Home > Witching For Joy (Premonition Pointe #3)(38)

Witching For Joy (Premonition Pointe #3)(38)
Author: Deanna Chase

“Huh?” Gigi asked, appearing to be startled.

“Grace, Hope, and I. We’re your family. That might not look like what’s waiting for me inside, but it’s true and powerful, and if and when you need us, we’ll be there.”

“Thanks, Joy.” Gigi reached over and gave Joy a hug. “Now go on and stop worrying about me just because I’m having a moment of thinking about what could’ve been if I hadn’t married a complete ass.”

“It’s not over, you know,” Joy said as she pushed her door open. “If you want a nuclear family, there’s still time to do something about that.”

She chuckled. “You mean like a sperm bank or something? Nah. I don’t think these eggs are gonna be up for it. You know what they say; once you hit forty…”

“Are you forty?” Joy asked, taking her in. She’d always thought Gigi was in her early thirties. If she was forty, she must’ve been drinking from the fountain of youth, because there wasn’t a wrinkle in sight.

“Forty-one actually.” She shrugged. “I know it’s still possible. I’m just not sure it’s the dream anymore.”

“I hear you. I can’t deny the fact that I’m enjoying my freedom now that mine are grown. Though it is nice when they still need me.” Joy climbed out of the car. “Thanks, Gigi. See you later.”

Joy watched her drive away and started to wonder about Gigi’s past even as the photographers started circling. She ignored them as it occurred to her that she didn’t know that much about her friend’s life prior to coming to Premonition Pointe. She knew she’d had an abusive husband, and Gigi had stood up to him in a way that not only freed her from his clutches but also showed him she wasn’t one to mess with. She’d magically kicked his ass and cemented herself as a badass witch in the eyes of the coven. Then she’d proven to be kind and gentle and a great friend, too. Joy hoped she’d learn her whole story one day.

Joy heard the chatter of her kids through an open window and smiled to herself. It was a sound she never got tired of hearing.

The door swung open and Britt walked onto the porch. “Mom? What are you doing out here? We’ve been waiting for you.”

“I was just taking a breath.” Joy wrapped an arm around her daughter’s shoulders and the pair walked in together. “What’s the occasion?”

Britt gaped at her. “What’s the occasion? Are you serious? We’re all waiting to find out how jail has changed you.”

There was a collective laugh, and then Hunter strode over to her and wrapped her in a bear hug.

“Hey, baby,” Joy said, burying her face in his shoulder. He was taller than his siblings and always made Joy feel like she was some sort of waif even though she was taller than average height. “How are you doing?”

He pulled back and stared down at her as he shook his head. “I’m good, Mom. But right now, I want to know about you. What happened today?”

She smiled at him. “I guess I was just dying for more attention, so I had to go and get myself arrested.”

He rolled his eyes. “Funny. Care to tell us all what really happened?”

Joy gave a quick rundown of the events, including the fact that she’d been having visions, and asked them all to keep quiet about it for now. “The visions are irregular and only seem to be connected to this event. I’m not sure why it’s happening, but it is. Carly has a PI working on any information I can give her, and I guess the detective wasn’t thrilled. As it turns out, I didn’t do anything wrong. And according to the lawyer, the arrest is pure harassment.”

“That’s so wrong,” Kyle said with all the righteous indignation a twenty-two-year-old could muster.

Jackson, who was sitting next to Kyle, holding his hand, nodded his agreement.

It made Joy smile to see her son being open about his relationship with Jackson in front of everyone and for everyone to accept them without question.

“Hey,” Troy said, moving to stand next to her. “I just came by to make sure you’re all right. It appears you are, so I think I should take off and let you enjoy your kids.”

Joy turned to him and frowned. “You think you should, or you just want to?”

He shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced around. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“You’re not intruding,” she insisted. “In fact, if you’re up for it, I’d love for you to get to know my kids a bit. They’re great. But if you’d rather not or have other plans, that’s okay too.”

“I like your kids,” he said, his lips curving into a wide smile. “They’re funny and have already told me a bunch of embarrassing stories about you. I keep wondering how much more I can pry out of them before the evening is over.”

Joy chuckled. “Oh, I bet it won’t take much.”

It wasn’t long before they all moved to the dining room where there was Chinese takeout waiting. The loud, raucous group ate, drank, and told stories until everyone was smiling and satisfied. It was a rare moment that Joy cherished. Her kids were so busy moving on with their lives, it wasn’t often they were all able to be together. She didn’t want to see it end.

But eventually, Hunter and Britt cleared the table and proceeded to clean up while Jackson helped Kyle to his room, leaving Joy and Troy alone.

“This was an evening I didn’t know I needed,” Troy said, smiling softly at her.

“What? You don’t put on your dating profile that you’re looking for a woman with three snarky twentysomethings who are mostly self-absorbed but do eventually decide it’s time to check on their mother?”

“No. Not exactly. But if I’d known it might attract you, I would’ve.”

The smolder in his eyes did things to Joy, and she leaned into him as if she were stuck in his force field. His lips came down on hers, and it wasn’t long before she was completely lost in his kiss.

“Um, oops,” Britt said. “Sorry for interrupting.”

Joy jerked back and felt her face flush with heat. “Hey, honey. Troy and I were just… well, I guess we were—”

Britt laughed. “I think it’s pretty clear what you were doing.”

Troy grinned at Joy. “There’s no backpedaling now.”

“Who’s backpedaling?” Joy asked, straightening up and trying to shake off her embarrassment. “Did you need something, Britt? Can I help with the dishes or dessert or something?”

Britt clasped her hands together and had a nervous energy about her as she said, “Hunter is finishing the dishes, and we didn’t get dessert, but I’d very much like it if we could go out back and talk for a bit.”

“Of course.” Joy rose to her feet and asked Troy, “Wait for me before you go?”

“Sure. I’ll be in the living room prying more stories out of Hunter.”

Her insides warmed at the image, and she chuckled. “You two are gonna be trouble; I can tell.”

He winked at her, and then Joy followed her daughter out onto the back patio.

“What’s up, Britt?” Joy asked, wrapping her arms around herself when the breeze caused gooseflesh to pop out on her skin.

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