Home > Whiskey Sour(15)

Whiskey Sour(15)
Author: Jen Talty

And that would start right now.



The closest thing Boone had to a friend since he’d moved to Buhl, Idaho, had been Henry. Boone enjoyed front porch sitting with a good glass of scotch while listening to that old man tell one story after the other.

Boone didn’t give a rat’s ass about the subject. Henry was a master storyteller and Boone a captivated audience.

After signing all the paperwork, he placed the paper in the tray and tapped the keyboard in front of his computer, bringing up the scanner option. No matter what he did to fast-track this closing, it would still take a minimum of thirty days. He was fine with that, but the longer it took, the more likely that Paget could find out he was behind the purchase of her cabin, and he couldn’t have that.

Not yet, anyway.

Maybe six months down the road when her father was more capable of doing things on his own and she was spending more time in Boone’s bed without having a panic attack the next morning.

Boone attached documents to an email addressed to the woman who ran all his business dealings, Ariana Hauf, the only person from his past who knew his true identity. Well, her and her husband Phil. They were the only two people Boone completely trusted. He’d known Ariana since they’d been in elementary school and they grew up watching someone they love suffer. Ariana had warned Boone about Rylee, but Boone was thinking with the wrong part of his body back then, and he picked the wrong person to go into business with. Because Phil was glued together at the hip to Boone, he followed Boone into the lab, but soon saw how insane Rylee was, but it was too late. Rylee had already destroyed Boone’s hard work.

Thankfully, Ariana and Phil had forgiven his poor choice in partners, both in and out of bed, and together they created Maverick Medical. Ariana and Phil did most of the heavy lifting, for now. But that would change.



If Boone ever decided it was time to come out of hiding.

Which he doubted would ever happen.

A tap at his door caught his attention.

“Sorry to bother you, but our local pesky cop is downstairs. He’d like a word with you,” Becky, his day manager, said.


Becky nodded.

“Did he say what he wanted to discuss?”

“Just that it was personal, important, and he’d prefer to do it in private.”

Well, Boone would be damned if he’d let Steven in his sanctuary. His office, much like his home, gave Boone a sense of security. It was where he felt as though he could relax and breathe, forgetting all about his past and everything he’d been running and hiding from. “Take him to the back patio, and while you’re at it, bring me a diet soda and some fries if there are any ready.”

“Whatever you say.”

Boone shut and locked the door right after Becky before unlocking the back entrance. He jogged down the stairs and stepped out into the afternoon crisp fall air. He’d fallen in love with Buhl, Idaho, in ways that were completely unexpected. He’d come here having no idea if he’d like owning a bar and grill. He told himself he’d give it two years and if he sucked, he’d leave and find something else.

About five days into dusting off the counters, Paget walked into his establishment and gave him quite the attitude adjustment. He hadn’t been ready to let a woman of her caliber into his life, but he certainly enjoyed flirting with disaster. However, now that he’d had a taste, he would never be able to let her go.

He sat on the picnic table and lowered his shades.

Becky opened the screen door carrying a small tray. She set it down next to Boone. “If I can get you gentleman anything else, just let me know.” She turned on her heels and disappeared back inside.

Steven took the typical cop stance with his hands looped in his belt and his legs shoulder-width apart with his chest puffed out. Actually, all alpha males stood like that, showing off their brawn.

Boone understood the need to exert power, especially a police officer. But not in the form of intimidation, and that’s the impression Steven was giving off right now, and it wasn’t settling right with Boone. “What can I help you with?” Boone took a crispy fry and dunked it in some ketchup before plopping it in his mouth. He was shocked he hadn’t gained a hundred pounds owning his own burger joint because he could live on French fries and chicken tenders with an over easy fried egg with the yolk drizzling out on top. His ex-wife would be flipping out right about now with all the shit he’d been putting into his body.

And he relished in every vice.

“I know you’ve been helping out Paget and her dad a lot.” Steven nodded like a big bobblehead. He was a broad guy, not fat, but his muscles had a thick layer of useless waste under them that age, a bad diet, and a sedimentary lifestyle caused.

Or seriously bad genes because Boone ate like shit and the closest he came to working out was mowing the lawn.

“I’m just being neighborly.”

“Well, it’s appreciated. However, I’ll be coming around a lot more, especially since I’ve been promoted.”

“Congratulations. To what position?” Boone asked. He didn’t honestly care, but it seemed like a big deal to the man, so why burst his bubble.

“To captain of the day shift, mostly. So I’ll be able to give Paget the kind of attention she deserves.”

Boone sipped on his soda, gulping down a chuckle. He found Steven’s borderline possessiveness to be endearing. He was staking his claim, only Paget wasn’t a piece of meat and Boone didn’t play this game. Not well anyway.

“Are you asking me, man to man, to back off and not ask out Paget?”

“I’m not asking. I’m telling you that Paget and I have a history, and you’re becoming a distraction.”

Oh, man, Boone hoped he’d was a whole hell of a lot more than that, but no need to rub in Steven’s face what happened last night. Besides, Boone didn’t kiss and tell, and what might be brewing between him and Paget was no one’s business but theirs.

“You have a history, but you’re not an item,” Boone said, waving a fry in the air. “Correct?”

“We have been in the past,” Steve said. “But that’s not the point.” He shifted left and right. “I’ve known Paget and her dad my entire life. I know what they need, and I know best how to help them. You’re a novelty and in the end, can she really rely on you?”

“Actually, she can, and I don’t think she’d take too kindly to us having this conversation. As far as me hanging around Paget, she’s a good friend, and unless she tells me to take a hike, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Have it your way.” Steven shrugged. “But don’t say I didn’t give you fair warning for when she tells you she doesn’t want you coming around anymore because she’s realized I’m the only man for her. And she’s going to figure that out; she just needs a little time.”

He could stand outside all day and play chest pound with Steven, but all it would do is antagonize the man more, and that wouldn’t do anyone any good.

Especially Paget.

However, being as honest as possible would be the best course of action.

“I won’t lie. I like Paget and we’ve shared a meal or two.” Boone rolled the tin foil into a ball and tossed it in the paper bag. “And unless Paget tells me she doesn’t want to see me, I’m not going anywhere.”

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