Home > A Favor for a Favor (All In #2)(68)

A Favor for a Favor (All In #2)(68)
Author: Helena Hunting

The thing I’ve learned about Bishop in the months since we started dating publicly: he gives zero fucks what people think. It makes me appreciate the lengths he went to when we first started spending time together to make me feel comfortable and unexposed.

“Almost. You need help with that?”

I glance up to find my boyfriend’s package at eye level. It’s covered by a pair of boxers with the phrase CHECK OUT MY PACKAGE stamped on the front in warning-sign-yellow letters.

“Seriously? We’re supposed to be at my brother’s in half an hour. I told Lainey I’d help her set up. And I have all the balloons.” I motion to the ridiculous number of bags and boxes I’m bringing to the team’s end-of-year party and then to his mostly naked body.

Lainey would’ve been more than happy to order everything for this party, but I love decorating and being crafty—as long as I don’t have to deal with people like Joey, who incidentally was fired a few months ago for hooking up with several of his clients. The hooking-up part itself is frowned upon in general because of sexual harassment issues. It was made that much worse when the women found out he was sleeping with more than one of them. Even better, they confronted each other and him in the middle of the gym. It was epic. And karmic.

Bishop stands with his hands behind his back, wearing a half smirk. “We’ve got plenty of time, and I have a gift for you.”

I cock a brow. “I love you, Shippy, but your presenting me with your dick as a gift isn’t going to fly.”

“My dick is not the gift. At least not right now.”

“Then why are you still in your underpants?”

“Because I don’t want you to wrinkle my clothes when you get all excited about what I got you.”

I roll my eyes but give in because I know we’re not going anywhere until he gets his way. “Okay, fine. What’s the gift?”

“There are two. Pick a hand.”

I tap his left shoulder, and he withdraws his hand from behind his back. He uncurls his fist, revealing a key chain that reads HOME SWEET HOME. “We got the house.”

“What? When? Oh my God!” I launch myself at him, wrapping around him like a koala bear.

He laughs and hugs me back as he deposits me on the closest waist-high surface, which happens to be the counter. “I got the call this morning. We have papers to sign tomorrow, but I wanted to tell you before we got to your brother’s so we could share the good news with them.”

“This is so awesome!” I cup his face in my hands and kiss him, pulling away before he can deepen it. “RJ’s going to be so excited! This is perfect! I can help out with Kody, and we’ll be able to have barbecues this summer, and now my mom can visit and stay with us or RJ—whatever is easiest.” I kiss him again. “Are you sure you can handle living down the street from my brother? He’s probably going to stop by all the time. Possibly unannounced.” I attach my lips to his again.

“He’ll learn to call in advance if I answer the door naked,” Bishop mumbles before I sweep his mouth with my tongue.

A few weeks ago, a house down the street from my brother went up for sale. With the penthouse lease being up at the end of June, Bishop thought it would be a good idea to call the Realtor. It’s a big house, bigger than what we need, but it has lots of room to grow and for company in the form of my mom, or Kyle and his family, and Bishop’s mom. Nolan recently moved out of the penthouse and into an apartment of his own—with Pattie. They met at a game in the fall and exchanged numbers, and they’ve been pretty much inseparable since.

I go for the hem of my shirt, ready to celebrate with a quick orgasm, but Bishop disconnects our mouths and covers my hand with his. “Hold that thought. There’s still gift number two.”

“How are you going to top a house?” My grin falters when he bites his lip and suddenly looks nervous. “Bishop?”

“I love you,” he says.

“I love you too.”

He nods, like he’s finding some resolve, and drops down to his knee. It puts his face level with my crotch.

“Uh, what’re you doing?”

“This worked a lot smoother in my head.” He grabs the edge of the counter and pushes back up to a stand. Which is when I notice he’s clutching a tiny box in his fist.

“What’s this?” I grab his hand with both of mine and try to pry it open, but Bishop is a lot stronger than me.

He uncurls it slowly to reveal a velvet jewelry box. My heart stutters, and I meet his gaze with a questioning one of my own. The last time I saw a box like this was when I helped my brother pick out Lainey’s engagement ring.

“I know we didn’t start off all that hot, and I’m also aware I’m not the easiest guy to deal with and that I can be moody and difficult, and sometimes I stick my foot in my mouth because I don’t have a lot of tact, but I’m a way better version of me when I’m with you, Stevie. I love you so fucking much. And I promise I’m going to keep working on loving you like you deserve to be, and if you’ll let me, I’m going to try to do that for the rest of my life.” He flips the lid open, revealing a gorgeous ring with a pale-pink diamond.

“Are you asking me to marry you?” It’s a dumb question—of course he is—but I’m a little floored. Bishop isn’t really a hearts and flowers and jewelry kind of guy, although he does try. He likes to buy potted plants over cut flowers if at all possible, since I kill those more slowly. Usually he’s more of a pizza and let’s buy a house guy. Or at least I thought he was, until now.

“That was kind of the plan, unless you’re not ready for that. Then we can forget about the ring and pretend this didn’t happen. Maybe the house is enough for now? Should I try again in a year?” His eyes dart around, and he snaps the box shut and hides it behind his back.

“I don’t want you to ask in a year.” I tug on the arm hiding the ring. “I want you to ask me now.”

“Are you sure? ’Cause I can wait if you need me to.”

“Positive.” I lean in close to his ear and whisper, “If you ask me, I promise I’ll say yes.”

He kisses me and flips the lid open again. “Marry me? Please?”

“There is absolutely nothing in the world that would make me happier.”

He lifts the ring from its cushioned home and slides it on my finger. “Do you like the ring? I didn’t want it to be too much, but if you don’t like it, we can go back to the store and find something else—”

“It’s perfect, Shippy.”


“Yeah. I love it.” I take his face in my hands and bring his mouth to mine. “And you, so much.”

“You must, if you’re willing to deal with me every day for the rest of your life.” I can feel his smile against my lips as he wraps me up in his arms.

“I can’t imagine my life without you and your ridiculous underwear in it.”

“Good, because me and my underwear are yours forever now.”





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