Home > Spies & Sweethearts(40)

Spies & Sweethearts(40)
Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

 Gerard tapped her shoulder. “In here.”

 They passed into the sanctuary, then froze.

 A lone man in a black robe and white collar stood behind the altar. He beckoned them forward, and they hurried up the aisle. “I am Father Remy. You are in need of safe passage, oui?”

 Emily gasped. Had God spoken to him like He had the old woman? She claimed to have faith, yet she was stunned each time He provided protection.

 “Yes, Father. There are two Vichy policeman who want to turn us in to the occupiers for a bounty.” Gerard's forehead wrinkled. “Do you have somewhere we can hide?”

 “Come with me. How close are your stalkers?”

 “Several blocks, but I’m not sure if they saw us enter your church.”

 “They will come. The authorities are convinced of my guilt in hiding refugees, but they have yet to find one of them.”

 “You put yourself in danger for strangers?” Emily’s eyes widened.

 “As did our Lord. I can do no less.” Father Remy shrugged, his face peaceful. “Follow me. We must make haste.”


 Gerard reached for her hand, and she cradled her palm in his. Warm tingles shot up her arm, and her breath caught. Amazing how safe she felt because of their contact.

 The priest led them down a circular sandstone staircase then into a small cell-like room that held a cot, tiny wooden table, and two chairs. A large porcelain vase stood on the floor below an oil painting of a vineyard. “My family’s property.” He rolled up the rug, exposing a small door. He tugged on the steel ring, and the hatch opened, revealing a dark chasm. “Wait down there. I will come for you when it is safe.”

 Emily shuddered then followed Gerard down the hole. The lid closed, scraping sounded overhead, then footsteps faded.

 He pulled her to him, his heart thumping in a steady bump against hers.

 She sighed and melted into his arms. Safety. For now.

 Minutes passed.

 Clomping, then voices.

 “We know they are here. There is nowhere else they could have gone at this hour.”

 “I don’t know what you are talking about. I have been praying through the night.”

 A slap sounded. “Stop lying. You are known to harbor fugitives and Resistance members.”

 “I am a simple priest who serves the people of this village.”

 Another slap. “We will find these renegades, then we will have the proof we need that you are a traitor.”

 Emily cringed, and silent tears trickled down her cheeks. Please, God, don’t let them kill that man. Surely, he is doing Your will.

 Gerard ran his hands over her hair then stroked her back.


 “Nothing you say will make me believe in your innocence.” The sound of a fist striking skin reverberated through the enclosed space. Then another. And another.

 Her tears tumbled faster, and Emily bit her lip to keep from crying out. The policeman had apparently decided to try beating the information from Father Remy. How much evil had overtaken these officers that they found satisfaction in attacking a man of God? With each punch, their victim groaned, but he didn’t reveal their location.

 “Enough! They are not here as this man claims, or he is willing to die to protect them. Either way, we’ll get nothing more. Let’s go.”


 “Rest assured, Priest. We will be watching you.”

 Muffled steps faded. Time crawled.

 Finally, a shuffling noise, and then the door opened. Light pierced the enclosure.

 Emily squinted against the glare.

 “The police are gone. We are safe for the time being.” Father Remy spoke through swollen lips.

 Emily and Gerard crept from the hiding place and returned the rug and table to their locations.

 Her heart tugged. “Father, your face…”

 “It is nothing, child. We must get you on your way. But first sustenance for the journey.”

 “We will get food after I’ve treated your wounds. I won’t take no for an answer, Father.”

 Gerard chuckled. “It’s best to listen to her when she gets like this, Father.”

 Father Remy snickered then grimaced and nodded.

 After cleaning his lacerations, Emily told the priest to remain seated while she and Gerard cooked breakfast. He obeyed without question, and she frowned. He must hurt more than he would have them believe.

 Rummaging in the small kitchen, they put together a meal of eggs, cheese, and bread. Father Remy blessed the food, and they ate quickly. When they finished, he rose with a groan and cradled his middle with his arms.

 Emily cocked her head. “Do you think your ribs are broken?”

 “Non, just bruised.”

 “How can you be sure?”

 “Because they have been broken in the past, and this morning’s pain doesn’t seem to indicate a fracture.”

 She started to speak, and he stilled her with a frown. “It is best not to ask too many questions.”

 “Of course, Father. Forgive me.”

 “No need for apologies, my child.” He jerked his head toward a trunk at the far end of the room. “Inside you will find religious attire. There should be items appropriate for your size. At the bottom, there are civilian items. Take some of those, too. You may have to change along the way.”

 Emily nibbled her lower lip. “Is it right to impersonate people of the cloth?”

 Father Remy sighed. “Despite the malevolence that stalks this land, and the two evil men who were here, priests and nuns generally are not accosted. I am at peace with our actions. Now, put on the items, and I will pack some supplies while you dress.”

 Gerard followed Father Remy from the room, and Emily donned the coarse, black habit. She tugged the unfamiliar items onto her body. Please forgive me, Lord, if wearing this garb is offensive to You. Her new disguise complete, she hurried to the kitchen then stopped short. Uncertainty was etched on Gerard’s face above his priestly vestments. He appeared as uncomfortable as she was about their apparel.

 “Here.” Father Remy held out a bulging satchel. “Bicycles are in the larder. Take them to the next village and leave them at the church. My counterpart will see they are returned. There is a train depot, and the stationmaster is…uh…sympathetic to the cause. There is a tri-color ribbon in your bag. Give it to the man, and he will provide your tickets at no charge. Godspeed. I will pray for your safety.”

 “Merci, Father. We won’t forget your kindness.” Gerard pressed several coins into his hand. “It’s not much, but I’m sure you’ll put it to good use. Perhaps for your next…guests.”

 Swallowing against the lump in her throat, Emily nodded. “I will pray for you and your work, Father.”

 “You must hurry. The train leaves in less than two hours.”

 With a wave, they left the kitchen and retrieved the bikes. Gerard hefted the pack onto his back then mounted his ride, Emily close behind him. The sun peeked over the horizon as they pedaled along the dirt-packed road that led to the next village. Emily’s knee protested, but she struggled on. Birds awakened and chirped greetings to the coming day.

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