Home > Magnetic Love (Serendipity #3)(12)

Magnetic Love (Serendipity #3)(12)
Author: Brinda Berry

“Right,” I say with an even bigger grin.

“Besides, I’m with you. You’re the only girl I want to talk to tonight.” His voice is serious. It’s not a line.

“Well that’s flattering, but this isn’t a date.”

“Not trying to scare you off. Just coffee,” he says in a serious tone, a complete opposite to the way Dylan flirts with me. I know it’s because Dylan flirts with every female between eighteen and eighty.

Change of topic. “So, Toby, what’s your major?”


“Wow. That sounds tough.”

“Not really. I like knowing how things work.”

My gaze darts to his hands. Black grease smudges the cuticles, but the rest of his hands are clean. Just the opposite of Dylan’s hands that deal with paperwork all day.

Focus and stop comparing! “Do you like working in the garage?”

“It’s all right. My dad’s cousin owns it, so I’ve been working there since I was thirteen.”

“That’s young.”

He shrugs. “Old enough to learn a job. And I was interested, so it was good. Enough about me.” He leans in. “What about you? Your major?”

“Economics.” I take another sip of coffee.

“Hmm... And what do you want to do with that?”

“Law school. I want to practice corporate law.”


“Oh, well, don’t be too impressed. I have to pass my statistics class first.”

“Maybe I can help you with that. I’ve had stat already and math is one of those things that clicks for me.”

“That’s nice. But you’ve got to be as busy as I am.”

“I was hoping you suggested this coffee so you could get to know me better. I have this sixth sense about people and I’m never wrong. You, Emerson, are somebody special. I’d like to take you somewhere besides a coffee shop.”

My belly does a pleasant flip at the thought of being special. “Oh yeah? Just where would you take me.” I rest my elbows on the table and tilt my head. I straighten when I realize how flirty I sound.

He takes a sip of coffee and nods. “I know just the place.”

My curiosity gets the better of me. “So, tell me about it.”

“Go out with me and you’ll find out.”

“You’re not going to tell me?”

“Don’t you like surprises?”

“Not really.” I stir and the whipped cream swirls into the coffee. I keep my head down for a moment, staring into the enormous cup. I concentrate on the crack edging the lip of the porcelain and smile. I know I’m teetering on the edge of saying yes. My brain shouts that we could talk fantasy books and hang out. He could tutor me in econ before my grade skids any lower. I could be comfortable with Toby.

But no. That’s not what he’s interested in with me and I know it.

I grimace and look at my phone. “Speaking of classes, I really should head out. I can barely keep my head above water.”

Toby stands with me. “This is the nice brush-off, isn’t it?” He grins with a corner of his mouth twitching up. He has that easy smile that makes people comfortable.

“No, not at all.” I press my lips together. For a second, I almost say I’ve changed my mind. I deserve to hang out and have fun with someone. But hanging out would lead him to believe it could be something more. That would be a mistake because everyone close to me gets burned at some point. And then they leave.

I suck in a fortifying breath. “This is my life. I run from one place to another to squeeze in everything.”

“It’s okay.” He shoves his hands into his pockets. “Maybe when things slow down for you.”

“Yeah. Sure.” I grab my purse and stroll toward the door. “That girl is still watching you from the coffee bar. I’m telling you to go get her number.”

He puts his hand on my elbow and never looks to the girl. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your car. I probably need to head out, too.”

The place is now packed. It’s refreshing to step outside and draw in cool air. I peer into the darkness. “I’m over that way. You don’t have to walk me to the car. I’m good.”

“Wait,” he says, putting a hand on my arm. “Shh...” Toby freezes and stares at something to his right.

He descends the last two steps, the wood porch creaking softly. He kneels on his haunches and holds his hand out toward the boxwood shrubbery that lines the front of the porch. “Hey there, boy. Come on out.”

A string of lights line the balustrade and railing of the front steps. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I finally make out the dark shape lingering at the edge of the steps. A dog watches us, his tail wagging to make a scrub, scrub, scrub sound as it hits the bush.

The dog is tall and midnight black. He moves to lick Toby’s outstretched hand, and I suck in a horrified breath. The dog is tall but bone thin. The outline of each rib makes him look like a walking skeleton.

Toby slowly rubs a hand over the dog’s head. “Hey, bud. How are you? Not gonna lie to you. You look like hell.” His voice is soft and soothing and steady.

I bend my knees to crouch beside Toby. “He looks horrible.”

“He’s waiting for somebody to feed him.”

The dog turns his gaze on me and my heart stutters for a half beat. “We can’t leave him.”

Toby rubs the dog between the ears and it places one paw on Toby’s knee. “No. But I’m on my bike, so I can’t really take him. I’ll have to find some help.”

I put a hand out to rub the dog’s head. Damn. Even his head is bony. “I...um...” I’m biting my tongue, trying to stop myself from verbalizing the response in my brain. Help this miserable creature. How heartless are you?

“Can you wait with the dog while I try a buddy of mine?” He stands before I can answer and pulls out his cell.

The dog and I are eye-to-eye, and I’m sure the poor thing heard my internal battle because he moves to lick my hand again. My chest aches for him. “I’ll take him somewhere.”

Lick. Lick. Baleful stare. Snuffle.

This dog is sure working me. Saliva drips onto my hand and I wipe it on my knee. He gives me a doggy grin. “I can’t take him home. No pets allowed.”

Toby pockets his cell in the pocket of his leather jacket. “He can stay with me until I find something for him. You mind dropping him at my place?”

“Sure. Why not.” I stand and take a few steps. The dog moves with me. “Yes, doggie, it’s your lucky night. You get to live at Toby’s house.”

Toby chuckles. “We’ll see. I’ll probably need to find a place for him. I’ll get my bike and pull in front of you so you can follow me.”

Without another word, I lead the way to my car and the dog tags along only a foot from me. It’s like he knows I’m his ticket to a happier existence. I open the door and the bony dog hops into the backseat. “You like to ride, huh?”

He pants while staring straight ahead.

Toby pulls around to the side lot on his motorcycle, prompting me to get in and start the engine. The dog places his chin against the side of my seat.

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