Home > Spies & Sweethearts(23)

Spies & Sweethearts(23)
Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

 Emily froze. When would the other man leave? He stood within inches, his riding crop tapping his thigh in a hypnotic rhythm. Sunlight gleamed on his polished boots, and without looking she knew his uniform was crisp and clean.

 He turned and bumped into her. “Get out of my way, woman.”

 Her skin crawled as if spiders ran up her spine. “Excusez moi.”

 Without a backward glance he strode away, and Emily blew out a deep breath. She leaned closed to the old woman. “I must return home. I…uh…feel faint. Can you walk with me?”

 Her companion gave her a knowing look and nodded. She patted Emily’s arm, then gestured to the other two women who waved.

 They walked in silence for several yards, then the woman cleared her throat and pulled Emily forward. “We must move faster, and when you get home you must pack and leave. I saw a glint of interest in that gestapo man’s eyes. He may have pushed you away, but he caught sight of your beauty. It may not be today or tomorrow, but you will open your door one day soon, and he will be there. And your husband won’t have anything to say about it. The two of you should relocate to another village.”

 Emily’s heart skittered, and she stumbled. Would she be the reason they were captured? Could she get the transmission sent before the officer arrived? They rushed forward, and moments later arrived at the house. “Would you like to come in?”

 “Non.” The woman dipped her head. “You must go. Now. There is no time for dawdling.” She squeezed Emily’s hand and gave her the canvas bag that carried their purchases. “And may Almighty God go with you. I will pray for safe travels.”

 “Merci.” For several seconds she watched the woman shuffle along the roadway.

 Gerard appeared behind her. “Is everything all right?” His voice rumbled in his chest.

 “No.” She pointed to the retreating figure. “She thinks the gestapo officer who bumped into me will come for a visit. That I have peaked his interest. She suggests we clear out immediately.” She trembled. “I’m sorry for compromising the mission.”

 His face darkened. “Nonsense. Do not take the blame for the fact that a man has noticed how attractive you are. Did you learn anything while at the market?”

 “Yes.” She relayed the conversation she’d heard. “We need to transmit right away. You pack, and I’ll assemble the radio and send the message.”

 “Perhaps we should move and then send the information.”

 “Absolutely not. It is imperative that the Allies hear about Hitler’s visit and the list of Jewish people. After you’ve pulled your things together, you should head out. I’ll follow after I broadcast.” She laid her hand on his arm. “Or perhaps we should split up.”

 A knock sounded on the door, and Emily jumped.

 Gerard’s head whipped up, and he stiffened.

 She jerked her head toward the back of the house, and mouthed, “Go.”

 “I won’t have you face this alone.” His whisper caressed her cheek.

 The rapping repeated. “Emily. It’s Francoise. Open the door.”

 Emily yanked on the knob.

 Francoise stood on the front step, her face red and perspiring. Her hair, normally pulled back in a severe bun, frizzed out around her face. She gripped her bicycle and gasped for air. “You must leave immediately.”

 “Yes, but how did you know about the man in the market?”

 “What man?”

 “The gestapo soldier.”

 “I know nothing about him. I’m here because you’ve been compromised. Somehow a list of agents is now in the hands of the Germans, and your name is on it. Both of you. You’ve been ordered back to England. Take your things and begin walking toward Rouen. When you arrive at Lyons-La-Forêt, go to the Café Éclair, and another agent will contact you with instructions for reaching the escape route out of France. The pass code phrase is 'All human wisdom is contained in two words: wait and hope.'”

 “The Count of Monte Cristo?”

 Francoise shrugged. “I don’t make them up.”

 Emily bit her lip. “But I can’t go. I must transmit the message.”

 “There is no time. If word reaches your gestapo officer, he and his men can be here in minutes. It’s not safe for you to stay.”


 Francoise held up her hand. “Don’t argue. Give me the information, and I will see that it is sent, but you must leave right this moment. Is that clear?”

 Gerard placed his hand on Emily’s back, and she shivered at his touch. He shared the discussion Emily had heard in the marketplace with Francoise.

 She nodded. “I will take care of it. Now go.”

 “Would you like some water?”

 “There is no time. Good luck.” She climbed onto her bike, wheeled it around, and pedaled down the street.

 Emily swallowed. The moment she’d feared since landing in France had arrived. Would they make it out of the country alive?



Chapter Fifteen

 The soles of Emily’s feet burned, and her calves ached with each step. She shielded her eyes against the setting sun and trudged behind Tania, if that was her name, the woman leading them to freedom. It had been two days since leaving the cottage, and Tania was their fourth guide. They’d journeyed by foot or ridden in rattletrap trucks. Emily shifted the satchel from one shoulder to the other then stuffed her hands in her pockets. Gerard walked behind her, his stride steady and strong.

 Tania was dressed as a nurse and carried papers signed by Stulpnagel himself, the German commander in Paris, giving them safe passage for humanitarian missions. The Resistance was bold if not creative.

 Rustling sounded in the bushes, and Emily grabbed her chest. A squirrel raced across the road in front of her, its chatter strident. “Please, Lord, keep us safe.”

 She was jumping at shadows. Why couldn’t she be as courageous as Gerard, whose impassive face had barely changed expression since leaving? His crystal-blue eyes glittered as they darted back and forth, his jaw squared. The battered fedora set low over his forehead shaded much of his face.

 Stopping, Tania held up one hand then gestured toward the woods to their left. “Ça y est. From here we will follow a path that will lead you into the mountains. We have many more kilometers to go, and I will leave you at a way station where you will be met by another guide to take you on the next leg. The terrain will be difficult, so prepare yourself. Prêt? Are you ready?”

 Emily hitched up her bag and nodded. Was she prepared? No. She wanted to toss the heavy pack onto the ground, lie on a bed that actually had a mattress, envelope herself under a goose-down comforter, and sleep for days. Would she let them know that? Not on her life.

 Gerard spoke from behind. “Oui.”


 Tania held up a low branch. Emily and Gerard ducked underneath, foliage snapping under their boots. They trekked single file through centuries-old trees and bushes that tugged at their clothing.

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