Home > The Duke and the Wallflower(34)

The Duke and the Wallflower(34)
Author: Jessie Clever

“Madame, I’m afraid we’ve encountered a problem.” He looked up to meet her eyes even as his fingers began to wander up her leg. “Stockings are not permitted either.”

He watched her eyes darken as his fingers traveled farther up her leg. He found the tie that held them in place on each leg, and he knew with a simple tug he’d have them freed. Except he didn’t wish to let her go so soon. He let his fingers linger, brushing the bare skin of her inner thighs. He was rewarded when he heard the quickly indrawn hush of breath, and he smiled, allowing her a reprieve as he tugged loose each bow.

Her stockings slithered down her legs, and he steadied her as she stepped free of them. He tossed them on her boots before standing and taking her hand once more.

She shrieked when the water rushed up to meet her toes, and she jumped back into his arms, her own going around him as she held herself up against him.

“It’s a great deal colder than I’d imagined.” Her voice was light with laughter. “Do you really swim in this?”

He couldn’t have answered if the queen herself demanded it. The joy that surged through him at having her so carelessly throw herself into his embrace had him teetering on an invisible brink. He already knew he was falling in love with her, but with every moment, it grew more and more real. Soon it would be inevitable. God help him.

Eliza was not Bethany, but the idea of making himself so vulnerable once again scared him. He was older now with far greater responsibilities, and the idea that he could expose himself like that was ridiculous.

Eliza stilled against him when he didn’t answer, and she tipped her head up to peer at him.

“Are you all right?” Her tone lacked the warmth it had moments earlier, and he regretted doing that to her.

He meant to reassure her that all was well, but seeing her face turned up to him like that struck him directly in the chest.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

Her face closed at his words, and she tried to tug herself from his embrace, but he held her tight.

“You mustn’t say such falsehoods,” she said to his chest.

He used a single finger under her chin to raise her face to his. “It isn’t a falsehood when I know the truth of it.”

Her eyes darkened at his words, and he bent his head for a soft kiss.

When he straightened, he let her go, slipping his hand down to hers.

“The water will get warmer as the summer lingers on, I promise you. Hold up your skirts.”

He didn’t wait for a reply as he ran them both into the water with a great splash. Henry caught on to the fun and chased after them, sand and water spraying all about them.

Eliza shrieked again, her delight cascading into laughter as Henry soaked them both.

They waded until the cold had her teeth chattering, and he pulled her reluctantly from the water to dry on the warmth of the sand. He tugged her down beside him, and she collapsed with a final laugh.

“I never knew the ocean was such fun. I’d always heard such dreadful stories about it.”

He eyed her. “Dreadful stories about the ocean?”

Her smile was mischievous. “Ships sinking and wild monsters that emerge from its murky depths.” Her tone matched her smile, and something stirred inside of him.

“You invented these stories, didn’t you?”

A shadow crossed her face, and he realized he’d just made her uncomfortable, as if he’d unknowingly poked a secret. He would remember that for later, but right now, he wanted her happy and smiling, the sun on their shoulders and their toes in the sand.

“I can just see the terrifying stories you would tell your little sisters to give them nightmares. You were a devious child, weren’t you?”

This had her expression clearing, and he was grateful for that.

She pursed her lips and raised her chin. “I know not of what you speak.” She gave him a side eye. “Besides, I’m sure a boy like yourself must have been up to his own dastardly deeds in a place like this.” She gestured at the beach around them.

It was his turn to lose the laughter.

She quickly reached out a hand to place it on his leg.

“I’m so sorry,” she said softly. “I had heard somewhere that…that they were your friends.”

She didn’t need to explain as he already felt the burning in his chest he always felt when he thought of them. Only now, the burning was a little less than it had been. He looked at his wife, wondering why it was the humiliation he had carried for so long seemed to be dimming.

“They were,” he found himself saying when he most assured he would not speak of it. “Their estates bordered either side of Ashbourne, and we became close friends as children, spending summers here at the shore.”

That was more than he’d said on the subject in the seven years since it had happened.

Her hand curved on his thigh, comforting in its pressure.

“Have you ever spoken of what happened? It must be painful to carry such betrayal with you.”

He’d never thought of it like that. Her eyes searched his face, and he knew he’d once more give her an answer he’d never given anyone.

“I have not.” He swallowed. “It was one thing to suffer the betrayal of a woman. It was another to watch your friend turn his back on you.”

“The Marquess of Isley?”

He nodded, his eyes drifting back out to the hypnotic waves of the ocean.

“Ronald and I were friends at an early age. His mother would visit my mother, and we’d hide away in the nursery until he had to leave.” The wind picked up, driving a blast of salty air in his face. He squinted against the sun. “Bethany we found later when we were old enough to explore the grounds on our own. She was dangling from a tree when we stumbled upon her. Scared her so much she let go of the branch. We were only lucky she didn’t break her arm, or we’d never have been allowed to play together again.”

He toyed with the sand at his fingertips.

“It must have been hard being an only child.” He looked at her sharply, and she went on. “When your friends betrayed you, you had no one to turn to.” She smiled softly as if seeing something he couldn’t. “I will always have my sisters, and they will always have me. No matter what happens.”

A sharp pain tightened his chest, and he realized it was because she hadn’t included him in her statement. He knew it was too soon to have regained her trust, but it still hurt him.

He laced his fingers through hers as her hand still rested on his thigh. It would take time, but he knew there was hope.

“Are you ready for your first swimming lesson?”

She didn’t answer, and he turned to take in her expression, which was one of absolute shock.

She pointed to the water. “In there? But it’s so cold. My dress will be utterly ruined.”

He leaned in, nuzzling the part of her neck left exposed at the edge of her bonnet before sliding his lips up to her ear to whisper, “But you won’t be wearing your dress.”



Chapter 11



There was absolutely no way she was getting into that water without her clothes on. It was utterly freezing for one, but more, she would not undress in outdoors as they were.

She backed away from her husband’s teasing lips, but when she saw his face, she realized he was serious.

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