to look at them. “I love seeing him so happy. My prayers have been answered, my child. The light has returned to his eyes."

"No! Maam, she's not Amish!" Damaris whispered.

"You think I don't know that?" Her mother smiled ruefully.

"Mother, you say that now because the woman has no recollection of her past. What if she finally remembers and wants to leave?"

"Then she will." Constance shrugged and continued her quilting.

Damaris tried reasoning with her. “And what if he leaves with her? If Dominic leaves this time, there is no coming back."

"But he will be happy, won't he? Damaris, look at your brother. That light in his eyes, that smile on his lips, that playfulness—Snow brought it all back. Now, if she does not want to become Amish and your brother chooses to follow her, do you honestly think I will do anything to stop him when his happiness is what I have prayed for?" Constance sighed happily, watching her son. “Yes, it would be terribly hard to see him leave again, and I do wish he would stay here forever. But I am praying that the Lord gives me peace about whatever he decides. I just want him to be happy again.”

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