Home > Spies & Sweethearts(48)

Spies & Sweethearts(48)
Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

 “See that this isn’t the first time.” Lynx turned on his heel and disappeared among the trees.

 “He worries too much.”

 Gerard glared at Merkel. “Perhaps you don’t worry enough.”

 “I understand your distrust, but without me, you would wander through the forest like Hansel and Gretel. I know the best route, and because of my countrymen’s preference for strict adherence to schedule, I know when there will be a gap in coverage. We will slip past their detection, and they will be none the wiser.”

 Emily looked skyward. Is this from You, Father?

 Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them, the Lord thy God, He that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee nor forsake thee.

 Warmth settled over her. Thank you, God. She put her hand on Gerard’s arm. “I have peace about this. Let’s step out in faith.”

 His gaze pierced her face for a long moment, his baby blues shards of ice.

 She didn’t break eye contact, trying to convey her belief that God was going to protect them to the end of the journey.

 Merkel waited, arms crossed.

 Gerard’s lips curved into an imperceptible smile. “Once again, your strength of conviction is greater than my own.”

 “Your problem, Major, is the confidence you place in yourself rather than others.” She smiled to take the sting from her words. “And at times that works out for the best, but in this case we need a miracle, and God is in the miracle business.”

 “Amen.” Merkel approached. “He has saved my skin more than once.”

 Emily’s eyes narrowed. “You—”

 “Oui, I am a believer in the one true God and His son, Jesus.” He cleared his throat. “Now, we must get started if we are to arrive at the precise time needed to scale the wall.”

 Gerard extended his hand. “Forgive me, brother. I am not one who trusts easily.” He grinned. “But I did know you were omitting personal details.”

 Merkel chuckled. “Indeed.”

 In the distance, voices filtered through the trees.

 Tilting his head Merkel flung his hand to the east. “That way,” he hissed. “There is a set of caves approximately fifty meters from here.”

 They hurried through the woods on the balls of their feet, careful to step over fallen branches that might crackle when broken.

 Mouth dry and heart pounding, Emily kept an ear turned toward the voices that seemed to be getting louder. One minute peace, the next sheer terror. Please, God, hide us. And help my unbelief.

 Limestone boulders appeared, and Merkel led them to the smallest then gestured to a dark slit barely visible. He slipped inside, and she and Gerard followed on his heels. Dampness enveloped them, the earthy scent of mud and decaying vegetation clinging to the air.

 Shaking, she huddled next to Gerard, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, his body heat permeating her jacket. She nestled closer, and he stroked her back. He bent and kissed her head, and she smiled in the dim light.

 Outside the cave, footsteps plunged through foliage, limbs snapping like gunfire. The men argued among themselves and marched past the rock formations without stopping. Their voices faded, and five minutes later silence reigned in the forest.

 Nearby, Merkel let out a loud breath. “A close one, oui?”

 “Without a doubt.” Gerard’s chest vibrated against her side when he spoke.

 “Come. Their appearance put us further behind. We must make haste.” He leaned toward Emily. “You seem to be more than coworkers, perhaps even more than friends. Be careful.”

 Emily’s gaze shot toward him, but he’d already moved away.

 They exited the cave and ascended the mountain, picking their way around shrubs, trees, rocks, and uneven terrain. Their elevation increased, and the temperature dropped. Puffs of steam came from their mouths as they breathed.

 Emily rubbed her arms and stuffed her hands into her pockets to warm her fingers. Her toes tingled with cold. She stamped her feet in an effort to keep feeling in them. “How much farther?”

 Merkel smiled, his eyes kind. “Getting tired, mon partenaire?”

 “No, I’m freezing. The hike is keeping me somewhat toasty, but I’d give just about anything for a pair of wool socks and a hat.”

 “Not far until we turn off to make our approach from the correct side. Then we must maintain strict silence for the last two kilometers until we have traversed the wall. I will motion as appropriate. Watch me, and do exactly as I indicate.”

 They hiked farther up the mountain, and Merkel gestured for them to walk along the crest. They ducked behind bushes and boulders as they traveled. Hearing the guttural tones of a German patrol, they climbed high in the tree branches until the men disappeared from view.

 Heart still hammering, Emily descended the tree and sighed when her soles hit solid ground. They continued on their way for another thirty minutes. Merkel stopped and held up his hand. He pointed through the leaves.

 Barely visible, the drystone wall stood as the last barrier to freedom. Tears sprang to Emily’s eyes, and she blinked them away. The men would think her ridiculous, a sniveling female. She glanced at Gerard, and a lump formed in her throat. A sheen of moisture covered his eyes. He, too, was overcome with emotion.

 A pair of gray-coated soldiers paced in front of the wall, rifles against their shoulders. A few minutes later, one of the men checked his watch then said something to his companion who nodded. They marched away, leaving the area unattended.

 Merkel held his forefinger and thumb an inch apart, indicating thirty seconds, then pointed at the barricade.

 Gerard stared at his watch as if it were a lifeline. Time ticked forward. “Now.” He captured Emily’s hand in his and guided her through the shrubbery. Her back sizzled waiting for the hail of bullets should they be discovered. She held her breath as they made their way to the wall.

 Closer. Closer.

 She pivoted her head back and forth watching for uniforms, her ears straining for the sounds of voices, footsteps, or worse, rifles cocking.


 They reached the wall.

 Emily glanced at Merkel who gave her an American thumbs-up. How did he know about that? The man was an enigma.

 She hesitated.

 Gerard pushed her toward the stone. “No time for goodbyes.”

 Swinging her leg up on top of the wall, she pulled herself over and dropped to the other side. Gerard fell to the earth beside her.

 “Halt! You there. Put up your hands.”



Chapter Thirty-One

 Gerard shielded Emily’s body with his own and cupped a hand over her mouth to keep her from crying out. Her gaze ricocheted back and forth from his face to the wall. Heart battering his chest, he looked over his shoulder expecting to see the muzzle of a rifle pointed at them, but nothing appeared over the stone edifice.

 “Herren, no need to be alarmed.” Merkel’s voice wafted toward them. “I am Hauptsturmführer Merkel with the SS checking on the security of this post. You have done well by discovering my whereabouts, and your excellent skills will be highlighted in my report.”

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