Home > Masterson Made (Masterson #4)(33)

Masterson Made (Masterson #4)(33)
Author: Lisa Lang Blakeney

Roman and I are having a black and white wedding in Club Lotus on a Friday night for obvious sentimental reasons. Friday, because that’s our date night and the club because it’s where we first met (well, sort of). It’s a special place for us.

The club has been closed to the public for a week and magically transformed into an elegant room full of white lights with reams of sheer white fabric that hang from the ceiling beams and large white balloons clustered and weighted in specific areas of the room. We covered all the tables in white linen tablecloths with simple white candles of various heights in the center and there are enormous bouquets of sunflowers interspersed throughout the room which add a pop of color and are also a part of the running private joke between us.

Getting married in a non-religious venue has been a sore spot between my parents and I, but honestly I don’t think any place else could rival the sublime beauty of this space. I think the wedding planner got exactly every detail right. The club looks like an elegant, ethereal, otherworldly place. A space befitting our union. It is non-traditional; it is unique, and it is all us.

The walk down the aisle, which is covered in golden sunflower petals, seems long and awkward as everyone’s eyes in the room are on me. It’s a bit unnerving to see almost everyone you’ve ever known stare at you with generous smiles and shiny eyes. As I continue down the aisle, I hear a few complimentary whispers from the crowd.

“You look beautiful, Elizabeth.”

“That dress is stunning.”

I stop at the front row where Knox is sitting in his baby tuxedo and I give him a quick peck on the lips. For a moment he reaches out his arms for me to pick him up, but then my mom redirects him with his favorite teething toy. Both he and I have come a long way. He’s becoming slightly more independent and I’m allowing him to be.

My father holds me steady as we continue to slowly walk to the front where I am now focused on the only person in the room who matters at this moment.


He literally takes my breath away, looking hotter than I’ve ever seen him in his custom-made monochrome black tuxedo with the shirt slightly open and new leather boots on instead of shoes. I love the way his suit contrasts against the ink peeping from under his collar and from under his cuffs. His deep, intense, inky eyes hold mine in place as my father literally hands me over to him.

Is it irreverent to say in the middle of my wedding ceremony that I want to climb this man like a pole?

“Take care of her,” my father says.

“Always,” Roman assures him.

Roman clasps my hand and leans in to whisper in my ear before the officiant has time to start.

“I missed you like crazy.”

“I did too.”

“You look incredible.”

“You look hot.”

He smiles.

“I will make you happy, Duchess.”

I squeeze his hand tighter.

“You already do.”

My friend Zoe is not only a celebrated tattoo artist in the area, but she also is an ordained minister in the state of Pennsylvania (thanks to the Internet) and is officiating our wedding. The plan is that after the ceremony we’ll get wedding ring tattoos inked by her while our guests are at the cocktail hour.

“I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know this couple for a while and I think we can all agree that they are a unique pair,” Zoe begins.

The crowd nods and murmurs in agreement.

“So, I’m sure you’re not surprised that the bride and groom have decided to recite their own vows. Elizabeth, ladies first.”

I was nervous about saying my own words in front of a room full of people, but I knew that it wouldn’t be right to let this day go by without sharing with all the people who care about us why I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with this man.

Roman and I turn toward each other and hold hands. I stare deep into his eyes reminding me we are the only two people in this room, reminding me I have nothing to be frightened of or embarrassed about, and reminding me that with him by my side there is nothing I can’t do.

I gingerly clear my throat.

“Today, I am the most blessed woman in the world. I am marrying my best friend, the father of my child, my protector, and my lover. I promise to take care of the heart you have given to me so willingly. I promise to honor and respect you for the rest of our days. I love you, Roman.”

I cannot see Sloan or Tiny because they are standing behind me, but I can hear Sloan starting to sniffle. She promised me she wouldn’t fall apart today because if she starts the waterworks then I’m bound to lose it.

I lower my head for a moment and breathe deeply through my nose and out my mouth to collect my composure when Roman takes a curved finger and raises my chin to meet his gaze.


His baritone voice ripples right through me and goes straight to my tear ducts.

I think I’m the one who’s going to lose it first.









“The fact that a guy like me is standing in this room with a woman like you on our wedding day astounds me. You are intelligent, brave, sexy, gracious, and a warrior. You see the best in everyone because you are truly the most genuinely real and kind-hearted person I have ever met. I promise to love you, respect you, cherish you, honor you, protect you, and make love to you all the days we have left on this earth.”

The crowd giggles at his last part of the vow.

“You may now exchange rings.”

Joseph hands Roman a box I didn’t know about. I already have a beautiful diamond engagement ring that I love, but this is something different. It’s a delicate gold ring made of gorgeous yellow and chocolate diamonds in the shape of a sunflower, and it matches the other beautiful jewelry he’s given me to remind me of our beginnings. A bully and a naïve kid who were destined by familial ties and circumstances to meet again. More tears swell as I consider how much thought he put into this wedding gift.

I will not ruin my mascara.

God, this man is perfect.

Sloan steps forward and hands me my box for Roman. Although we are getting tattoos around our ring fingers to symbolize our forever bond, I wanted to make sure he had a traditional wedding band that he can wear whenever he chooses. There are three diamonds set deep in the band to represent the unification of him, me, and Knox as a family and there is a simple inscription inside memorializing today’s date.

“Will you Roman Masterson take Elizabeth Hill to be your lawful wedded wife for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?”

“I do.”

“And will you Elizabeth Hill take Roman Masterson to be your lawful wedded husband for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?”

“I do.”

“By the power vested in me by the state of Pennsylvania, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Roman, you may kiss your bride.”

Roman slides his arms around my waist and firmly pulls me into his embrace.

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Masterson.”

His deep voice rumbles through my entire my body and lands at my core with passion and promise.

“Hi.” I can’t stop smiling.

The kiss to salute our union is chaste by our usual standards, but I still think it’s wildly romantic. I taste a mixture of mint, whiskey, and chocolate on his tongue, which is uniquely him and tastes like home.

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