Home > Cowboy's Fake Girlfriend(2)

Cowboy's Fake Girlfriend(2)
Author: J.P. Comeau

His voice softened. “Luna…”

I slowly turned to face Bart. “I was here getting takeout for myself and my father because his new housekeeper-slash-cook has the day off. Why he gave her the day off after only four days on the job, I still don’t know. But, I need to get this food home, and soon.”

He gripped my shoulders. “After you take some breaths. With me, okay? In through the nose and out through the mouth.”

As I breathed with Bart, I felt the trembling in my knees dissipate. My back grew stronger, and my head was rising higher as I held it upright. I rolled my shoulders back and popped my neck, getting rid of the last of the tension that had risen in my body. Then, I puffed out my cheeks with a sigh. “Thank you. I needed that.”

He chuckled. “I could see that.”

I groaned. “I really know how to pick the winners, don’t I?”

He furrowed his brow. “Pick the winners? You mean—?”

I rolled my eyes. “Unfortunately, I went on a date with that guy. He’s not very happy that I wasn’t returning his phone calls.”

“May I ask why you weren’t?”

I scoffed. “He was just as aggressive with me on our date as he was then. And he didn’t like the knee I placed right into his stomach.”

I could’ve sworn I heard Bart growl. But, traffic was rushing by Pete’s Chicken so quickly that I figured it was just a car engine buzzing on the road.

“How’s your father doing, by the way?” he asked.

I drew in a deep breath. “Much better, now that he’s mobile after his double-hip replacement. It’s hell getting him to do his physical therapy, though.”

He chuckled. “Old men will always be stubborn.”

“Why is that, by the way? Is it some power struggle or something?”

He grinned. “Or something.”

I giggled. “Anyway, I need to get back in and reorder food. But thank you. Honestly.”



“You sure you don’t want to call the police or anything? I mean, how did he find were you were anyway after only one date?”

I shrugged. “I just ran into him here. I was coming out, and he was going in.”

He paused. “You sure about that?”

I blinked. “Well, now, I’m not. Thanks for that.”

“All I’m saying is that he seems pretty aggressive. If he was willing to push your boundaries on a first date and then act like this when he just ‘runs into you,’ who's to say he’s done?”

“Seriously, Bart, you’re freaking me out.”

He held up his hands. “I’m not trying to.”

“Look, the man was drunk and belligerent. He threw back way too many drinks on our date, and he smelled slightly of alcohol when he cornered me against the car.”

“I didn’t smell anything.”

I turned my back to him. “Look, I appreciate you looking out for me. Really. But, please don’t make this a bigger deal than it is. I’ve already got enough on my plate.”

“But, are you sure this guy isn’t stalking you? Especially using his reasoning for just running into you?”

I paused on the sidewalk. “I really have to get inside.”

“So, you won’t mind if I call the cops just to tell them what I saw. You know, since I witnessed it.”

I reached for the door. “Do whatever you’re going to do. Men are good at that nowadays.”

I ripped open the door and walked back inside before he could get another word in edgewise. What the hell was it with guys and their constant power struggles? I could take care of myself—always had, and I always would. My father raised me to be strong and independent. He always told me that if I could provide everything for myself, then all a man had to offer me was love and loyalty.

My father was a wise man.

Still, by the time I reordered and got it in my hands, there were three police officers outside speaking with Bart. I walked around them and got into my car, ready to take this piping-hot food back to my father’s so I could calm the crankiness that was his entire demeanor every time his stomach growled the slightest bit.

Until a knock came against my window.

“Ma’am, I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

I tried not to roll my eyes at the officer as I cranked my car and rolled my window down. “Yes, sir? Is everything all right?” I asked.

He thumbed over his shoulder. “Mr. Remington seems to think you were being accosted by a man when he drove up. You okay?”

“And like I told Mr. Remington, I’m fine. It’s just a guy I went on a date with, and he didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t pick up his phone calls. I blocked him, happened to run into him here picking up takeout, and he got upset because I admitted to blocking him. That’s it.”

The officer nodded. “Uh-huh. And he knocked your food out of your hand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yelling at you?”

“More like raising his voice. He’s a man, and they don’t like it when they don’t get their way.”

He chuckled. “I’ve been married eleven years, ma’am. I never get my way, but that don’t mean I raise my voice, as you so kindly put it.”

I sighed. “Can I be honest for a second?”

“I’d like it if you were.”

“My father is home alone with two barely mobile hips, and he’s hungry. Very hungry. And if I don’t get this meal home, he’s going to attempt to get up and fix himself something, which is going to result in him falling and messing up his hips. Who’s gonna pay for that surgery if that happens?”

He nodded. “Ma’am, I understand where you’re coming from. But, we get called to a scene, we have to be thorough.”

The more he questioned me, the more I felt the food growing cold in my lap. And by the time the three officers were done poking and prodding my mind for what had happened, not even the heat from my thighs kept the damn takeout warm. It burned me to my core. I was well over an hour late getting dinner back, and all because Bart had to stick his nose where it didn’t belong.

What in the world is wrong with men?

“Is that your receipt?” Bart asked. His voice came out of nowhere before I saw his arm dip through my window.

“What the—hey! Give me that!”

He jogged toward the door to the restaurant. “Be right back, Luna!”

I groaned. “I hate this entire day.”

The officer appeared at my window again. “Just need your signature here, here, and sign and initial here.”

I did as the officers told me before I handed back their pen. Then, as they finally started clearing out, I watched Bart burst out of the restaurant. He held a fresh bag of takeout in his hands and two to-go drinks, and as he came up to my window, he stuck his arm back in.

“Two sweet teas, two large number sixes, one with coleslaw and fries and one with macaroni and cheese as well as mashed potatoes. No gravy, you’re welcome for that. I also got you two a couple of cookies and a slice of cheesecake thrown in as well. Here, hand me that bag in your lap.”

I shook my head. “Bart, you didn’t have t—”

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