Home > Boss Man Bridegroom(94)

Boss Man Bridegroom(94)
Author: Meghan Quinn

Riding the elevator with a list of ground rules in my purse, I feel like I’m walking the plank.

I showed up at work yesterday with a semi-open heart. I wanted to see where Rath stood and then go from there. But when I saw how standoffish he was acting, I knew right away, there was no possibility of reconciling what we had. If he was open to talking, he would have. But instead, he shoved me out the door with a list of things that kept me away from the office, and then his comment about letting me go, saying it’s something we can talk about.

That was the nail in the coffin.

So, riding up this elevator, I’m not expecting much today other than a massive amount of heartbreak and a cold boss.

Resigning to my new life, I lean against the side of the elevator and watch the numbers count up until they reach eighty-eight where the car slows and the doors open. Head down, I walk into the empty office and accidentally bump into something.

“Oh shit,” I say, catching it before it falls on the ground. An easel with a poster board is attached to it. What the hell is this? When I straighten the easel, I take a quick glance at the picture of a child and then notice the few sentences below it.

The picture is of a young boy wearing baggy jeans and sporting a bowl cut. He’s missing some teeth and he’s cheesing it big time despite the many gaps in his smile. I take a closer look, the face so familiar, and that’s when I realize it’s Rath.

What the hell is going on?

I look past the easel and farther onto the floor where I see popped-up poster boards lined up all the way to his office, each with a picture and description.

With a shaky hand, I cover my mouth in awe and read what it says.

In second grade, they called me hillbilly Westin because my teeth came in all weird and diagonal. I passed it off as just friends joking around with me at the time, but I know it’s why I’m so crazy about dental hygiene now.

I move to the next picture. It’s Rath in a baseball uniform too big for his little body. His hat falls over his brow and once again, he’s smiling brightly at the camera.

I read the text.

I thought I was going to be a baseball player one day. Professional. I had it all planned out in my head, wrote tons of books about Rath Westin, major league baseball player. Too bad I sucked at it and couldn’t get past little league.

I chuckle and move on to the next.

Poster board after poster board provide snippets of Rath’s life. I learn that he’s afraid of swimming, because he almost drowned once with Julia. He lost one of his best friends in fifth grade, because the boy’s father was drinking and driving with him in the car. It was the first loss of his life, and he still hasn’t recovered from it. Once he realized he wasn’t bound for the field as a professional, he wanted to go to ASU where he could party and get an education, but his parents wouldn’t let him settle for anything but Yale, and he’s glad they held him to a high standard. He never would have met Bram and Roark.

In college, he peed in hampers—as I already knew—but something I didn’t know, was that he actually helped raise over one hundred thousand dollars with his fraternity for their Big Brother charity, and that’s where he gained the love for philanthropic work.

He had a pregnancy scare in college with a girl named Suzie, and he was deathly terrified he was going to have to marry her and her hideous personality. She was the girl who tried to get knocked up by a future millionaire. Luckily, she wasn’t pregnant, and he kept her at a very safe distance.

He has always been protective of Julia, but especially in college where guys tried to take advantage of her all the time. She once was assaulted on campus, but he didn’t find out about it until later, once Bram had taken care of the guy for them. That’s when he realized if Bram ever fell in love with his sister, he’d be the first one to sign off on the relationship.

He once lost a multi-million-dollar deal because he fell asleep at his desk from working so hard on the proposal he forgot to send it. I chuckle over that one, because that’s so not the vigilant Rath I know now. Looks like he learned his lesson.

He hired a girl named Vanessa. There’s a picture of them together. She was his assistant and over time, he realized he liked her. He swore he wouldn’t get involved, but then he decided he’d give it a shot. Their relationship morphed into something different as the company grew and demanded more of Rath’s time. He ignored her; she got mad and left. They were both in the wrong, and they both claim to be at fault. In small font at the bottom, it says they’re on good terms but by no means remotely interested in each other anymore. That ship has sailed.

The next poster board doesn’t have a picture, but instead it says he’s never been in love. For a second, he thought he was in love with Vanessa, but that thought was completely debunked . . .

There’s an arrow pointing to his office, and my heart slams into my chest rapidly as I reach for the handle. I pull the door open and am greeted by a poster board. The picture he took of me is front and center and below it, it says, I never knew what love was until this moment right here. An excited, bubbly girl, gushing over office supplies, crashed into my life with incredible force and sass, and a part of me knew something extraordinary happened in that very moment and I captured it on her phone. This girl was going to rock my world in the best way possible.

Turn around.

Confused, I turn around and Rath is standing behind me. He’s dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a navy long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves pushed to his elbows. His hair is disheveled and it looks like he didn’t get one ounce of sleep last night.

He hands me a single piece of paper; it’s folded, and I take it despite my unsteady hands.

“Before you open that,” he says, his voice rough, “I need to tell you something.” On a deep breath, hands in his pockets, he says, “I didn’t hire you because I trusted Linus impeccably and would hire a pencil if he told me. I hired you because despite my unruly attitude, you stuck up for yourself, and your confidence made you absolutely stunning in my eyes. I knew I had to have you in my life somehow. I wasn’t sure at the time that it was going to be more than my executive assistant. I had no idea my feelings for you would become so strong and so deep, so I shied away from them. I tried to deny myself, but when I realized that wasn’t working, I used the first excuse I could find to grow closer to you. And that was where my proposal came in. I told myself, convinced myself, that it was going to be a good trade, but deep down, I knew what I was doing. I was covering up the opportunity I wanted to get closer to you.”

He takes a deep breath, rocks on his heels, and then meets my gaze. “I was desperate to be close to you, and I did just about anything to make that happen, even if it meant possibly hurting you. I was selfish, I went about it all the wrong way, and instead of trusting my instincts about you, every time I got close and scared that you’d take off, I pulled away. I held back a piece of myself, which I realize now, only pushed you farther away.” He grips the back of his neck and says, “I’m not saying I’m perfect in any way. I think we can agree that’s the truth from what’s happened between us. But I will say this. I know when something is right in my life and I’ve always trusted my gut. And my gut is telling me I would be committing my greatest failure if I let you walk out that door without this on your finger.”

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