Home > Amish Snow White(17)

Amish Snow White(17)
Author: Ashley Emma

Adriana smiled, looking up into his eyes. “You woke me up, too.”

"Now, let’s go together," Dominic said as he held her hands tighter.

"Dominic, this is not your fight." She started protesting, but he kissed her.

When he let her go, he smiled and said, "Where you go, I go. Your fight is my fight. After you get custody of Megan, we can create a family here with her," Dominic said to Adriana. “If that’s what you and Megan want.”

“It’s what I want, but I’ll have to ask Megan.” She had never been more sure of anything in her life. This place opened up new wonders to her every day and felt more like home to her than anywhere else ever had.

"Are you sure you want to live here? What about the estate?"

"More than sure. If it’s okay with Megan, I’ll sell it. It’s full of terrible memories anyway. She might want a fresh start. But if she wants to live there, then I will do that.”

“You do whatever you think is best for Megan. And whatever you decide, I will stay by your side.” Dominic held her close.

“I have to call Mrs. Clement at the phone shanty. Henry is probably at work, but I want to make sure.” Adriana dialed the housekeeper’s cell phone number, and she answered on the first ring.

“Adriana? How are you?”

“I’m okay. I’m with Dominic, and I told him everything. He wants to help me find evidence against Henry. He used to be a police officer so he could really help us out.”

“Good. We need his help now more than ever. Henry is sending Megan to boarding school in Europe, and he’s having her make the trip alone. He could easily afford to fly with her or send someone to escort her there, but he’s having her go alone. I heard him on the phone telling someone that anything could happen to a young girl traveling alone. I think he’s planning on staging an accident for her,” Mrs. Clement said, her words rushing together as she spoke quickly.

Adriana’s heart sank to the floor. “I can’t let that happen. Not again. I didn’t stop him from killing my sister, but I will stop him from killing my niece. I know I said I’d wait until you found the will, but I can’t any longer. We need to come right now. Is Henry home?”

“He’s still at work. You might have a few hours if you come now. He said he was working late tonight.”

“We will be there soon.” Adriana hung up, filled with hope for the first time in a long time. “Okay, let’s go,” Adriana said to Dominic with determination.

After speaking with Dominic’s family and hiring a driver, Adriana and Dominic left the community, and the hired driver took them to Jordan’s mansion.

As Adriana sat in the back seat of the car, her foot bounced and she wrung her hands with anxiety. Was Megan safe? She must have felt so alone all this time.

With Adriana out of the picture now, she knew Henry would do whatever needed to be done to keep the inheritance. Adriana was saddened for all that had happened to them, her sister’s death, and her own close call with death. All because of Henry’s greediness.

“It is going to be okay. Evil won’t prevail,” Dominic said comfortingly, resting his hand on hers to calm her. She stopped fidgeting as calmness and warmth flooded through her.

“Thank you,” Adriana said with a grateful smile. She would always be grateful to him and his family for the help they had rendered her. Without knowing who she was, they had cared for her. Otherwise, she would be dead by now, leaving Megan with that horrible man.

When they arrived, Adriana bolted from the car and ran toward the house. Mrs. Clement opened the door immediately, as though she’d been waiting by the door for them to arrive. The stout housekeeper dashed through the door toward Adriana with surprising speed and pulled her into a hug.

“I am so glad to see you alive and well,” Mrs. Clement said, squeezing Adriana even tighter.

Dominic got out of the car, paid the driver, and walked toward them.

“You must be Dominic,” Mrs. Clement said, smiling at him, finally releasing Adriana.

“Yes, this is Dominic. Dominic, this is Mrs. Clement,” Adriana said.

“Thank you so much for taking care of Adriana,” Mrs. Clement said.

“It was our pleasure. If it wasn’t for the car wreck, we probably would have never met,” Dominic realized out loud.

“So how is Megan? Where is she?” Adriana asked.

“I tried my best to look after her, like I promised. Henry has been civil to her, mostly ignoring her. She must be upstairs in her room doing her school work,” Mrs. Clement said. “She faked being sick today and stayed home from school. She’s been doing that lately. As you asked, I didn’t tell her you’re alive.”

“Well, I’m here now, and I’ll be searching the house and the property, so she will figure it out anyway. I’ll go talk to her.”

Adriana hurried up the stairs, her heart racing. She went down the hallway, to Megan’s door. It was locked. She pounded on the door. “Megan! Megan!” she called.

“Adriana?” Megan cried from the other side of the door. “Adriana, is that you?” Megan tumbled out into the hallway, flinging her arms around her aunt. “Angel! You’re alive!”

“Oh, Megan,” Adriana said. “I am so sorry. I’ll explain everything and why I was gone for so long.” Tears poured from Adriana’s eyes as she hugged her niece.

“Henry told me you were dead like my mom, that I would never get to see you again!” Megan cried.

“No, I’m not dead, as you can see,” Adriana said.

“Where have you been? I was so scared. Henry said he is sending me off to boarding school. He kept saying you were dead, but I was hoping you were still alive, hiding somewhere.” Megan held Adriana even tighter.

While filled with tenderness for her niece, Adriana’s fingers curled into a fist as indignation against Henry filled her. Henry was indeed a horrible person. She wished her sister had not married him, but Jordan had been too trusting. It had been too late when she realized how cruel he was.

“I’m here now, and nothing is going to happen to you,” Adriana said. “I won’t let him send you away to boarding school. Henry tried to kill me, but I survived. Dominic and his family saved my life.”

“Who’s Dominic?” Megan asked, looking at Dominic. “Him?”

Adriana smiled. “Yes. Megan, this is Dominic, and he’s my special friend. He helped me to come save you and put Henry in jail,” Adriana said.

“I like you, then,” Megan said with a grin, then hugged Dominic.

“I like you too, Megan. I can tell we’re going to be great friends,” Dominic said, giving Adriana a smile.

Adriana was filled with joy at the sight of her favorite people in the world meeting for the first time. She mouthed a “thank you” to Dominic. With his help, Henry would be put away for a very long time.

“So,” Adriana said, “what do you say we look for some evidence? Jordan always kept a journal, ever since we were kids. I think maybe she hid them where Henry would never know to look.”

“Great idea,” Megan said. “Let’s start in her favorite place: the garden.”

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