Home > Sunsets and Somedays (425 Madison #21)(2)

Sunsets and Somedays (425 Madison #21)(2)
Author: S.L. Sterling


"If that is how you remember it, yes." I laughed, squeezing her side playfully. "It was also one that you snuck into on a weekly basis to fool around with me too," I said, kissing her.


A cool wind blew over us, and Jess snuggled her nose into my neck and kissed me lightly on the cheek. "I'd love that. It will be like our dreams coming true."


I wrestled to give her what was in my pocket, until my stomach turned rapidly, threatening to redeem its contents. I had saved for the last four years and I prayed that she liked it. She hummed lightly in my ear while she rested her head on my shoulder, and that was when I decided I needed to take a chance and do it.

I reached my hand into my pocket and felt the ring that had been waiting there for me. I pulled it from my pocket and pushed myself up on my elbow, carefully holding her.


"What are you doing?" she asked, looking up at me.


"I know it’s not much, but it’s what I could afford right now," I said, holding the ring out for her.


Her fingertips grazed mine as she took the ring from me. "It's beautiful."


"I want to marry you, Jess. I want to start our lives together."


I dropped the ring into her hand, and she slipped it onto her finger, then held her hand out to look at it.


"It's just a promise ring." I swallowed.

"It's perfect."

"It's perfect for now, but, one day, when I can afford it, I will get you a genuine diamond ring."


"It's perfect, Ben. I love you."

I leaned down and kissed her deeply, then I lay back once again, pulling her against me, and we looked up at the night sky.



Chapter 2




I spotted Alison immediately as I made my way into the mall’s food court. She sat there sipping on a pop, grinning, and waving like a lunatic as I approached her. I couldn’t help but laugh.

"Hey, girl, it's about time you got here," she said, standing to give me an enormous hug.

"Yeah, sorry, the bus was late," I explained, sliding into the seat across from her and stealing a sip of her drink.

"Why did you take the bus? Where is Ben? I figured he would drive you."

"He would have, but his father told him he needed to stay and work tonight." I sighed. I glanced once again at my cell phone to see if he had messaged me, and then popped my phone into my purse when Alison squealed out loud.

"What on earth is that on your finger? Let me see!" she said, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand.

I let out a breath and showed her the hand that sported the promise ring Ben had given me three months ago. It was the first time I had worn it outside of when I had seen Ben. At first, it was fear of losing it, but as time went on, something much deeper inside of me kept me from wearing it.

"I can't believe I didn't know about this. How have you kept it a secret for so long? My God, you are so lucky. Ben is such a sweetheart, not to mention hot!" Alison fanned herself as I giggled.

"Thanks," I said, pulling my hand away.

"What's wrong? I would have thought you'd be excited. He wants you, and he has a future ahead of him, unlike some other guys around here," Alison said, looking at me as if I were crazy. Out of all the guys in our town, I had lucked out and gotten one of the excellent ones.

"It's just…I don't know," I said, letting out a breath. "I'm bored, I guess. I want out of this sleepy tiny town. I want to explore the world, and he just wants to keep us here. I brought up moving the other day, wanting to settle somewhere else, and we got into the biggest fight we've ever had." I sighed.

"Well, I am sure you guys can come to a compromise. Can't you?"

"I wish it were that way, but when I spoke to him about it last night, he was adamant that this was the way things would have to be. He wants to work with his father, which is great, and I understand that, but it's almost as if he has our entire lives planned out already. Plus, I feel as if I barely see him. He is always working. He also wants to build us a house and have kids. I mean, he literally has it all planned. He's never really even asked me what I wanted."

"Girl, give it time. I'm sure he doesn't have everything planned out."

I smiled. "No, he does. Are we ready to shop?" I said, getting up and stretching. This was not a subject I wanted to talk about tonight.


"No, let's go, come on. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

An hour later, we had almost covered the entire mall without mention of Ben or the situation and were now heading into the last area of the mall. Carrying our bags, we rounded the corner, and that was where I saw it. I had remembered seeing an advertisement for the Great Model Search coming to our area a few months ago, and I pulled on Alison's arm to get her attention.

"What is this?" Alison questioned, coming up beside me and glancing at one flyer that hung on the wall. "Oh wait, I heard about this. It's that model search thing. You can win a modeling contract if they choose you."

"Yes, they advertised it a while back, and I totally forgot they were coming here. Basically, they ask you some questions, take a few pictures of you, and if someone sees your portfolio and likes you, you could get a contract," I said, ringing the bell that sat on the counter.

"What are you doing?" Alison asked, gripping my hand as the bell rang out.

"I'm going to give it a shot, just for fun."

"Seriously, Jessica, come on. Let's go. Not only will your parents kill you, but it will piss Ben off."

"I just want to get some information, that's it. They won't be calling me. I mean, look at me," I said, throwing my arms out to my sides.

Alison let out a laugh at my gesture, and then we heard a lady's voice ask, "Can I help you, ladies."

"Oh, hi! I am interested in—" I hadn't even gotten the words out of my mouth when she shoved a clipboard and pen into my hand.

"Fill these forms out, and as soon as you return the release forms and the attached questionnaire, we will take a couple quick photos." She turned and walked away before I could ask her questions.

I shrugged, looked down at the forms, then to Alison, and walked over and took a seat on a bench. She sat down beside me and pulled out her phone while I began filling out the three forms. A half hour later, I was in a changing room with some select outfits. I changed into the first one and stepped out behind the camera where the impatient lady took a slew of photos. This went on until I had been photographed in all of the outfits.

"Are you sure your friend isn't interested?" the lady asked through the curtain as I finished changing back into my own clothes.

"Yeah, I’m sure," I mumbled.

"It's an exceptional opportunity. She should give it a go."

I let out a laugh. "She won't, so don't bother."

Once I changed, I grabbed my purse and walked across to where Alison sat, looking bored out of her mind. I felt bad for making her wait so long and was hoping she wasn't too angry with me.

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