Home > Black Ice(31)

Black Ice(31)
Author: Mickey Miller

Finally, I began to come down from my orgasm, and I recalled that it was my plan to make him lose control.

“Okay,” I managed to say in between breaths. “Holy shit.”

He sat back on his knees, a ridiculous smirk on his face. “Fuck me, Florida, it’s hot when you come like that,” he said, smiling, his voice deep.


He nodded, and wiped my juices from his mouth with his wrist, in a feral, erotic gesture.

Reaching into a drawer in the nightstand, he grabbed a pack of condoms, took one out, and tore the package open with his teeth.

“I think you’re good and warmed up now,” he smirked.

I grinned back at him. “Yeah, I’m ready for you.”

After sheathing himself, he spread my legs out and started to press inside me, teasing me with his tip.

This image would be etched into my brain forever. Ripped Shane looking utterly sexy, his mouth hanging just slightly open, guiding himself inside me as he took me for the first time.

Suddenly, a wave of anxiety ran through me, and I felt myself tighten up all over.

Reaching my hands out, I latched onto his hips and rested them.

“Jesus, you’re still tight,” he said, looking up at me. “You okay?”

“Yes. Really good. I want you to fuck me.”

As I felt the pressure of his tip building, I realized I needed to come clean with him before he penetrated me. I brought my hands around to the front of his abs.

“Hey, wait,” I said, and his eyes locked on me immediately. “One thing. There’s something you should know.”

“What’s that?”

I swallowed, staring at his wolf-eyes. Fear spread through me all of the sudden. It was a compulsive decision to tell him before we reached the point of no return.

“I’m a virgin,” I whispered.

His eyes widened.

“You’re serious?”

I nodded.

“You were just going to let me fuck you and not tell me?”

“I am telling you now. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”

He blew out a big breath. My legs were spread to the side, his arms planked on either side of my head, his hard cock just barely pressing into me.

“Are you mad?”

He didn’t respond for another moment, then pulled away from me and took the condom off, shaking his head.

“I’m not mad, but it’s something we need to talk about. That’s all.”

“I knew you’d make a big deal out of it. Why is virginity such a big to-do for everyone?”

“It’s not that big a deal. But the fact that you were thinking about it, and didn’t tell me? That’s a big deal to me. Come on.” He gestured for me to get up.

“Come on, what?”

“The chili is still on. And I’m hungry.”

“Still?” I giggled.


“And what are you going to do about...that?” I gestured toward the ludicrously huge boner he was still sporting. “I feel bad. Are you going to get blue balls or something?”

He squinted. “Blue balls?”

“That’s what my ex used to say whenever we didn’t hook up.”

“The night is young, Florida.”









“THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE,” I said as I stirred the chili.

“But it’s true. I’ve come close, but I’ve never had sex-well, P in the V sex.”

“I was actually saying it’s impossible how this chili is still lukewarm. Looks like the burner it was on turned off.”

“Oh. Ohhh,” she said as she looked in the refrigerator for something.

She’d put her red dress back on, and I couldn’t help but stare as she bent over searching in the bottom drawer.

“Can I help you find something?” I said, coming up behind her.

“Yes, I’m looking for the jam.”

“It’s in the door. Is this for the peanut butter and jelly?”

“Yes. I’m a woman of my word.”

“Right. Well, fortunately I already ate a delicious appetizer,” I winked.

“Wow. You’ve got a dirty mouth,” she said, letting her hand rest on my chest.

I shrugged. “What can I say. It’s hard not to be dirty when you’re around.”

Walking toward the counter, she started to unscrew the jam jar, but it was sealed.

“A little help?” she said, handing me the jar.

I undid the top of the jam, then went back to stirring the chili. “I was honestly joking about the whole PB&J with chili thing.”

“I knew you were. But now you’ve piqued my interest. I want to try it.”

“I don’t know if it will go well together.”

She put her hand on my back and caressed it. “Maybe it’ll go together like a guy from Michigan and a girl from Florida.”

She spun back around to the kitchen island and got out four pieces of bread, she spread the strawberry jam on them with a knife.

I went back to check on the chili, which had heated up so I put it into bowls for us and sprinkled some cheese on top.

When I turned back, she was licking the peanut butter knife clean, exaggerating every lick.

“Do you like it when I lick your knife?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t know.”

She took the butterknife out of her mouth. “What do you mean, you wouldn’t know?”

I walked over to her and rested my hand on her hip. “Let’s see it again, in slow motion.”

She playfully rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and licked her way slowly up the metal, catching the last bits of peanut butter left on it.

Fisting up a ball of her hair, I opened up her neck to me and caught her by surprise with a kiss.

“Not bad. I can’t wait to see how you do with the real thing,” I gritted out.

She sucked in a couple of shallow breaths, and I released her.

“Let’s eat.”

We sat at the dining room table, and we made some small talk for a little bit as we ate.

“So. Twenty-nine inches of snow tonight,” she said, between bites.

“But yesterday they said there were going to be like ten inches and we barely got three,” I countered.

She giggled deviously.

I cocked my head “What’s so funny?”

“That’s what she said,” she said, lifting her eyebrows up.

I let out a rip roar of laughter. She smiled.

“God damn I haven’t laughed like that in too long,” I said. “So--what the hell is your deal, Natalie? Can I ask you a question that comes off borderline rude?”


“Why are you so weird?”

“Weird, how?” she asked before taking another big bite of chili.

“Oh, I don’t know. Not afraid to stay with a stranger for a few nights during a blizzard, will stalk me to see what I’m up to in the afternoon, hides in my shower to avoid embarrassment, comes with the force of a thousand suns, a secret virgin.”

“Cut it out with the stranger talk. We’re not strangers any more…unless that’s a fantasy of yours, which we can make happen. And secret virgin? Isn’t everyone’s sex life a secret?”

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