Home > Spies & Sweethearts(9)

Spies & Sweethearts(9)
Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

 “Won’t happen. They’re not being discharged for exactly that reason. We’ll continue to control them. I hope they like cold weather. Our misfits get transferred to one of the bases in Alaska.”

 Gerard winced. Not somewhere he’d want to spend any amount of time.

 “What about the remaining newcomers?”

 “O’Reilly and Sambra seem exceptionally well suited to the organization. They aced every one of their tests, and their ingenuity at handling the fieldwork surpasses anything I’ve ever seen. I believe they could handle just about any situation in which they find themselves.”

 “Excellent. That’s my assessment as well. What about Brannon? His test scores are not top of the heap, but he seems to be succeeding with his field tactics.”

 “I’m not sure what the issue is with him, sir. When I quiz him verbally, he answers every question correctly, but having to write things down seems to be difficult. Perhaps he just learns differently, sir. I think he’d be an asset as an operative and worth cultivating.”

 “Agreed.” Major Hellman narrowed his eyes. “Tell me about Miss Strealer. What should we do with her? I’d hate to send her to the tundra.”

 “Permission to speak freely, sir?”


 Gerard shifted in the seat and wiped his damp palms on his pants. “She’s too pretty to be used as an agent. She’d be too noticeable. Agents should blend in, especially the women. Every Frenchman and German would follow her like a lapdog. With her grasp of the French language and culture, we’ll be best served if she remains here as an analyst.”

 “You think she’s attractive, do you?”

 “Yes, beautiful, in fact.” Gerard nodded as he pictured her heart-shaped face.

 “Perfect.” A grin split Major Hellman’s face, and he rubbed his hands together. “The Germans will never believe we’d send someone with her looks. She won’t blend in, so they’ll think she’s a native.”

 “You’re sending her to Germany?” Gerard’s heart skittered. “I didn’t realize we had agents there.”

 “Not Germany. Occupied France. She’ll be a radio operator.”

 “That’s the most dangerous position in the organization. I’m not sure she’s ready.”

 “You have plenty of time to get her ready. She’s leaves in ten days, and you’re going with her. We haven’t finished creating your cover story, but suffice it to say you’ll pretend to be married.”



Chapter Six

 “What do you mean we’re going to pretend to be married?” Emily gaped at Major Lucas, her heart pounding. Her first mission, and not only was she going to be saddled with her devastatingly handsome yet arrogant instructor, but she was supposed to impersonate being his wife. What was the colonel thinking when he’d made that decision?

 “Just like it sounds. We’re to be parachuted into France and make our way to Paris, where you’ll operate the radio, and I’ll work with Resistance members. There’s no concerted effort on their part, so the underground forces are not as effective as they could be. The French are progressive but not enough to accept a man and woman living together without the benefit of marriage. Assumptions will be made that you’re a prostitute. Does that suit your sensibilities better?”

 She reared back. “Of course not. But why do we have to go together. Paris is a large city. You could stay and work in one location, and I could set up in another.”

 “Stop questioning the order. Colonel Hellman has his reasons for the assignment. We have to trust his judgment.”

 “Look me in the eye, and tell me you weren’t shocked and a bit put off.” Emily crossed her arms and glared at him. “That you went along with the idea and didn’t challenge him.”

 Gerard’s gaze slid to the floor.

 “Yeah, that’s what I thought, so don’t act all high and mighty while I try to digest the fact that I’ve actually made the grade and will be sent behind enemy lines with a man I barely know under the auspices of being his wife.” Perspiration broke out along her hairline. Her stomached clenched, and she licked her dry lips. Her dream of being an agent and making a difference was coming true. Would she succeed or become a casualty? Would she beat the odds and outlive the six-week lifespan of an operator?

 She pivoted on her heel and walked to the window. Outside, the latest group of recruits was practicing maneuvers, one of which was the silent kill. Lord, help me.

 Major Lucas approached from behind. “Look, I know you’re surprised, but do you have to act like working with me is the worst thing that could have happened to you?”

 “I’m sorry.” Emily blew out a breath and turned to face him. “That was rude of me. It’s not you. It’s me. As usual, I’m hearing all the naysayers in my head trying to convince me that I’m not fit for this mission and that my decision is foolhardy.” She rubbed at her arms, suddenly chilled. “You couldn’t possibly understand. Confidence has never been an issue for you, has it? You must think I’m a sniveling girl who should be home rolling bandages.”

 “First of all, I’ve had moments of doubt during my career, many of which occurred during this assignment. Secondly, you’re wrong about my assessment of you. I believe you’re an intelligent, brave woman who is willing to risk her life for her country.” His crystal-blue eyes glinted in the sunshine pouring through the glass panes and seemed to caress her face. “I admire you for volunteering. And you can do this. The colonel would not have selected you otherwise.”

 In thirteen weeks of training, his baritone voice had never held softness before. What would it be like to have him truly care? Her face warmed, and she blinked to dismiss the thought. “Thanks for those encouraging words. It means a lot. You were one of my toughest instructors.” She chuckled. “I hated you for that, but now that I’m going to face the enemy, I know I’m fully prepared. If I fail, it won’t be your fault.”

 He grinned. “If you hadn’t disliked me, I wouldn’t have been doing my job.”

 His smile lit up his face and washed away the lines of stress that never seemed to disappear from his expression. Her breath caught. Did he realize how good looking he was? A fake relationship with a Clark Gable lookalike. What was she getting herself into? She’d have to pretend to love him while guarding her heart against the real thing.

 Lord, are Cora and Doris right? Is working for the OSS an attempt to prove myself rather than follow Your plan for me? I don’t think it is. The world is fighting malevolent forces, and I want to do my part to defeat this terrible evil. Perhaps I didn’t consider everything when I applied. Now, I’ll have to lie and practice deceit in my role as the major’s wife. Are You okay with that, Father?


 She nibbled her lower lip. No peace flooded her in a confirmation that God was in sync with her assignment. What had she expected? A cloud and a voice or a visit from an angel?

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