Home > Blood Of Kings (Transfusion Saga #3)(3)

Blood Of Kings (Transfusion Saga #3)(3)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

“Right, ten minutes people and the authorities will be here, as they can’t be delayed any longer, so start moving out. Echo team, you know what to do, erase all evidence. Carter, get him on the phone, he will want to plan our next…”

“Sarge! We’ve got something!” This came from a man who barely even let the car he had been in come to a complete stop before he was out of it and running to who I assumed was his Sergeant. He cut the guy off, who was obviously put in charge of this shit show and when I saw what he now held in his hand I gasped, knowing why he thought it so important…

They had found my dress.

“Oh shit,” I whispered knowing that having any evidence of me right now was only going be a bad thing. Because yes, they could have told Lucius that they had me, but any smart person would have demanded proof of life. And well, the words, ‘trust me’ wouldn’t have exactly cut it here.

Besides, Lucius would hear of the crash before long, so even I knew they had to act quickly here. Because it wouldn’t take him long to put two and two together and no doubt the equation would equal my charred broken remains somewhere in the centre of all that broken burning metal. Oh Gods, but that thought was enough to make me want to heave up even more river water, because I couldn’t imagine the suffering he would endure thinking I was dead.

“Where was it found?” the one in charge asked, taking hold of my torn and bloody dress and fisting it in his hand, as if he had just found a lifeline. Of course, not that they would know, but the blood wasn’t mine. No, it had been from when Lucius had held me to him, seeing as at the time he himself had been covered in the blood of his victims.

“Not too far from here, less than half a klick, Sir…one of my men found it hanging in a tree.” This was when the Sergeant frowned as if thinking now how the hell that had happened…oh, if only he knew, ha the asshole wouldn’t have believed it!

“Do you think the hostage is dead?” The merc asked, making the one in charge look down at the dress in his hand now deep in thought.

“It would stand to reason, as I couldn’t see her surviving that,” he answered looking up at the wreckage, no doubt thinking that I had somehow been thrown from the helicopter as it was crashing.

“And the dress?”

“I take it your men did a throughout sweep of the perimeter?”

“Yes, Sarge,” the merc replied making me wonder if they’d found the robbed punks under the bridge yet?

“Then it’s a fucking mystery but at least this is something we can use until we find a body…better keep looking, we may need a few of those body parts later on as proof, should this not be enough,” he said before pulling out his phone and making a call. Man, I didn’t think I could have hated them anymore than I did, but then they started talking about my body parts and well, I was once again killing mad!

“We have your little bitch.” The Sarge said before quickly pulling the phone away from his ear, as even from this distance and I could hear the roar of rage. One that obviously was coming from Lucius who was on the other end of the phone.

“You can make all the threats you want but it won’t change the fact we have her and in exchange for getting her back in one piece, my client wants the box and the real one this time,” he said in an authoritative tone that would have meant diddly squat to Lucius. It also made me wonder whether or not ‘sergeant pepper’ here would have sounded quite so convincing in his demands had he played witness to what Lucius had been able to do to over twenty of his men. And this was all in the time that it had taken me to tear out an all-important testicle…ouch, even my eyes watered at the memory and I wasn’t even a dude!

“You want proof, fine, I will send you proof but mark my words Vampire, the next time you demand evidence of her capture, then I will be sending you a far bloodier picture, in the form of a piece of her mailed to your fucking door, assuming you still have one!” Then he hung up to the sound of another giant, supernatural man paddy that was coming from my boyfriend in the form of another demonic roar.

“That sounded like it went as expected,” Soldier boy said, making his superior sigh before handing him the dress.

“Indeed. Now hold this up,” he demanded and before long, my dress was being held up as he snapped a picture with his phone. And well, unless he was considering one just like it for his private collection when playing Sergeant Sally at the weekends, then it didn’t take much brain power to guess what he planned to do with this snapshot.

“There, let the blood sucking bastard stew over that,” he said after sending the picture and I could only imagine the destruction that followed that particular message. Considering that by them sending him a picture of my dress meant that they most likely would have had to remove it from me first.

It seriously made me start to question whether it was possible for a Vampire to suffer an aneurism or not. Because let’s face it, I very much doubted the first thing to come to mind was that your girlfriend woke up in a helicopter, shot the pilot with a tranquilizer, before purposely throwing herself into a river from a crashing helicopter, something only accomplished by losing her dress. Yeah, that was a stretch even for me, I thought with a shake of my head. An action that only managed my headache to strengthen in its power, making me now want to swear like a sailor waking up with a hangover and finding ‘I love Mom’ tattooed on his ass!

“Your orders, Sarge?”

“Layla will lead him to Luitpoldkaserne. Have our men ready to intercept as he heads northwest on Föhringer Ring, that way we can barricade him in and escort him to the compound. The witch will take care of the rest as soon as he gets there. Now go, make it so!” I couldn’t help but laugh at this last bit, I mean who did this jackass think he was, Captain of the Enterprise!

But then with this thought I couldn’t help but smile. As it made me think back to what Lucius had said this morning, shocking me enough to turn high pitch ‘only dogs can hear me’ levels when I found out he had googled the name.

Well, at least now I knew their plan and all I needed to do was think of a way to get to him before they did. But, other than waving a great big flag in the air with a picture of the box circled in red with a great big line through it, then how I was going to achieve this I didn’t know. Because it also wasn’t as though I could just find that road he spoke about and start doing jumping jacks in hopes he would see me, and the bad guys wouldn’t! Damn it, but why didn’t I memorize his phone number! Gods, at this rate, then I was thinking about getting the damn thing tattooed on the back of my hand, labelled ‘for when the shit hits the supernatural fan!’

Oh, how I remembered when my life used to be simple and what I wouldn’t give right now for a fluffy robe, a tub of Ben and Jerry’s and an overly complicated Lego set to complete. Now, that sounded like a Friday night to me! Not a night sneaking around in some bloody German woodland, squeaking as I walked thanks to the most impractical pants in existence…no matter how Arnie’esque bad ass they looked!

So, on that note, as I watched the GI Josephine and Picard wannabe depart, I stuffed back on my helmet and made my way back to the bike I had hidden behind a fallen dead tree.

“Now what?” I asked myself after slumping down with my back to the deadwood, trying to think of a viable plan of action that wouldn’t get me killed for real this time. Or one that meant possibly getting Lucius killed when he handed over that box.

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