Home > Tempting the Footman (House of Devon #5)(8)

Tempting the Footman (House of Devon #5)(8)
Author: Lauren Smith

“I would never laugh.” Phoebe began undoing the laces of the gown as she rolled her mistress over. Adrian froze at the sight of Lady Venetia’s body being bared to him.

“Thank you . . . Adrian,” Venetia said drowsily at him.

Phoebe whirled and gasped. “What the devil are you doing here? Out with you! Out!” She chased Adrian from the room and slammed the door. Phillip was waiting for him outside, half grinning.

“Saw a bit more of the lady than you should have, eh?”

Adrian chuckled. “Definitely more than I should have, but the lady was going to catch a chill, and I wasn’t sure how quickly you would find her maid.”

“Mr. Reeves will have you cleaning teapots for the next century, no matter that you saved the poor woman.”

“I’m afraid my heroic actions will likely go unpraised.” He chuckled wryly at the idea of anyone thinking him a hero.

“Most of the guests are here. Why don’t you dry off and see to the rest of the luggage. I’ll make sure Benjamin and the doctor find her.”

Adrian clapped Phillip on the back and returned downstairs, only to run straight into Lady Latham.

“I’ve only just heard, you found my granddaughter outside and carried her into the house. What happened to her?” She held her cane tight, knuckles white, but he still heard the fear in her imperious tone.

“She slipped on the hill and twisted her ankle very badly, my lady. We sent for the doctor, and she is resting in her room.”

“Thank you, Mr. . . . ,” Lady Latham said more quietly.

“Adrian Montague, my lady.”

“Adrian, yes, now I remember. Thank you. Venetia is my world, you see. If anything happened to her . . .”

“She’s a strong young lady, and brave,” Adrian said. “I’m sure she will be fine.” He started to move around Lady Latham, but her cane rose as if of its own volition and blocked his passing.

“I shall make this known to Lady Devon. If it isn’t too much trouble to ask, in addition to your other duties, would you be able to look after Lady Venetia? See that she has whatever she needs? I trust you, young man, and frankly, I like the look of you. It would do my stubborn little dear some good to spend time around a handsome young man with manners.”

“Surely you don’t mean for her to spend time with me?” She had to be forgetting that he was only a footman. Perhaps it was because he had left his coat out in the gardens.

“I’m aware that you are a servant, but that is merely a word to me. What matters is what is in here.” She tapped his chest with her cane. “I will speak to Lady Devon. She may reduce your duties so you may care for Venetia.”

Adrian didn’t dare argue. “Yes, my lady.” He bowed respectfully and let her pass by him to go up the stairs to see to her granddaughter. She disappeared down the hall, and he headed back out onto the terrace and into the rain to find his livery coat.

He tried to focus on how he would handle the butler’s displeasure and not about how he might be spending more time than was wise with the beautiful Lady Venetia. Adrian was no rakehell, but even he would have to be on his best behavior around someone so sweet, or he would lose his home here and any reference that could see him settled elsewhere.

Lady Latham had no idea what she was asking of him.



Venetia was aware of her maid’s mutterings as she was stripped of the rest of her clothes and bundled into a clean, dry chemise. Her hair was combed out and the pins removed so the wet locks could dry faster.

“Damned man, touching your stockings.” Phoebe herself was tweaking the damp stockings into a better hanging position on the fire grate. “The nerve of him.”

“Please, Phoebe, do not be angry with him. He rescued me. I was the silly fool who fell down a hill. He carried me back to the house.”

Her maid glanced her way. “Aye, like Lord bloody Byron he did, all that dark hair and fetching looks. Yes, he’d play the hero for any woman, I’m sure.”

Venetia didn’t like that her maid was so set against the footman. She cut off the maid’s tirade. “He did me a great service, and it isn’t his fault that he is rather dashing. Ladies of great houses always try to have the most attractive men in such positions.”

Venetia let out a sneeze and fell back on the pillows. Her maid was there in an instant, cooing to her and handing her a cup of herbal tea. She wasn’t really upset with Phoebe. Her maid was fiercely loyal and protective, often to a fault.

“There now, my lady.” She fluffed the pillow, and Venetia drifted off to sleep until the doctor arrived. When she opened her eyes, she found her grandmother sitting beside her bed, watching with concern as the doctor examined Venetia’s ankle.

The doctor was a man of middle age, and he had a pair of silver-rimmed spectacles perched on his nose. He tested her swollen ankle with gentle fingers.

“This will hurt, my lady, but I need to see if the ankle is broken.” He rotated the joint slowly, and Venetia swallowed back a cry of pain.

“Thank heavens, ’tis only sprained, but I commend you,” the doctor said. “You managed to pop the bone out of place and back in. That is far more painful than if you had broken it. But the good news is this means your recovery will be a few days rather than several weeks.”

“That is good news,” Gwen replied.

Her grandmother was unusually quiet. Normally she would be talking with the doctor about a great many things, but instead she was very subdued.

“Drink herbal tea, and stay warm and in bed for the next several days. I want you to send for me if you develop a fever. The valet who met me at the door said you’d been in the rain for some time. I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” He collected his hat and bag and bid Venetia and Gwen farewell.

When he’d gone, Venetia groaned. “So much for the house party. It seems I shall spend the entire time trapped in bed like some invalid.”

“Do not fret, my dear. I’ll see that you have company.”

“Company? You won’t keep me company?”

Gwen laughed. “No, my dear, not me. I am too old to keep you entertained for an entire week. No, that handsome footman will do nicely.”

“What? Gran, that’s not wise and certainly not proper.”

Gwen smiled coyly. “Oh, come now. Life needs to be a bit improper at times. And this is a chance for you to learn how to be around young men. Your father kept you so protected that you’ve never had a decent opportunity for interaction. But don’t worry, it’s time we fix that.”

“Gran,” Venetia warned, but she was too tired and her muscles still ached from when she’d fallen. There was little fight left in her.

Gwen kissed her forehead and patted her cheek. “Rest, my dear.”

Despite her exhaustion, Venetia couldn’t help but think about the disaster that would surely follow if she and Adrian were forced to be in each other’s company for a week. However, she couldn’t deny that her traitorous heart gave a few quickened beats at the thought.

He had been so romantic, looming out of the rain to lift her up, his warm hard body pressed tightly to hers. Their bodies had strained as they had moved up the hill as one, together, united. The thought brought a heated blush that would have sent Phoebe calling for the doctor had she been there. Venetia closed her eyes, remembering Adrian holding her. She could even still smell a hint of his scent upon her skin, the scent of man and cold rain mixed in an enticing blend. Had she ever noticed a man’s scent beyond the usual overdone colognes at balls? Not really.

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