Home > Meet Me In The Sunflowers(3)

Meet Me In The Sunflowers(3)
Author: Sophie Blue

“I guess.” He shrugs and takes another sip from his what now must be lukewarm coffee.

“When I was little,” I start, but trail off with a shake of my head. It’s silly. I don’t know why I’m pouring my heart out to this guy.

“When you were little?” he presses, leaning forward slightly in encouragement.

“It’s silly.” I shake my head and finish my last mouthful before pushing my plate away and letting out a contented sigh. That was really good.

“I’m sure it isn’t. Tell me,” he says with a friendly smile, asking the passing waitress for two more coffees.

“Gramps and I had this plan. We were going to travel around Europe to see the sunflower fields. He said he’d take me for my twenty-first birthday.” I smile fondly at the memory. It was always our plan. To make a big trip of it. “But he got sick.”

He’s quiet for a moment, thinking. “So why don’t you do it for the both of you?” he asks, looking across at me with an encouraging smile.

“Me? No. I could never. I get lost walking to the shops. My best friend laughs at my sense of direction. If we walk in a shop, when we walk back out, I always end up going in the wrong direction. Trying to travel around Europe by myself is an accident waiting to happen.” I laugh when I think about it. It would not be very good, that I can guarantee.

“So don’t go by yourself,” he says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“Who would I go with? ‘Hey mind quitting your job to bum around Europe with me for the next few weeks?’” I laugh at the absurdity of it. I’m starting to think this guy has a screw loose.

“I’d go with you. I’m on a road trip anyway, no reason why I can’t take it to Europe.”

My jaw drops open in shock. Is he seriously suggesting we travel across Europe together? We’ve literally just met. He could be a snorer, or a serial killer! What does it say about me that being a snorer ranks higher on my worst-case scenario scale?

Laughing at my expression, he says, “It was just an idea. Don’t freak out. I’m not proposing or anything. I’m just saying, I’m travelling anyway. I’d be happy to travel with you to see the sunflowers. Sounds like a fun adventure.”

“I don’t know…”

“We only live once, Isabelle. If not now, then when? My dad always used to say better to regret what you have done, than what you were too afraid to do.”

Part of me is tempted. I would love to do this for Gramps. Take the trip for the both of us. But could I?

“Look, think about it. I’ll be around for the next week. I’m visiting a couple of friends. There’s no pressure. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine. But the offer is there. Can I borrow your phone?” he asks, holding his hand out. I pass it over, unlocking it in the process.

He enters his number then reaches for his wallet, pulling out his driver’s licence. Taking a photo of it with my phone, he puts it away again and passes me back my phone.

“Now you have a copy of my ID, you can pass that to your family so they know who you’re with. I’m not a psycho, promise.” He grins at me and I chuckle.

“Good to know, that would have been a deal breaker for me,” I joke, putting my phone in my bag. “That and snoring…”

“No comment,” he teases. Downing the rest of his drink, he moves to stand. Taking some money from his wallet, he puts it on the table next to the receipt the waitress left.

“It was nice meeting you, Isabelle. Whatever you decide, it’s cool. But if you’re up for a sunflower road trip on Friday, I’ll be here at midday. Meet me in the sunflowers.” On that note, he offers me another charming smile and leaves. I sit there with my mouth open in shock.

That can’t be a coincidence, can it?



Chapter Five



Sitting in my best friend’s quirky living room, I take a drink of my coffee and look over at her. With her brown hair styled in a neat bob and her leopard print jumpsuit, she’s one of a kind and I love her.

“Am I insane for considering this?” I ask, doubting myself. I called her as soon as I got back to my car and told her about Tyler and his offer. She squealed and told me to head straight over to her place to discuss. So here I am, mug of coffee in hand, crazy best friend by my side. Curled up on her cream leather sofa, I stare down at my coffee like it holds the answer to all my questions. And right now, I really wish it did.

Alice and I have been best friends since we were five. Our parents lived next door to each other, so we grew up together. She spent a few summers with me at my grandparents’ house. She knows how close I was to Gramps, and how much his death affected me. She’s been a huge help since I lost him.

“Not at all. You’re young, Belly. You’re between jobs, living at home at the moment. You have no ties. Some money in your savings, why not enjoy it? When else will you be in such a perfect position to do this?” she asks, looking over the rim of her floral mug at me.

“I know. But I literally just met the guy today and I’m thinking of travelling across Europe with him.” Rolling my eyes as the absurdity of the situation hits me. It has all the makings of a serial killer story. If I’m not careful I’ll end up being one of the victims on the crime shows my mum binge watches.

“Yeah, what a hardship. He’s a complete hottie,” she laughs, referencing the driver’s licence photo I showed her that she spent far too long studying.

Laughing I throw a purple sequined cushion at her. “Stop it! You know what I mean.”

“I do, but if you don’t take this opportunity now, then when will you have the chance to again? You’ll never be in a better position to go travelling than now, hun. If you want to do it, then go for it. And with this hottie for company…” She trails off, waggling her eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes in return and take another slurp of caffeine goodness.

“I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I just want to sort myself out. Be happy in myself, you know? I’m not ready to lose myself in a relationship.” The last few months have taught me that I need to focus on fixing me first, before I even consider adding anyone else to the mix.

“I know. I’m only messing with you. You’re right, you need to focus on you. And in all honesty, this trip will be good for you. You deserve a break. This fell into your lap for a reason, Belly, don’t write it off only to regret it later,” she says, reaching across and squeezing my hand.

She’s right. After Gramps’ death, I was struggling big time. I moved back in with my parents and quit my job to focus on sorting myself out. There is nothing keeping me here, nothing that would stop me from going to Europe for a couple of weeks.

“This is crazy,” I mutter more to myself than anything. Taking another sip of my coffee, I consider my options. Could I really do this? Take this leap of faith and live a little?

“Maybe. Or maybe it’s fate. Like you said, what are the chances he’d say that to you?”

And that right there is what has me considering his crazy proposal. ‘Meet me in the sunflowers,’ he’d said. There was no way he could have known, but they were the last words Gramps had said to me. Drifting in and out of consciousness in his hospital bed, he’d motioned for me to come closer. I’d leaned over him, put my ear to his mouth and he’d whispered, ‘Meet me in the sunflowers.’ He passed peacefully in his sleep not too long after that, but the memory and phrase are burned into my brain.

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