Home > Can't Help Falling in Love (Magnolia Sound #5)(58)

Can't Help Falling in Love (Magnolia Sound #5)(58)
Author: Samantha Chase

Now, her home was in Magnolia Sound, and she was close to Katie and Brian, but also made a ton of new friends. It seemed like Hunter and his siblings knew everyone in town and it was overwhelming and wonderful, and it filled her heart to overflowing to find herself as part of this incredible family.

She was home.

And now she had an adorable puppy too!

Reaching out, she took the collar from him and saw a little sparkle on it. “Um…did you get this sweet boy dog a blingy collar?” But when she looked a little closer, she saw it wasn’t bling for Nash. It was a ring for her. “Oh my goodness,” she whispered.

Hunter took the collar back and took the ring off and held it up to her. “You complete us, Violet. And Eli and I wanted to ask you…”

“Will you marry us?” Eli cried out excitedly, jumping to his feet.

Violet couldn’t have uttered a word if she wanted to, but she nodded and held out her hand and watched in awe as Hunter slid the beautiful marquis onto her finger.

“Yay! She’s gonna marry us!” Eli said before going to run in circles on the grass. Nash immediately jumped out of Hunter’s arm to join in. Which was just as well. That freed up his hands so he could pull her close and kiss her senseless.

When they finally broke apart, she looked at him with pure wonder. “How did I ever get this lucky?”

“We’re the lucky ones,” Hunter said gruffly. “And I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

“Ooo…I like the sound of that,” she said, smiling.

“I do have…well…maybe one request to make.”

“A request?”

He nodded.


“All the talk you, Katie, and Brian did about that California road trip,” he said, “I think I’d like to check that out for our honeymoon. What do you think?”

Eyes wide, she cupped his face and gave him a loud, smacking kiss on the lips. “Hunter Jones, I would go anywhere with you. And I can’t wait to plan a trip just for us!”



Preview of Last Beautiful Girl



Want to know what happens with Hunter’s brother Kyle??

Here’s an excerpt of



“To the happy couple!”

Kyle lifted his glass of champagne along with everyone else and smiled at the happy couple. His brother Hunter and his fiancé Violet were both beaming as everyone toasted their new engagement. And as much as he usually made fun of people who opted to tie themselves to someone for the rest of their lives, he had to admit he was happy for them.

Hey, just because he didn’t want to take the plunge, didn’t mean others couldn’t.

“There he is, the last Jones standing.”

Looking over his shoulder, Kyle smiled at his oldest brother Dean walked over and clapped him on the shoulder. “Yup. That’s me!”

They stood shoulder to shoulder as Hunter and Vi shared a kiss. “Nice of you to fix yourself up.”

“What? What’s wrong with the way I look?”

Dean reached over and ruffled his hair. “You couldn’t bother getting a haircut?”

Groaning, he raked a hand through his hair. “For an engagement party? Not necessary. I’ve always worn my hair long and no one has a problem with it.” Then he paused. “Wait…do they?”

Chuckling, Dean shook his head. “Sometimes you make it too easy.”


“Look at him,” Dean said after a moment. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Hunter look so happy.”

“I agree. And honestly, he deserves it.” Nodding, Kyle took another sip of his champagne.

“What about you, bro? When are you going to give up your wild ways and settle down?”

It wasn’t the first time someone had mentioned how it was time for him to give up his partying lifestyle and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Honestly, it didn’t even bother him.

“Never,” he said mildly.

Beside him, Dean chuckled. “Seriously?”

Another nod. “Not everyone wants to settle down. Me? I enjoy dating. I enjoy dating different women.” Then he chuckled. “And many different women enjoy dating me.”

Rolling his eyes, Dean shook his head. “It’s going to get old eventually. And so are you. And then where will you be?”

“That is a long way off and I’m not worried about it. You weren’t in any rush to settle down.”

“And yet I did. I just had to find the perfect woman.”

That made him laugh. “Yeah, and she’d been right under your nose for most of your life. You were a little slow on the uptake there.”

But his brother didn’t even seem mildly offended by the ribbing. “True, but once I realized that Court was it for me, I didn’t waste any time.”

True, he had married her six months after he proposed.


He was about to comment on it when Dean’s wife walked over and snagged her husband to go and dance. He raised a glass to them and told them to have fun, but now he wished he had someone to dance with. Glancing around the room, there were plenty of women he knew, but they all were here with dates. Hell, he could have brought a date, too, but taking someone to your brother’s engagement party implied a level of commitment that he just wasn’t interested in.

No thank you.

There was a time when he thought it was, but…that was a whole other lifetime ago.

His father walked over and took the spot his brother had just vacated.

“You know what I wish?” Dominic Jones asked.

“What’s that, Dad?”

“That I had someone to dance with.”

Wow…color me surprised.

Turning his head, he looked curiously at his father who had been widowed for close to thirty years. “Can I ask you something?”


“Why don’t you date?”

Shrugging, his father said, “I guess I just sort of…forgot how.” He laughed softly. “For so many years after your mother died, I was focused on just trying to keep it together and raise you kids. Then I was so set in my routine that I didn’t even think about it. But now? Now I’d like to think about it, but I don’t know how.” Sliding his hands into his trouser pockets, he glanced at Kyle. “You know any single women my age?”

Kyle almost choked on his champagne. “Ugh…you are not asking me to set you up with anyone. Just…no.”

“Why not? It’s not a big deal. You have a very active social life, surely you’ve met older women who might be looking to go out with someone like me.”

“Someone like…? What is happening right now?”

“What? What’s the matter?”

He knew his eyes were pretty much bugging out, and Kyle looked around frantically for someone to save him from this conversation. But no one was paying any attention to them, and if they weren’t at a formal event, he seriously would have considered throwing something at either Dean or Hunter to get their attention.

Letting out a long breath, he said, “I thought you’d gone out for coffee a few times with…with…” Damn, what was her name? “Rose! Yeah, I thought you’d gone out with Rose a few times. What happened there?”

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