Home > Blackstone (Four Fathers #1)(18)

Blackstone (Four Fathers #1)(18)
Author: J.D. Hollyfield

I turn to him, looking into his green eyes. Nixon is nothing like his father. He’s a great kid, excelling in school. We’ve always shared a bond Eric and him never did, and I know Eric despises me in some way for it. I consider his question—a question that may lead to more. I have no interest in getting in the middle of that shit storm.

“I’m not sure—”

My phone vibrates in my pocket, gaining my attention. I pull it out and see Clara calling. “Give me a second, son.” I take a few steps away from Nixon and answer.

“What do you have for me?”

“Mr. Blackstone, you told me to call when she returned. It seems she arrived at the house about an hour ago.”

“Start the process. Everything I have set up. I want the meeting set for tomorrow morning. First thing.”

“Yes, sir.”

I hang up, my grip threatening to crush the device in my hand. I knew she’d come back. It was only a matter of time before she needed that money. The anger I’ve fought to keep at bay returns, and I welcome it. I refuse to let my still deep, lingering feelings for her cloud my judgement. The anger is the exact fuel I need to follow through with my plans. She’s going to sign that contract, and I’m going to bulldoze that shit house before the ink is even dry. Right before her eyes.

Being deprived of sleep, I've pushed myself, working out night and day, swimming, running the beach—anything to keep my mind off her. At first, I convinced myself it was all a mistake. She would come back with an explanation and things would be fine. I would force her to move in with me, so I never had to be without her. We would start making serious plans. When days passed, then weeks, I knew I had to accept it. She wasn’t coming back. But now she’s back, and my mind is quickly filling with confusion. The fact that I will have to see her. Want to touch her. Claim her. But it’s the reminder that she’s not mine, nor does she want to be, that drives that hate. Revenge.

“Everything okay, Uncle Trevor?”

I walk past Nixon. “Just fine, son. Tell your dad I had to take care of some business. I’ll see you around.”

I leave the barbeque, a formulation of numbers exploding in my head—all possible outcomes of the look on her face once I destroy the one thing she holds dear. Just like she destroyed my heart.


I pull into my driveway and notice a car parked next door. I know she doesn’t have a car. Who the fuck is over there? She could be with someone. Another man—

I shake my head and pop a mixture of Xanax and valium. I can’t allow my head to fuck this up. I jump out of my car and walk over, feeling the coldness settle in my blood. I thought about how it would be to see her again. Made sure the hatred stayed at the front of my mind so I can do what needs to be done. I don’t bother knocking, and wrap my hand around the doorknob, throwing the fraying door open.

“I just don’t understand—”

Her words are cut off by the sound of my intrusion. She turns to face me.

“What do you want?” she snaps, like I’m the enemy here. Then again, I’m about to be. “Did you do this?” she asks as a boy turns the corner from the bedroom.

“It’s an old house. People break into dumps like this all the time.”

Her eyes light up. She’s hurt. She drops a broken frame back to the ground where she found it. “I’m sure they do. So, should I assume all robberies around here are done by muscled psychopaths?” My fingers twitch, fighting not to grab her and wrap my hand around her neck at her choice of words. “What, have nothing to say? Or was this your ploy to make it easier for me to sign the contract? Trash the place so I’d have to come back? Coerce me some more to move up the closing?” I don’t know what the fuck she’s referring to, but her accusations are stirring up the rage inside me. “You know what? I’ll fucking sign your contract. You can take the house. I don’t care. You won. But give me back my Gran’s letter.” She kicks the rubble at her feet when the little shit comes to her aid.

“Luce, calm down.” She takes in a deep breath, falling into his embrace. My eyes see red at the way she’s letting him touch her.

“Who the fuck are you? Her new fucktoy?”

“Fuck you, Trevor!” she spits, trying to come at me, but her lover holds her back.

“Don’t. He’s not worth it.”

I take a predatory step closer to them. “I’d be careful of this one, son. She’s a snake—"

Lucy comes at me again, but the kid pushes her to the side. “You better watch it, asshole. Why don’t you go mess with someone your own age? Practically be her fucking dad—”

I swing and punch the fucking shit. He stumbles back as Lucy screams. I move to go after him when Lucy steps between us, throwing her small hands to my chest.

“Stop! Get out of here! You’ve done enough. You win! You fucking win! I’ll sign your damn contract. Just please give me back Gran’s letter.”

She’s crying.

My hands begin to shake.

The overdose of pills I popped does nothing as I begin reciting number after number. “Leave, Trevor. Just get out and leave me alone.” She doesn’t pay me another thought as she bends down to console her new boyfriend.

I brush my hands down my face, trying to get control. Two deep breaths, and I speak. “Be at Four Fathers first thing tomorrow morning for the closing. After we close, you can have your letter.”

I don’t wait for her to reply. Just watching the tears fall down her porcelain cheeks is enough to ruin a man. I turn and walk out.



Chapter Thirteen






“On the bright side, you don’t have to pay to get rid of anything in here. Cheaper when it's all in pieces.” I turn to Devin, who I know is just trying to make light of the situation. He’s already sporting a pretty awesome shiner, which makes me feel worse.

“God, I’m so sorry.”

“Lucy, you’re not the one who hit me. Stop apologizing.”

I drop another ruined frame to the ground. “I know, but I dragged you into this. What’s Katie gonna say when we come home and you have a black eye? She’s going to kill me.”

Devin smiles, but then grunts at the pain. “My sister will understand. I’ll tell her how I went up against Rocky to avenge our girl.” He comes over and offers me a hug, then continues weeding through the wreckage.

I can’t believe Gran’s place. My heart hurts having to take in all her belongings. Her life, just in shambles. How could he do this to me? I wipe another tear off my cheek. I didn’t plan on returning here. Technology nowadays allows Electronic signatures. He could have his damn signature, but it wasn’t going to be at the expense of me returning. But then I got the call. Someone had broken in and vandalized Gran’s house.

The two weeks I’d spent holed up on Katie’s couch did nothing for my hurting heart. There were still a few weeks until summer was over, but I just wanted this to all be over with. I prayed I could get in and out without having to see him, but that wish didn’t last long when he walked through the door. The sight of him caught my breath. Even being so angry at him, he made my heart stop. He was still just as gorgeous. He looked even bigger, if that were possible.

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