Home > Imagine With Me (With Me in Seattle #15)(42)

Imagine With Me (With Me in Seattle #15)(42)
Author: Kristen Proby

Maggie stands, walks to me, and slaps me upside the head.


“You’re so dumb. Why she loves you, I have no freaking idea. You show up and be honest with her. You don’t want to be with her just because the sex is amazing. So, no, I wouldn’t lead with that.”

“I was just kidding.”

“I can’t believe we come from the same gene pool.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad.”

“Well, you’ve managed to make an amazing woman like Lexi fall in love with you, so you can’t be all bad. In all seriousness, Shawn, you really do need to have a frank conversation with her. Open up to her and let yourself be vulnerable. Which, I know the men in this family have a hard time with. Although, Da’s becoming more sentimental in his older age.”

“I can be vulnerable. I’m an artist.”

She smirks. “Go get your girl. Because I love her, too. And I miss her. We all do. She fits so well with us, Shawn.”

“I know. I just hope I’m not too late.”

“If it’s meant to be, you’re not too late. I have faith in you.”

“You just said I’m a moron.”

“Well, you can be. But you’re also pretty great, and Lexi sees that. Just go talk to her.”

“Can you reserve me a flight while I pack?”

“Of course. I’m putting you in first class because you need drinks.”

“No drinks,” I disagree. “But first class is good. I’ll be in the front of the plane and can get off quickly.”



The Minneapolis airport is a shitshow. It’s enormous, difficult to navigate, and when I’m already impatient to get to my girl, it’s not good.

But, roughly nine hours after Maggie gave me the come-to-Jesus conversation, I’m in a rental car headed to Lexi’s building, having saved her address when I mailed her box. It’s after rush hour, so traffic is light.

I park in a visitor space and take the elevator up to her floor.

I knock on the door several times, but there’s no answer. So, I take out my phone and shoot Lexi a text.

Me: Hey, I’m at your front door. Please answer.

The text is delivered, but she doesn’t reply. I try again.

Me: Please come to the door, Lex. I need to talk to you.


I knock again, in case her phone isn’t near her. And as I’m waiting, the door across the hall from Lexi opens, and a little woman with white hair peeks out.

“Can I help you?” she asks.

“I know it’s late, and I’m sorry if I was loud and bothered you. I’m just trying to see Lexi.”

“Oh, well, she and her mother are out of town.”

I feel all the hope I’ve been carrying around with me all day drain from my body.

“They went to Florida to run in a race. I sure am proud of Lexi, she’s been doing so well with her running.”

“She’s amazing,” I murmur with a nod. “And now I remember her mentioning that she was going to Disney World this month. I just didn’t realize it was this weekend.”

“Do you want me to give her a message when she gets home?”

I shake my head no. “Do you happen to know which resort they’re staying at in Florida?”

She frowns. “Well, I’ve probably already said too much. I shouldn’t tell you that.”

“I’m Shawn O’Callaghan. And I’m in love with Lexi, ma’am. I’m trying to find her so I can talk to her and tell her how much I love her.”

“You’re the young man she spent time with in Washington.”

I nod eagerly. “That’s right. I’ll go get on a plane to Orlando right now, if you’ll just tell me where I can find her.”

She seems to think it over and then sighs. “I hope I’m doing the right thing. Lexi and her mom are staying at the Grand Floridian. Lexi went all out on the trip, wanting to make it extra special for her mama.”

“Thank you.” I’m so excited, I pull her in for a hug, and she laughs. “You’re wonderful.”

“Good luck to you, young man.”

I wave and jog back toward the elevator and call Maggie.

“I need you to book me on the next flight to Orlando.”



“I can’t tell you that, Mr. O’Callaghan.”

I sigh and stare at the woman named Starr behind the counter at the Grand Floridian. I’ve just checked into a room and asked her if she could tell me which room Lexi is in.

“Listen, I’ve come a long way to surprise her.”

“I’m sure you have, but we take the safety and privacy of our guests very seriously. I can’t tell you where she is, or if she’s still here.”

I tilt my head at the tone of her voice. “She’s not here?”

“I can’t confirm or deny that.”

“She came for the marathon race tomorrow.”

“The marathon was yesterday,” she replies and offers me a small smile. But she doesn’t elaborate.

“So, she ran yesterday and already checked out.”

She just shrugs a shoulder, not actually confirming or denying the statement, as she said.

But that’s what happened.

Damn it.

“I may not need that room, after all. I just need to make a phone call.”

“I can cancel it without penalty after you make your call,” she says.

I turn away and pull my phone out of my pocket, frowning when I see texts from Maeve.

Maeve: Call me.

I dial her number and listen to the ring. She finally answers. “I’ve been trying to reach you for like an hour.”

“I was checking into a hotel in Florida, and trying to find out what room Lexi’s in. But I think she already left. So, I need you or Maggie to book me another flight to Minneapolis.”

“Would you stop talking for three seconds and listen?” Maeve asks. “I just got off the phone with Da. Lexi and her mother are in Ireland, Shawn.”

Ireland? What in the bloody hell are they doing in Ireland?


“Looks like I’m moving my flight to Galway up from next week to right now. Can you help me?”

“Already on it. Just get yourself to the airport. Also? This is incredibly romantic.”

“Only if it works, Maeve. If not, I’m just a stalker.”

“A romantic stalker.”



Chapter 19






“I’m so proud of you,” Mom says as she hugs me after the race. “You did amazing.”

“It felt great,” I reply as I catch my breath. I look down at the medal I got at the finish line. “And Jasmine is my favorite princess.”

“This is a heavy medal,” Mom says in surprise as she hefts it in the palm of her hand. “How do you feel?”

“Tired. But energized. Also, I have a surprise for you.” We’re walking through the park to the shuttle area so we can catch a ride back to our resort.

“What?” she asks.

“We’re leaving tomorrow for Ireland.”

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