Home > Baiting Him (How to Catch an Alpha #2)(40)

Baiting Him (How to Catch an Alpha #2)(40)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“Sam and I leave to head home the day after tomorrow. I know Chrissie has to work, but if you want, maybe Sam and I can meet you for lunch tomorrow afternoon?”

“I’d really like that. Tell me the time and the place, and I’ll be there,” Dad says immediately, and then he looks at me. “If you let me know when you have time, I’d like to get together with you, even if it’s just to have coffee.”

“Call, and we will figure something out,” I agree, and his expression fills with determination.

“I’ll call,” he tells me, and then he looks out the window for a moment before looking back between Chris and me. “I’m glad you’re both braver than me. Thank you for reaching out.”

I swallow, having nothing to say, and Chris’s fingers convulse around mine. “We should go,” he says, urging me out of the booth, and I stand while our dad does the same. Once we’re all up, Dad gives me a hug, and I fight to hold back tears and then let him go so he can embrace Chris. When my brother steps away, he takes my hand once more. “We’ll talk soon.”

“We will,” Dad confirms, and then his gaze comes to me, communicating the same statement. “Have a good New Year’s,” he says, and then he sits back in the booth, and we walk out of the restaurant. I turn to look over my shoulder before the door closes and watch Dad’s new wife come from wherever she’d been sitting and wrap her arms around him as his shoulders shake. Seeing that, I feel a little better, and then I feel a whole lot better when I find Gaston waiting for me with a worried look and his arms open wide.

“You okay?” he asks, enveloping me in a hug, and I nod against his chest, thinking that yes, finally, I really am okay. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll get a relationship back with my father, and even if that doesn’t happen, I have the love of a really great man to help me deal with that pain.



Suggestion 16



I look over my shoulder when I hear keys in the lock, and I hold my breath when the door opens and Gaston walks in carrying a large suitcase, followed by his mom. She looks about my height as she’s standing at his side, with a slim build, his same dark hair, and gorgeous eyes. I stand from the couch and start to wring my hands together. Gaston’s gaze drops to my hands, and he grins like he thinks the nervous gesture is cute.

I wanted to go with him to the airport when he left to pick up his mom, but I also wanted to give him and his mom a little time alone, and I didn’t feel right leaving Sam and Chris here. Which ended up being pointless, because they both left not long after Gus did, claiming they wanted to go take a nap. I find his mom studying me with an open curiosity that causes my nervousness to increase. I don’t remember ever meeting any of my previous boyfriends’ parents before, and even if I had, it wouldn’t have meant anything. Gaston’s the first guy I’ve been in love with, the first guy where meeting his mom actually means something.

“Sweetheart, are you going to just stand there, or are you going to come over here so I can introduce you to my mom?”

His mom laughs, and my cheeks get pink with embarrassment as I walk toward them. Once I’m close, he reaches out for me.

I settle against his side, then look at his mom, smile awkwardly, and say, “Hi.”

“You were right. She’s beautiful,” she tells him while taking my hand, and my heart swells.

“Chrissie, my mom, Rita. Mom . . . Chrissie.” Gaston lets me go when Rita gives my hand a gentle tug, and then she startles me by reaching up to touch my face.

“My son has been telling me about you since the first night he met you, and I have to admit I’ve enjoyed the stories, but my favorite is the one of you two meeting and you telling him to leave you alone.”

“You told her I said that?” I look at Gaston, and I’m sure I look horrified.

“It was cute.” He smiles, and I shake my head.

“I didn’t actually mean he should leave me alone. It was just . . . he looks like him and is all . . .” My cheeks get hotter. “I’m sure you know, since you raised him, and I couldn’t think straight when he was around me.”

She laughs and Gaston does too, while I wish the ground would open and swallow me whole. “He does seem to make women a little scatterbrained.” She touches the side of her head, and I can’t hold back the giggle that escapes.

“Believe me, I know. I now have three girls who work for me, and anytime he comes into my shop, none of them seem to know up from down.”

“He drove me by your bakery on the way here.” Her smile is soft. “It’s very cute. I hope you can give me a tour while I’m in town.”

“I would love that,” I say, thinking this is much easier than I thought it would be. I truly thought Gaston was lying about how easygoing his mom was, and how excited she was to meet me, just so I would feel better about staying with him while she was in town.

“We will make it happen,” she states, and then she glances around. “Gaston mentioned your brother and his fiancé are here.”

“They are. They left not long ago to go take a nap, since tonight is going to be a late one.”

“I think I might do the same,” she says, giving my hand she’s still holding a squeeze. “It really is nice to finally meet you, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you while I’m in town.”

“Me too,” I reply, and she smiles, letting my hand go before looking up at her son.

“Am I staying in the same room as last time?”

“Yeah,” he says.

“All right, I’ll see you this evening, Chrissie.”

“See you later,” I say to her back when she turns to walk toward the two spare rooms located down the hall.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Gaston asks, and I shake my head. “Told you so.” I roll my eyes at the smug look on his face, and he laughs, then leans in to kiss my forehead. “I’m going to get her settled. I’ll be back.”

“I’ll be here,” I reply, and he smiles, lifting his fingers to touch the side of my face before carrying his mom’s suitcase away. I take a seat on the couch and pick up my phone to call Leah and tell her what happened today, and to make sure we’re still set for tonight. But I pause when I see a text waiting for me on the screen from my dad.

Thank you for meeting with me today. I love you, honey.

I stare at the message, feeling a million different things, the biggest of them all being hope. With a few quick swipes, I text him back with a simple I love you too, and I tell him I hope we can meet for coffee this week. After I press send, I dial Leah, whom I just spoke to a few days ago, but with everything that’s happened and everything I have to tell her, you’d think we haven’t spoken in a year. When I get off the phone after talking with her, I find Gaston in the kitchen.

“Is your mom okay?”

“Yep, settled in and going to take a nap.” His eyes come to me. “Do turkey sandwiches for lunch sound okay?”

“Sure, do you want me to help?”

“I got it. Just grab chips and drinks, baby,” he says, then asks, “Was that Leah on the phone?”

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