Home > UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6)(8)

UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6)(8)
Author: Hayley Faiman

“Yeah? What’s your fuckin’ plan? Gonna whore her?”

Narrowing my eyes, I feel an immediate tightness in my chest at the idea of any of my brothers touching her. She’s mine. At least until I no longer want her.

“Not a clubwhore then.” He chuckles, reading the anger in my gaze.

I snort. “No, not a clubwhore,” I grind out.

“Then what? Your Old Lady? You don’t know her, nothin’ about her.”

“No Old Lady either. Just… mine for now,” I say, shrugging a shoulder.

He watches me silently for a moment, then lets out a sigh. “Dragon ain’t gonna let you keep her at the clubhouse. You taking her home to your place in town?”

“My brother’s?” I ask, curling my lip in disgust.

He chuckles. “You still own it. Club’s been payin’ the property taxes on it all these years. May as well clean it out and store her there until you’re done playing. Dragon won’t let her around the clubhouse, especially not without knowing a fucking thing about her, other than who her daddy was.”

Looking over my shoulder, I glance through the darkened windows of the back of the van and catch a glance of her sitting there. Her head is tipped down and all I see is her blonde hair falling forward. I would be a liar if I said that, that hair of hers wasn’t a huge reason I snatched her, along with the fact that she’s obviously a society girl.

“Fuck,” I breathe before I turn back around to face Silver. “I haven’t been in that house in twenty years.”

Silver chuckles. “I send a prospect around every so often to turn the lights on, flush toilets, run the water, dust and vacuum. I’m not saying it’ll be spotless, but it won’t be a complete spiderweb jungle either.”

“Thanks,” I grumble.

“She looks a little like Presley, skinnier, but her face is pretty sweet, brother.”

I shake my head. “You know who her daddy was, I’m not sure…”

Dragon appears, he reaches out and wraps his fingers around my shoulder giving me a shake. “Couple of years ago, I would have said the same. Bellarosa is nothing like her father, absolutely fucking nothing. This girl may be the same, plus she’s free, and you’ve wasted far too much fucking money on those whores in New York.”

I shake my head, looking from one brother to another before I let out a snort. “You’re both crazy,” I point out. “But she’s class, and who knows, maybe she’ll be useful for the club in one way or another. When she no longer has a use…”

“You gonna be the one to make sure she doesn’t talk?” Dragon asks.

I jerk my chin. “I will. I’m bringing her in, I’m responsible for her.”

Dragon’s gaze flicks to Silver, then comes back to me. He snorts once, his lips curving up into a smile.

“You been through a lot, brother. Have your fun. Anything you can get on her old man and his dealings, on his associates, you get that for us. Otherwise, enjoy yourself.”

We don’t say anything else, instead, we climb back in the van and are silent the rest of the way back to the clubhouse. If I could be dropped straight off at my brother’s old place, I would, but I need to pack a bag and grab my bike.

Honestly, I want to avoid any of the drama that I know will unfold as soon as any of the Old Ladies get a look at Leighton.

I especially want to avoid possibly seeing Della and Eagle. I don’t want to deal with seeing their baby. I have successfully been avoiding him since he was born, and I’d like to keep it just like that for a while.

I’m not ready.

The clubhouse comes into view and as soon as we turn down the dirt road and pull up to the gates, Leighton sits straight up and leans forward to look out the front window. I smirk as I lean back against the van and wait for it to come to a stop.

Dragon shifts it into park, I open my eyes just as he turns around to face me. His lips twitch into a smirk as his eyes search my own. “It’s a full fuckin’ house, brother. You ready?”

I shake my head with a grunt. “Fuck no, I’m not.”

He laughs softly, then twists a little farther to look at Leighton. “You think about trying to run, you’ll die in the desert. Either from the elements or from my own hand. Either way, you won’t survive it, so I wouldn’t consider it if I were a pretty little blonde thing like you.”

I shake my head with a chuckle as I climb out of the back of the van. Dragon is doing a good job scaring the shit out of Leighton, and I would like to say that he’s bluffing, but I know that he’s not. I’m not worried about her though.

There’s something about her, something that tells me deep in my gut that she’s not going to be a problem, at least not like that. I have a feeling she could be a problem for me, but I’m kind of hoping that she is. I need a little sass in my woman.

“Ready?” I call out, holding my hand out for her to take.

She looks behind her at Dragon, then back to me. She hesitates. Thankfully, that hesitation lasts about a second. She quickly crawls toward me, slipping her palm in mine before I help her out of the back.

Once her feet are on the ground, she tilts her head back to look into my eyes. I expect her to say something, to plead for her life maybe, but she doesn’t. Instead, she just watches me for a moment, her eyes searching mine.

“I don’t know why, but I think you saved me, Mountain.”

I snort. “If you’re looking for a knight in shining armor, you’re lookin’ at the wrong man, babe.”

“No knight would ever want me. I’m looking at rough, scary, and savage. I know what I see when I look in your eyes, Mountain.”



Chapter Three






A motorcycle gang. Looking around, I shouldn’t be surprised that there are women and kids running around, men like this have families just as the men in my father’s sick circle had them as well.

Still, it’s strange to think that they kidnapped me, possibly killed my father, and did God knows what to those girls, then they come home and kiss their wives before hugging their children.

Something catches the corner of my eye. Slowly, I turn to look. There’s a beautiful blonde holding a little bundle in her arms. She’s curvy and does not look like she’s recently given birth, she’s a complete knockout. A tall man, covered head to toe in tattoos, slides his arm around her shoulders and smiles as he looks down into that bundle.

“Don’t get used to the faces you see around here. You won’t see them very often, never if I can help it.”

Spinning around, I tilt my head back to look into his eyes. “Why?” I chance asking.

Mountain dips his chin, his eyes searching my own. “This place ain’t for you, mi reina,” he rasps.

I frown but don’t ask him anything else.

“Gotta grab some shit, come with me?” He poses it like a question, but I know that it is anything but that. He’s not going to let me out of his sight for very long, he doesn’t know me, let alone trust me even an ounce.

Taking his hand, together we walk past the woman, man, and the baby. The woman calls out to him, but he just lifts his hand. I look back at her, expecting to see her eyes on him, but instead they’re focused on me and she doesn’t look happy.

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