Home > Spies & Sweethearts(18)

Spies & Sweethearts(18)
Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

 “You can’t take the blame for that. France is nearly the size of Texas. What are the odds you’d run into a schoolmate?”

 “Apparently, better than we realized.”


 Gerard chuckled at the sarcasm that dripped from Emily’s words. “Too bad I’m not a gambling man.” He motioned to her bike. “We’ve rested long enough. Let’s get going.”

 Climbing on his bike, he winced as his vision swirled. If he was someone who liked to bet, he’d wager he had a concussion. No need to pass that tidbit along to Emily. She’d make them stop for the night, and there was no way he was going to allow them to spend hours outdoors. Another risky long shot.

 Evening fell, and they continued to pedal. Dizziness threatened to overtake him, but he pushed himself to keep moving. Please, God, provide us with somewhere to hide. Neither of us is in good shape, and we’re only going to get more tired. I have no right to ask You, but please do it for Emily. She’s one of Your children and deserves Your help. He shook his head then groaned as his eyesight swam. Would God listen to a wayward rogue who’d turned his back too many years ago to count?

 Minutes later, a small house appeared on their left. Farther down the road, several houses clustered on either side of the street. Gerard blinked. Had God conjured up a village in response to his prayer, or was this a real place? By his calculations, they should not have arrived at Provins yet.

 The door to the building swung open, and Gerard froze. Had they come this far only to be discovered by the occupying forces? His grip tightened on the handlebars. He could sense Emily’s taut frame behind him.

 A bent figure shuffled to the edge of the porch. “Come inside. I’ve been waiting for you.” A raspy, smoke-filled voice drifted toward them. “Hurry. The patrols will soon begin.”

 “Is it safe?” Emily barely spoke above a whisper.

 “Only if God answers a sinner’s request. I just prayed for safe haven, and the house appeared. I don’t know what to think.”

 Her teeth flashed white in the darkness. “We’re all sinners, Gerard. If your plea is honest, He will respond. I believe He’s showing that He still cares for you.”

 “Then why hasn’t He rescued the Jews and other persecuted folks?”

 “Men more knowledgeable than I have debated that question for decades. Let’s step forward in faith and enter the house.”

 “Shh. Stop talking and wheel your bikes inside. If they are left outside, the soldiers may requisition them, or worse, decide my home is worth searching.”

 “Wait here.” Gerard wrestled his bicycle up the steps and through the open door then returned to carry Emily’s into the house. The door closed behind them, and a light sprang on with a click.

 He squinted against the illumination as his eyes protested.

 Their host was an elderly woman with bright blue eyes set among the sea of wrinkles that lined her face. Iron-gray hair was pulled back in a bun at the base of her neck, and she wore a faded floral housedress. Scuffed boots covered her feet.

 “Welcome to my home. Please be seated, and I will bring you refreshments. Then we can get down to the business of hiding you.”

 “What—” Gerard gaped at her retreating back then turned to Emily. “Who is this woman, and how did she know we were coming?”

 “You said it yourself. You prayed for shelter.”

 “So…what…God told her we were coming?”

 “Possibly. We’ll have to wait and see what she says. But God is still in the miracle business, and she may be close enough to Him that He speaks directly to her. Don’t lose your fledgling faith so soon.”

 The woman returned from the kitchen carrying a tray that held a teapot, three cups, and a plate full of cheese sandwiches. “You must be hungry after your journey. Eat up.”

 Gerard sprang forward, his mouth watering at the tangy aroma of the cheese, and took her burden, setting it on a low table in the living room. He guided Emily to a nearby seat then waited for the old woman to select a chair before lowering himself onto the sofa. “Thanks for your generosity.”

 She dipped her head in acknowledgment then reached for their hands. “Let’s thank God for His bounty. Then we can chat.”

 His mind reeled. Perhaps Emily was right, and the Lord had directed this woman to take care of them. She seemed to be in close contact with Him.

 “Dear Father, thank You for sending these young people to me. Guide our actions, and keep us safe through the night. Give us all our much-needed sleep, and help us arise in the morning, fresh and ready to greet the day. Bless this food for our bodies. Please give us the strength to do Your bidding. Amen.”

 She looked up with a smile. “I will not ask your names nor will I give you mine. I’m sure you understand.”

 “Absolutely.” Gerard lifted a sandwich and took a bite, trying not to wolf down the tender bread and cheese combination. “We are grateful for the food. Our last meal was a long time ago.”

 “That is often the case with my…uh…guests. You have ridden many miles, oui?”

 “You’re part of the—”

 She held up a hand. “I am a loyal French citizen who is troubled by what she sees happening in her dear country.” She cocked her head. “The Nazis seek you?”

 He nodded. “Yes. We’re headed to…well…farther from here, but first we must change our appearance. Do you have scissors and peroxide?”

 “Of course.” Her lips twitched, and a raspy laugh filled the room. “What good French woman doesn’t? Finish your meal while I get what you need.” She toddled back to the kitchen, and Gerard glanced at Emily who wore a bemused smile.

 “I’ve known God all my life and heard of special times like this, but it has never happened to me.” She pulled the band from her ponytail, and her hair swung free. “You’ll need to cut my hair. I can’t reach the back.”

 Gerard swallowed. What would it be like to run his hands through the shimmering strands? “I’m not exactly skilled in the art of hairdressing. You may want our friend here to do the deed.”

 She grinned. “Nonsense. Just cut it one length even with my chin. Then we’ll dye it, Jean Harlow style.”

 “If you insist.”

 “I do.” Emily leaned forward and laid her hand on his arm, the warmth of her fingers penetrating his shirt. “Gerard, I have peace about the situation. We are safe, at least for the moment. Tomorrow is another day. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the sanctuary we have.”

 “I wish I had your faith.”

 “Look inside. You may be surprised to find you have more than you think.”

 “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a real relationship with God. Do I really deserve His protection?”



Chapter Twelve

 Emily yawned and stretched, her back protesting from the movement. She swung her bare feet out of the hard bed. Their new location was rustic at best, but at least they were safe for the time being.

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