Home > Eli's Promise(73)

Eli's Promise(73)
Author: Ronald H. Balson

As if on cue, Mimi’s phone rang. It was Eli Rosen.

“Mimi, do you have a minute?”

“They’re all coming into town for a meeting, aren’t they?”

“Why, yes, they are. How did you know?”

“I had 4.8 billion clues.”

“A few weeks ago, you offered to help. Is that offer still on the table?”

“You bet it is.”

“Well, if you’re free this evening, say around five thirty, there are some people I’d like you to meet.”


“Why don’t you stop by my apartment?”


* * *


On her way home, Mimi was so busy thinking about the meeting and trying to organize her thoughts that she almost missed her bus stop. She had so much information and so many bottled-up theories that she was anxious to share. How much did Eli know about Nicky and his closetful of cash? Did he know the cash was funneled through Bryant Shipping? How much detail did he know about the tie-ins among Vittie, Nicky, the Defense Department and the military contractors? Mimi assumed he knew quite a bit, but maybe not everything.

She was as enthusiastic as she had been for some time. It wasn’t just the intrigue or the opportunity to work with what she suspected was a clandestine government unit; it was the chance to play some part in bringing Chrissie’s killers to justice. Payback for her best friend.

When Eli opened his door, Mimi saw four chairs placed around the coffee table. Two men were standing by the sofa with soft drinks in their hands. They smiled and nodded to her. Eli made the introductions.

“Gentlemen, this is my upstairs neighbor, Mimi Gold, the woman I’ve been telling you about. Mimi, this is Special Agent Cliff Ryan,” he said, gesturing to a middle-aged man in a blue suit and open-collar shirt. The man took a step forward and extended his hand. “Cliff is with the Chicago field office of the FBI, focusing on public corruption. Cliff and I have been working this case for a while.”

Mimi’s attention moved to an older man in a khaki military-style shirt. His trousers were creased, and his shoes were polished to a glossy shine. His gray hair was cut in a crew cut, and he had a lateral scar on his right cheek, but his smile was warm and friendly. He extended his hand. “Frank Mooney.”

Eli added, “Lieutenant Colonel Mooney is the U.S. Army liaison to our group. He’s with the army’s criminal investigation division.”

Mimi smiled and wagged a finger at Eli. “My mom had you pegged for CIA from the day she met you. I always thought you were with the FBI. Who’s right?”

“It’s a domestic matter, Mimi. So if I were one or the other, it wouldn’t be the CIA, but neither of you is exactly correct. Technically, I’m with the State Department on loan to the FBI because of my special knowledge of the individuals involved. But, Mimi, everything that we are doing is highly confidential. Can we agree on that? Do we have your solemn word that you will hold everything in the strictest confidence?”

Mimi was struck by the gravity of the question but, at the same time, honored to be brought into the circle. “I understand, and you can count on me to be silent.”

Ryan stepped forward. “That means you can’t divulge anything that we might discuss to your mother, or your grandmother, or Nathan or…”

“I know what confidential means, Special Agent Ryan.”

Eli smiled and invited everyone to be seated. Each of the men had a yellow pad and was prepared to take notes.

Eli began. “After Christine and Preston were murdered, Mimi came to me and offered to help. Apparently, she’d come to the conclusion that I was investigating Congressman Zielinski. How she deduced that, I don’t know, but Mimi is a very perspicacious young woman. I’ve been hesitant to accept her offer because she’s a civilian, because she has a promising career in journalism and because all this could easily go south if we fail. Long ago I surmised that due to her close friendship with Christine Zielinski and Preston Roberts, she would be privy to information that none of us would have, but I had decided not to involve her. She didn’t sign up to put her life or her career in jeopardy.”

“I appreciate your concern, Eli, but it’s my career and my life, and I want to help catch those murderers,” Mimi said.

Eli nodded. “As I was saying, I had decided not to involve Mimi, but recent developments and Mimi’s offer have caused me to rethink my position, only if her assistance can be obtained without placing her in jeopardy.”

Mimi smiled. Her heart was racing.

Eli continued. “Mimi, no matter how careful we are, joining our group will pose a risk for you on several levels. Given recent developments, however, I’m willing to give you the option.”

Mimi spoke up. “Would those recent developments have anything to do with 4.8 billion dollars in government funding for military equipment and the assumption that Vittie’s cabal will be splitting up a fortune in kickbacks?”

Colonel Mooney sat up straight, raised his eyebrows and looked at his companions. “Comes right to the point, doesn’t she?”

“I told you she was sharp,” Eli said.

Special Agent Ryan leaned forward. “You need to think this over, Mimi. The people we’re investigating are very powerful and influential, up to the highest level of government. Not only can they ruin a person’s career, but we have all seen the steps that one or more of them might take in order to conceal their financial crimes.”

The colonel continued. “Just these last few weeks, their influence on the Hill has successfully funneled an additional five billion dollars into their streams of commerce. How much of that funding filters its way down to their personal fortunes is anybody’s guess.”

Mimi nodded. “I want to help.”

“At some future time, your involvement in this investigation will become known. It’s inevitable. You are a young woman with your whole life ahead of you. We want you to appreciate the risk, and none of us would think any less of you if you respectfully declined.”

Mimi let the message sink in. Maybe she hadn’t thought this through. Maybe taking on some of the nation’s most powerful men was a bridge too far. What if Eli’s plans faltered and resulted in embarrassment for everyone involved? Maybe even a civil liability for defamation of character or false charges? Eli was right: it would crater her career. And what if her involvement were to place her mother or grandmother in danger? Two murders had already been committed. One Albany Park building had been burned to the ground. Powerful men weren’t going to go down without a fight.

“We want you to take your time and think it over, Mimi,” Ryan said.

Mimi shook her head. “I don’t need time. They murdered my best friend, and if I can help put them away, I’m not going to back out.”

“Eli told us that you and Christine spoke often and that she shared her private thoughts with you. Did these include details of what transpired at Nicholas Bryant’s shipping office?”

Mimi nodded. “Without a doubt, Mr. Ryan. Every day.”

Ryan stood. “We’re going to leave it there tonight. I want you to go home and think about everything we’ve said. Tomorrow, if you’re still willing, we can begin at noon.”

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