Home > O'Malley(9)

Author: Harmony Raines

“I will. I’ll make sure everyone else does, too, and that we’re available if there’s anything unforeseen that crops up. We all know this was your new start.” Kelos stood up and followed O’Malley out of the house. “Looks as if you got what you wished for.”

“A new start, yes. But if we don’t find Karl, it’s not going to lead to a happy ever after, is it?” O’Malley asked, finally voicing his concerns.

“Maybe Hannah came into your life because she is going to need someone who is there for her. No matter what.” Kelos leveled his gaze at O’Malley. “Life has its ups and downs. If you can’t find Karl, or you find him deceased, that is not your fault. He decided to take the path that led him to wherever he is. All you can do is help pick up the pieces.”

“Thanks, I think.” O’Malley nodded to Kelos. “Shall we meet you here?”

“Yes, this is probably one of the safest places for me to take off from.” Kelos paused. “She knew about shifters?”

“She had an idea from what Karl told her, yes.” O’Malley chewed the inside of his cheek. “I have not told her we are flying on the back of a dragon.”

“Oh, so that is going to be interesting.” Kelos shook his head. “Maybe you should tell her before you get here.”

“Maybe I should.” O’Malley inhaled deeply. “Next time I see my mate…” He grinned. “I’ll tell her.”

“I’m happy for you.” Kelos meant it. The dragon shifter had enjoyed watching all his friends find their mates and now, at last, O’Malley had joined them in taking his first step toward the rest of his life.

With our mate, his cougar said. You’re right, that has a good ring to it.

O’Malley got back in his truck, his head filled with the million and one things he needed to do before he left with his mate to find her brother. Yet all he wanted to do was drive farther into the mountains and run. At least, his cougar wanted to run.

The energy inside of them was buzzing, building up as if it might explode if the smallest spark touched it. Hannah was that spark. It was as if she had ignited his soul and awoken him from a deep slumber.

We need to focus. O’Malley drove back to Cougar ridge. His first stop had to be Axel’s house. He still lived with his mom in one of the oldest houses in town. O’Malley smiled to himself. The guy was in his forties, far too old to still live at home, but his mom had suffered a stroke a couple of years back and Axel had moved back in to take care of her.

They were just about getting by financially, and the job at the bar would make things easier for them.

Axel might not have much in the way of bar experience, although he had taken a couple of part-time jobs in various bars throughout his varied working life, but he had a drive to succeed so he could give his mom a comfortable life. Family mattered.

You hired him because you felt sorry for him, his cougar said bluntly.

I hired him because the drive to do well at a job is more important than the skills, sometimes. I mean, you wouldn’t want a doctor to operate on you if he simply had the desire to do well. O’Malley grinned and raked his hand through his hair. I am struggling to focus.

It’s only natural that our mate would consume our waking thoughts and she will probably fill our dreams, too. His cougar’s chest rumbled as he purred. I am not complaining.

O’Malley parked the car outside Axel’s house and got out. Closing the door, he noticed a bear sauntering down the street, swaying a little with each step. Is he drunk?

Cougar Ridge has its own set of rules, we should get used to it.

“O’Malley?” The door opened and Axel stood framed there, wearing a flowery apron over his jeans and plaid shirt.

“That’s a good look.” O’Malley grinned as he strode up the driveway. “We need to talk.”

“Is there something wrong?” Axel asked, his concern palpable. “Is the bar okay?”

“The bar is fine. But I have to go away for a few days.”

“You’re going away for a few days?” Axel looked stunned. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” O’Malley inhaled deeply and let it out slowly as he once more tried to quell his rising panic. He really should have kept on top of his game. When he was serving with his unit, he was always capable of calm, emotionless decisions. That capability must still be in him somewhere, he just needed to find it. “I’ll make this quick since I don’t have much time.”

“Okay. Come through.” Axel led O’Malley into a kitchen that was as ancient as the rest of the house. The counters were made of solid wood, not the stuff you bought at the hardware store these days. The stove looked like something from the last century, but it was all scrupulously clean and well cared for. So well cared for it looked as if it might all be around for another century.

But the best part about the kitchen was the incredible smell coming from the ancient stove.

“You can cook.” O’Malley leaned against the counter as Axel poured them both a cup of coffee.

“My mom taught me. She told me I should be able to fend for myself and also impress a woman with my culinary skills.” He looked wistfully toward the living room where the sound of daytime TV filtered through to the kitchen. “I was a little rusty when I moved back home but we began cooking together because my mom has all these recipes stored in her head and the doctors said it was a good way for her to use her memory.”

“How is your mom?” O’Malley asked, his own problems forgotten for a moment.

“Better. I think.” Axel’s mouth turned down at the corners. “But she’s never going to fully recover.” He nodded, his shoulders heaving before he forced a smile onto his face. “Anyway, you didn’t come here to hear me complain.”

“You never complain.” O’Malley studied Axel for a moment. His decision to employ the guy might not make sound business sense but his gut told him it was the right thing to do.

“Oh, I do, plenty. Just no one ever hears me.” Axel looked away and O’Malley was convinced he’d caught the guy in a lie.

Interesting, his cougar said.

He’s trying to play the hard man when we both know how much the guy loves his mom and would do anything for her. O’Malley could understand why a man of Axel’s build and age would not want to appear as a momma’s boy.

“I’ll get to the point,” O’Malley said. “I am handing the running of the bar over to you until I get back. You know the schedule of works in place. You were due to be around for most of the deliveries anyway. So it shouldn’t be too hard. While I’m away, Kelos and some of the other guys, and their wives, will come by and check that everything is okay.” O’Malley held up his hand. “They are not checking up on you, they are just there if you need them.”

“Okay.” Axel shuffled his feet, not sounding too sure about the situation.

“Is it okay?” O’Malley asked.

“Are you sure you want me to carry that kind of responsibility?” Axel asked bluntly. “You know I don’t have a lot of experience.”

“Do you think you can do it?” O’Malley asked.

“Sure.” Axel nodded confidently.

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