Home > Remind Me (Magnolia Sound #1)(17)

Remind Me (Magnolia Sound #1)(17)
Author: Samantha Chase

Sighing, he rested his head back against the sofa cushions and closed his eyes. Hell, he could still taste her on his lips and feel her pressed against him. It was freaking maddening. Six damn years! When was it going to end?

Probably when you stop obsessing about her and kissing her, you idiot.

Yeah, there was that.

In the four years he was away at school, Jake certainly hadn’t lived like a monk, but he hadn’t gotten serious with anyone either. And when he finally came home, life had gotten complicated with his parents wanting to retire, him buying the house, and settling back into life here in Magnolia. Getting updates on Mallory from Zeke hadn’t been hard, but he never expected her to skip any of her annual visits the way she did this year. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a twinge of guilt knowing he was more than likely the reason she didn’t come home–because without a doubt she was going to beat herself up for not coming and seeing her great-grandfather before he died.

Something they’d have to deal with eventually…

His phone ringing brought him out of his reverie and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw his father’s number on the screen. “Hey, Dad,” he said, thankful for a bit of a distraction.

“Hey, I was just calling to check on you and see how you’re doing. Has the cleanup started around town yet?” Jonah Summerford asked.

“Not much yet, but the flood waters have finally receded and roads are getting cleared of debris so I’m sure in the next day or two we’ll hit it full force.”

“I hate the thought of all that destruction. In all the years we lived there…” He paused. “Well, you know.”

“It could have been a lot worse, Dad. For all that we lost around here, I still consider us lucky. Other spots up and down the coast have much more to deal with. And luckily, it can all be rebuilt.”

“The structures can, sure. But the people…”

Jake didn’t have to ask what his father meant. “Yeah, that one’s never going to go away,” he said quietly. “I don’t think there are many spots in this town that don’t have a connection to Zeke and it’s going to be a long time before we’ll get over his loss.”

“I’m not sure if any of us will ever get over it,” his father said solemnly. “Only once in a lifetime do you meet someone like Ezekiel Coleman and I know his legacy will go on long after most of us are gone.”

“Amen to that.”

“How’s his family doing? Have you talked to Susannah? I know she’s been living with him and I’m sure this has to be particularly hard on her.”

Jake relayed all the family news – including the fact that Mallory was back and they were supposed to start making funeral plans.

“And how do you feel about that?”

“Dad, I knew there was going to be a funeral.”

“Not that. Mallory. How did that go?”

There was no way he was going to share what had happened earlier. “It’s fine,” he lied. “It’s not like I didn’t expect her to be here and…we have seen each other a time or two over the years, so…”


“What? What’s with the uh-huh?”

“I’m just wondering how long it’s going to take before you realize you made a huge mistake where Mallory is concerned.”

So not the conversation he wanted to have right now.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah…I know. That’s not why I called and I know you have a million other things on your mind. I really just wanted to call and make sure you’re doing okay. Your mother and I worry. That’s all.”

Jake felt himself sag with relief. “Thanks, Dad. I’m doing okay. Sometimes it all just hits me and then…”

“I know.”

They were silent for a moment before Jonah asked, “Do you want us to come home for the funeral?”

Jake hadn’t really even considered that. His folks were always close with the Coleman’s and it made sense that they’d want to be here to pay their respects, but…

“That’s completely up to you, Dad. I don’t have any of the details and things here in town are crazy, but you know you’re always welcome here. My house is your house,” he said with a small chuckle. “Literally and figuratively.”

Jonah laughed too. “Well, we’ve been talking about it and didn’t want to add to the chaos there. We’re going to send flowers and reach out to the family, but if you want us there, we’ll be on the next flight.”

And there wasn’t a doubt in Jake’s mind that they would. However…

“I think sending flowers would be real nice, Dad. You know Zeke wouldn’t want you to go out of your way or inconvenience yourself.”

Jonah laughed again. “I know. That’s what I keep telling myself, but I can’t help but feel a little guilty. Plus, if we came home, we’d get to see you.”

“There’s so much to be done around here that I’m not sure we’d even get to spend any time together. My phone hasn’t stopped ringing and my to-do list is a mile long. All the work that lies ahead will keep me focused and I’m actually looking forward to getting started.” Which reminded him… “I’m meeting an engineer over at Zeke’s place. I’m hoping to get clearance for Susannah to move back in. He’s going to be there any minute, so…”

“Don’t let me keep you,” Jonah said. “Go and do what you need to do. We’re thinking of you and if there’s anything you need, just ask.”

“I appreciate that and I’ll talk to you soon.”

Once Jake hung up, he rested his head back, closed his eyes, and wished he could just sleep for a day or two. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible. Forcing himself to get up, he went into the kitchen and made himself a quick sandwich before he had to go over and meet up with Jerry. With any luck, they would find the old house stable enough for Susannah to move back in and then make a plan for doing the repairs on the addition and the deck. It wouldn’t be quick and it wouldn’t be soon, but right now it was going to be his main priority.

Throwing the sandwich together, he took a bite and frowned. He’d kill for a real meal. For days this is all he’d been eating and while he was thankful for it, he was just ready to eat something that you couldn’t place between two slices of bread. A nice steak or perhaps some fish would be his goal for tomorrow–something he could grill and eat hot. His mind wandered to all the things he was going to cook once all the power was back on and things began to return to normal.

Unfortunately, none of those thoughts were helping him choke down his meal any easier, so rather than obsess about food, he grabbed his tablet and began making notes on what he was going to ask Jerry about as they walked around Zeke’s place. With any luck, he could call Susannah and have her back in the house by dinnertime or at the latest, tomorrow morning.

He remembered Mallory mentioning how they were having a family meeting tonight to discuss Zeke’s funeral, so maybe he’d text Susannah rather than calling to make sure he didn’t interrupt anything important.

Then he thought about calling Mallory instead. It was a legitimate excuse for a call–letting her know she could get back into Zeke’s house–but…to what end? What was he hoping to get out of calling her?

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