Home > Can't Help Falling in Love (Magnolia Sound #5)(32)

Can't Help Falling in Love (Magnolia Sound #5)(32)
Author: Samantha Chase

When she started to cry again, he thought he’d said something wrong, but…

“She’s the only family I’ve got,” she said against his chest. “Now she has Brian and Rose and Kira and Benjamin and…she’s the luckiest person in the world.”

As much as his family made him crazy sometimes, Hunter knew how fortunate he was to have them. There was no way he could fully understand what Violet was feeling. It killed him to think of her being all alone in the world–even though she had Katie–and it just about gutted him to know she’d be going back out into that world in a matter of weeks.

And yeah, he was pretty sure he was close to crushing her because he was hugging her so hard, but he couldn’t seem to let go.

Luckily, she was holding him just as tight.

Behind them, someone cleared their throat and Hunter turned his head to see one of the delivery nurses standing there.

“Katie was asking for Violet,” she said hesitantly.

“Thank you.” Hunter kissed the top of Violet’s head one more time and reluctantly let her go. “Why don’t you go check on Katie and I’m going to call my dad and make sure he got Eli okay.”

She started to walk away but stopped before she went more than a few feet. “Hunter?”


“Thank you,” she said, and he could see her pulling herself together right before his eyes. “I don’t know what I would have done without you today.”

But before he could respond, she walked away.

It was probably for the best because he almost blurted out how he would always be there for her.

And that would have only complicated an already complicated situation.

Sighing, he raked his hand through his hair and pulled out his phone and immediately called his father. “Hey, Dad. How’s it going?”

“Hey! We’re good. Having fun with Kira and Rose,” Dominic replied. “So? Is there a baby?”

“Wait. Why are you still over at Katie’s?”

“Well, I got here, and the kids were playing so nicely, and Rose asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee, and I said yes. Then we got to talking and decided to order a pizza. We’re having a wonderful time. Can you believe we just met earlier today for the first time? Such a small world, right?” He laughed softly. “She’s so excited about the baby and was hoping to hear something soon. So? Are you calling with news?”

“News?” His head was spinning a bit. It seemed a little surreal that his father was willingly hanging out with someone he barely knew–and a woman no less!–and he was being downright chatty!

“About the baby?” Dominic prompted. “I thought that’s why you were calling.”

“Dad, I was calling you to make sure you and Eli were okay. I had no idea you would still be at Katie’s.”

“Okay, but now that you know it’s where I am, are you going to answer the question?” He paused. “Oh, wait…Rose’s phone is ringing. Maybe it’s Katie calling to give her an update.”


“It probably would be better to hear the news from Katie instead of you–not that it wouldn’t be appreciated–but it probably isn’t your place to be calling like this.”

“Dad!” he cried out with exasperation. “I just said…”

“It’s a boy!” he heard Rose cry out. “A beautiful baby boy!”

“Well alright,” Dominic said happily. “Did you hear that, Hunt? It’s a boy!”

“Dad, I’m here! I was in the room when he was born!”

“Then why didn’t you say that when I asked you?”

Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose and prayed for patience because this conversation was making him crazy. “Dad,” he began calmly, “Katie had a baby boy. It’s late–it’s past Eli’s bedtime–are you taking him home with you or to my place?”

“I’ll probably take him home with me. It’s been a long day and I’m pretty beat too and would like to sleep in my own bed. Are you gonna be okay?”

“Me? Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

“Well, you worked all day and have been at the hospital for hours so…”

Now that he had a minute to relax, he realized he was kind of tired. “I’m a little tired myself, but I’m going to be here for a little while longer since I rode here with Violet, and then I’m going to grab something to eat since I missed dinner.”

“I’m sure Violet did too. Maybe the two of you should stop for something to eat on the way home.”

“Yeah, maybe…”

“Dean’s opening the shop tomorrow so I’ve got the morning off,” his father went on. “I know Katie had the baby sooner than everyone expected so I’m sure you have to work out options for Eli.”

“Oh, crap. I didn’t even think of that…”

His father chuckled again. “Now I know you’re tired. If you don’t have a plan of action ready, then I know something’s up.”


“You go and do what you need to do and I’ve got Eli tomorrow–all day if you need me to–so don’t worry. Now go and let Katie get some rest and you and Violet grab some dinner.”

“Yes, sir.”

“We’ll talk in the morning.”

“Thanks, Dad. Kiss Eli for me.”

“I will. Goodnight.”

Hanging up, he slid the phone back in his pocket before he went back into Katie’s room. She was sitting up in the bed and looked a little better than she had a short while ago. When she spotted him, she smiled. “I was wondering if you were coming back or if I had scared you off.”

“I’m pretty tough,” he said, walking closer to the bed. “And I don’t scare easily.”

“Thank God.” She sighed happily. “They’re getting ready to move me to a real room in a few minutes, and I just got off the phone with Rose, so I know Kira’s good. The only thing left to do is try to get a message to Brian. I did what I could, but…”

A small cry came from the corner of the room and Hunter turned to see Violet sitting in a chair cradling Benjamin in her arms–and the sight hit him like a sucker punch to the gut.

She was gazing down at the baby and talking softly to him, and she looked more at peace than he’d ever seen her. When she looked up at him, she smiled, and he knew at that moment he was in deep trouble.

He was falling in love with her.

Before the thought could take hold, nurses came in, and it became mildly chaotic as they put Benjamin in the bassinet and secured Katie to move them to their private room.

“Do you want me to stay?” Violet asked before they moved the bed at all.

“No,” Katie said around a yawn. “It’s been a long day and I’m kind of looking forward to having some quality time with this little guy. But thank you.” She looked over at Hunter. “Both of you. You have no idea how much it means to me that you were here to help.”

After a round of goodbyes, Hunter and Violet were alone in the now-empty room.

“So,” he said after a minute. “Are you hungry? I thought we could grab something to eat on the way home.”

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