Home > The Artist(15)

The Artist(15)
Author: Elin Peer

“Indiana and Mason, I’m making you two responsible for keeping the fireplace running so that the cabin is warm and cozy at all times,” Thor instructed.

“No problem,” Indiana said.

“Any volunteers for kitchen duty?”

Five hands went in the air, my own included.

“Good. Our staff already filled the pantry with everything except meat. The five who volunteered for kitchen duty are off the hook for a few hours while the rest of us go hunting to bring back something for us to eat tonight.”

Disturbed outbursts were heard from all five Motlanders.

“Thor is messing with you,” Freya said calmly. “No one has to hunt if they don’t want to. I’m staying here and you’re welcome to do the same. It’s been two intense days and tomorrow we’ll be out all day, exploring nature. We thought that today would be a great time to lounge around, play some games, talk, cook, and just enjoy each other’s company or read a book if you need alone time.”

Isaac made an outburst in French. It surprised me when Freya smiled and said, “You’re welcome.”

“Did you understand what he said?” I asked her.

“It sounded like relief and I thought I heard the word introvert, so I filled in the rest.”

“Very perceptive of you,” Victor acknowledged. “Isaac thanked you on behalf of those of us who are introverts.”

“I figured.”

“Who wants to go hunting?” Thor asked.

“Me!” Aubri raised her hand.

In the end, only Simon went hunting with Thor, Aubri, Mason, and Indiana. They all dressed warmly and left after Mason put on more logs in the two fireplaces.

“Anyone up for a game?” Holly, who was extroverted and fun, asked with a broad smile. It was rare for me to have a chance at some alone time, so I went to grab my electronic pad in my bag and pulled a chair to the window.

Behind me the others pulled out board games and got together to talk, while I placed a mental bubble around myself as I opened a sketching program and put my electronic pen to the pad. Outside, the lake was like the top of a head with the trees forming a pretty tiara with this cabin as the front jewel. I took in little details like footprints in the snow, the bent branches on the trees, and the shadow on the ground from the rooftop.

Oliver had brought a guitar and was singing some popular tunes from the Motherlands.

After a few hours, the shadows from the rooftop grew longer and eventually the snow lost its bright glow as the sun wandered off to shine on other parts of the world.

“Shouldn’t the others be back by now?” I asked Freya.

She came to the window and took a moment to look left and right. “Do you know in what direction they went?”


“I’ll check their position.” Freya tapped her wristband and a virtual control panel popped up. We had something similar back home but the speed with which she navigated her information made it hard to follow exactly what she did.

“There.” The control panel was replaced with a map and on it were five small avatars. Freya’s was alone which made sense because she was the only one who had stayed behind. The four others were close and moving in the direction of Freya’s avatar.

“They’re on their way back,” she concluded and turned off the map.


“Can I see your drawing?”

I showed it to her and as always, Freya was kind with her words.

“I love how you caught the light reflecting on the snow and the tiny bird in the tree. You’re so gifted, Belle.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you take commissions?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you do work for hire?”

“Yes, you know I work with babies.”

“No, I meant artwork. Could I hire you to paint something for me? Indiana built a magnificent house on his family’s Island, but it lacks personality and I’d love to gift him with a painting made especially for him.”

“What were you thinking?”

“I’m not sure, but maybe we could figure it out together over the next days.” Freya brushed my brown hair back. “I’ve always liked how your hair has so many colors, Belle.”

Picking up a strand hanging down my front, I studied it. “It’s weird.”

“Don’t say that. It’s like your hair follicles are as artistic as you and couldn’t settle on one color for your hair. I see golden, brown, blond, and dark all mixed together. Unless you had a stylist do it. Did you?”

“No. I was blond as a young child and then it’s changed over the years.”

“I think it’s my favorite part of your looks, or maybe…” Freya tilted her head to one side. “Your lips are pretty too.”

“Thanks. So are yours.”

“What are you two talking about?” Victor asked from the couch. “Are you complaining about me wanting the couch?”

Freya gave a discreet eyeroll in my direction and then she turned around with a soft smile. “I know it’s hard to believe, dear Victor, but you’re not half as important to us as you think you are. Your name didn’t even come up.”

With a skeptical expression he pushed up the sleeves of his teal-colored shirt. “I know you’re annoyed that I beat you in chess.”

“Is that what you call it?” Freya moved gracefully toward the table where the board still stood. Picking up the white queen, she continued, “I still remember how shocked and broken you were the first time we played and I won. Since then I can’t bear to see your jaw shaking with humiliation. You take chess way too seriously.”

“You didn’t win. I wasn’t trying.”

“So you keep saying. Because you didn’t think a Northlander could ever outsmart a genius like you, isn’t that right?”

“I have the highest IQ in my generation,” he boasted.

“Which makes it even more humiliating that you lost to me. Personally, I don’t care what people think of me, but if you need another moment to brag about your win against me today, please go ahead. We’ll wait, or do you prefer for us to applaud you? Would that fill your fragile self-esteem?”

A few of the others laughed and I couldn’t suppress my smile. Victor was admired back home and seen as the golden boy of our country. All through school he’d aced every test and easily won every academic competition he participated in. With the highest IQ measured in France, Victor was used to respect, and it was amusing to see Freya tease him like he was nothing but a vain fool in her eyes.

“I do not have frail self-esteem.”

“No?” She shrugged. “My mistake. I’ve just noticed that you don’t like it when we point out that Belle’s English is superior to yours.”

Victor’s lips stretched into a thin line.

Freya chuckled. “There it is again, the look of disdain. You can’t stand not being the best, can you?”

“That’s nonsense. I’m not the best at everything. No one is.” Throwing a hand in the direction of the door, he scoffed. “I wouldn’t know how to hunt, for instance, and I’m not gifted at drawing like Belle. That doesn’t mean I have low self-esteem, which you would know if you weren’t so blinded by your arrogance. Just because your father rules a small corner of the world and your mother was a councilwoman once doesn’t mean that you’re special. You got lucky in a game of chess once and now you think you’re smarter than me, but no one is.”

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