Home > Can't Help Falling in Love (Magnolia Sound #5)(6)

Can't Help Falling in Love (Magnolia Sound #5)(6)
Author: Samantha Chase

“You know we’d all help out where we could. Eli could sleep over here and Courtney and I would fill in where you need us. And I’m sure Scarlett and Mason would do the same, just like Dad and Kyle would. Hell, they would even be able to sleep at your place so Eli could sleep in his own bed and maybe start having more of a feeling of security.”

A lump formed in his throat when he realized just how screwed up things were. It wasn’t like his son was the first kid to bounce around between his parents’ houses, but it definitely wasn’t a life Hunter wanted for him.

“That’s all I want for him,” Hunter said, his voice gruff. “I just honestly don’t know how to make it happen.”

“Have you thought about maybe taking a leave of absence from work?”

“I’m already off tomorrow so I can get things started. And I already put in to take time off when Katie has her baby.” He sighed. “I hate this. I seriously hate this.”

“I know you do. Just know we’re all here for you. Do you want to come for dinner tomorrow night? We’ll invite everyone over so we can brainstorm and work out a possible schedule before you take any time off from work. What do you say?”

“Scarlett and Mason are out of town and I thought Dad and Gramps were too.”

“Oh. Right. Okay, then. Do you have any overnights the rest of the week?”


“Okay, then. Let’s plan on everyone coming over on Sunday. I know it’s not going to help you the rest of the week, but don’t hesitate to reach out to Kyle and me at least. Between the two of us, we should be able to help out in a pinch.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate it. And I’ll see you Sunday.”

They hung up, and for a few minutes, Hunter didn’t move. The phone was still in his hands, and he knew it was late, but there was no way he was going to sleep until he got some answers.

Or unless he tried one more time tonight to get some.

With a weary sigh, he called Melissa’s number and prayed she’d answer.

She didn’t.

He had a feeling she wasn’t even listening to his messages, but he felt better leaving one because it helped him to vent.

“Hey, you’ve reached Melissa. Leave your name and number and I’ll call you back. Bye!”

“You’re going to have to answer me eventually,” he began, but there wasn’t much heat behind his words. “Look, I just need to know where you are and when you’ll be back. This isn’t fair to Eli and it sure as hell isn’t fair to me. He’s here with me, and tomorrow was my scheduled day with him so we’re good there, but I need to know whether or not you’re going to be around Friday for him so…call me. Soon. Bye.”

Tossing the phone aside with disgust, he slumped down on the couch. Who was he kidding? Even if she called him right now and said she’d be back on Friday for Eli, there was no way in hell he’d leave his son with her again. If anything, he wanted to go there and get all of Eli’s clothes and toys and anything else he may want and just be done with it all. He’d let the lawyers handle the rest. As far as he was concerned, his son only had one parent.


Unfortunately, he was also a realist and knew he was going to have to have a plan. There was always the possibility of hiring a full-time housekeeper. But as he looked around, he knew it would be weird. He loved his house, but it was small–two bedrooms, one bathroom–and he would need someone to sleepover at least once a week when he worked overnight. There was no way he was going to let a stranger sleep in his bed. His father or brother he didn’t mind, but a housekeeper? No way.

Plus, hiring someone meant firing Katie, and he didn’t want to do that either. She had been a complete godsend to him when he desperately needed daycare options for Eli that were flexible. When Brian had mentioned how his wife did in-home childcare, it had been a no-brainer.

Although…she was advanced in her pregnancy and was going to need some time off soon, so maybe the timing wasn’t quite so bad.

Shaking his head, he stood and walked into the kitchen to get himself something to drink.

And some ibuprofen because his head was pounding.

“It’s all too damn much,” he muttered.

He walked back into the living room and over to the small desk he kept in the corner. It was where he kept his laptop and decided he’d maybe feel a little more at ease if he made himself a list of things he needed to do tomorrow.

Calling the lawyer was number one. He knew nothing was going to be accomplished and finalized right away, but it was a way to get the ball rolling. After that, he figured he’d start calling Melissa’s friends and family to see if any of them had heard from her.

“Probably should have called some of them earlier,” he said with a hint of disgust at himself.

Next, he added going to the park, making lunch, naptime…all the usual stuff he and Eli did together, and then added going to see Katie. Rather than waiting for the next time he dropped his son off there, he figured he should bring her the flowers and cupcakes sooner rather than later. It would also allow him to get her input on how he should move forward with childcare options as a single parent.

God, he hated airing his dirty laundry to everyone.

Like earlier today with Katie’s friend Violet.

The look of pure disgust on her face when he showed up had done something to him. The last thing he wanted was to have people pitying him and judging him and making him feel even worse about the current state of his life.

Although the look Violet had given him was purely judgmental, no pity.

No doubt Katie had told her everything about his situation by now. Not that it was going to make any difference. He had a feeling she would always see him as the guy who forgot about his kid.

And that was the last thing he wanted anyone to think about him.


Leaning back in his chair, Hunter wondered how he was going to face her when he went to Katie’s the next day. It was clear she was here in Magnolia Sound for at least a couple of months, and if she was staying with Katie, there was no way he could realistically avoid her.

No matter how badly he wanted to.


Once he had gotten Katie settled and had found Violet in the kitchen with the kids, he had a chance to really look at her. Dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes, petite and curvy figure…if they had met under any other circumstances, he would have been tempted to flirt a little and offer to show her around Magnolia Sound himself. There was nothing wrong with initiating a little flirtation and some potentially casual dating, right?

Except, in this case, there was.

Even if she got past seeing him as a neglectful parent, Hunter had a feeling he wasn’t going to be able to forget how they met.

Again, none of this mattered. The last thing he had time for in the foreseeable future was dating anyone.

Casually, temporarily, or otherwise.






“Okay, Mrs. Williams,” Violet said as she studied her laptop screen. “That’s everything. Your itinerary is all set and I’m emailing it to you right now!”

“Oh, that’s wonderful, Violet! Thank you so much for everything you’ve done. This is going to be the best vacation ever!”

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