Home > A Springtime To Remember(17)

A Springtime To Remember(17)
Author: Lucy Coleman

There’s a real buzz in the air as I glance around the table.

‘Yes, I thought the exact same thing. The seconds began ticking by and I thought he’d frozen, but he recovered well,’ Cameron adds.

‘Once he relaxed a little it really flowed and I’m pretty sure we covered everything you needed, Lexie,’ Ronan says. ‘Maybe not quite in the right order, but it’s all there.’

‘You did well redirecting him on several occasions, Ronan. I picked up bits of it, but I can’t wait to get into the studio because it all sounded fascinating. I’m sure it will piece together well and make a cohesive interview. I’m looking forward to filming the second half, when we get to follow the team as they trim the hedges and shape some of the wonderful topiary.’

We’re all on a high but I know that when the adrenaline begins to slow down, I’m going to feel shattered and just want to sleep. But for now, it’s all about enjoying the high.

‘That’s some camera you have there, Elliot,’ Ronan enthuses. ‘Nice bit of kit – bet that put a dent in the bank balance, for sure.’

Elliot smiles knowingly. ‘You get what you pay for and Lexie and I saw it as a necessary investment. Think big, I say, and it doesn’t get any bigger than Versailles as a starting place,’ he muses.

They have a little back and forth chat about frame counts and Ronan seems very impressed when Elliot informs him it can handle up to two hundred and forty frames per second. At that point my eyes glaze over, and I zone out for a few minutes, taking in the ambience of our surroundings.

We’re sitting outside one of those cosy little bars that isn’t quite a café but isn’t a traditional tabac either. It’s lovely to be able to enjoy the warmth of such a beautifully sunny March day, even with the sound of traffic and honking horns in the background.

‘So, the next interview for you lot is in two days’ time, then,’ Ronan reflects, looking around the table at Elliot and Cameron, his eyes coming to rest on me.

‘Yes. Anton Mereux. We’ll be filming in front of the Orangery. You said he won’t need an interpreter?’ I query, double-checking.

‘Anton speaks several languages rather well. It’s important in his role, as his team comprises a lot of foreign students who come to hone their skills in topiary. And you’re off to Paris tomorrow, then, Elliot?’

Elliot nods his head. ‘Another pre-production session. The bigger the budget, the more meetings it generates. I’m not sure all of them are necessary or productive, but it pays the bills so I’m not complaining. How about you?’

Ronan shifts a little in his seat, easing back his shoulders in a circular movement, and I realise he was probably a little tense today. I hope he’s getting the message loud and clear that both Elliot and I are extremely happy with his part in today’s filming.

‘I’m working on book three in my Versailles – The Living Garden series. But I’m struggling to find the catalyst to help me focus on this one. Both of my other books are based on anecdotal information gleaned from interviews, which I then researched. The history is well documented, of course, but I’m concentrating on modern-day characters and the personalities who have been instrumental in shaping and running the horticultural programme here since the early 1900s.’

Elliot and I exchange a quick glance. Ronan is turning out to be more of an expert than either of us expected.

‘If I’d realised beforehand, then I would have read your books as a part of my research,’ I reply, feeling remiss.

Ronan shrugs his shoulders. ‘I doubt it would have been relevant. Much of it focuses on internal politics and why certain decisions were made at various points over time. The books are a celebration of the dedication of key characters in the modern history of the gardens, who I think were unsung heroes. Passions have always run high at Versailles. When someone dedicates their entire working life to something it’s more than a job; it’s a legacy for everyone who has a hand in the process.’

‘I can well believe that after today’s interview. Even though I couldn’t understand very much of what Theron said, it was his intensity and the way he kept reaching out to touch the hedging around him as he spoke. Like a proud father talking about his children,’ I muse.

They all nod in agreement. Elliot suddenly begins coughing again and has to lean forward until he can catch his breath.

‘I’ll be glad when this clears up,’ he eventually voices, sounding jaded. ‘It’s a damn nuisance. Right, I should head back to prep for tomorrow, as I’m up at the crack of dawn to do battle with the traffic.’ He jumps to his feet in a sudden burst of energy. Elliot knows I’m worried about him and he’s trying to allay my concerns.

Stooping to give me a hug, he then turns to shake Ronan’s hand, thanking him for his efforts today, and leans across to fist-pump Cameron.

As I watch Elliot walk out, I can’t help thinking that what he needs is a few days of rest.

‘What’s up?’ Ronan asks, picking up on my concern.

‘He’s been overdoing it. And now his girlfriend, Mia, has caught this flu thing too. Was it my imagination, or was Elliot struggling a little today with his left shoulder?’

Our eyes meet. ‘I thought the same thing, but he didn’t mention it, did he?’

I sit quietly, mulling over my thoughts.

Cameron clears his throat before speaking. ‘A couple of times I saw him wince,’ he throws in, stopping for a moment to drain his bottle of beer and glance at his watch. ‘When you went off to the café, he admitted that he thinks he’s pulled a muscle. Sadly, I should head off too, as I need to pack a few things and get on the road. It’s a five a.m. start for me tomorrow. Onwards and upwards from here, guys.’

He stands, leaning across the table to shake hands, and says he’ll be back on Thursday.

As Cameron walks away, Ronan turns towards me, making eye contact.

‘It was obvious that Elliot was struggling a little at times,’ he agrees. ‘Look, if he needs a bit of a break from filming at any point I can easily jump in and cover for him when you don’t need me to interpret. Book three isn’t going anywhere fast, at the moment, to be honest. Obviously, I won’t step on any toes, as it looks like Elliot is determined to power through, but if it comes to that then the offer is there.’

‘Thanks, that’s really appreciated. If the opportunity presents itself, I’ll suggest he sees a doctor. You can’t be too careful, can you? And I’m sorry your research isn’t going well. It must be frustrating, ploughing through endless records to glean a little information you can really latch on to. Do you ever miss working for your father?’

That thought randomly jumped into my head, but as I look across at Ronan, I can see he wasn’t prepared for it.

‘I, well, no. We rowed, constantly. You see, I won’t take his name and he sees that as the ultimate betrayal.’

I’m stunned. ‘Oh.’

I don’t quite know what to say to that. Ronan presses himself back into his seat, toying with the glass of water on the table in front of him.

‘I said it was complicated and it is.’

‘Well, I’m here and if you feel like sharing then I’m happy to listen.’

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