Home > Gilded Craving(17)

Gilded Craving(17)
Author: Olivia Jaymes

And actually kind of petty too, when compared to what was happening right now. She was sitting in the pew of a lovely old church listening to the clergyman talk about how wonderful of a person Brad was and how much everyone missed him.

Ryan was sitting next to her, his wide shoulders pressed closely to hers with Liza and her husband Mike on her other side. A few rows in front of them were Jack and Patricia, Ryan and Liza's parents along with Skip and Lily Harrington. Skip's face was stoic, almost carved from granite while Lily cried into a handkerchief as Patricia comforted her. Jack stared straight ahead, his hands folded on his lap and the small program they'd been given when arriving tucked into the breast pocket of his dark suit.

Brad's brother Sebastian was sitting to the left of his father with a pretty woman that appeared to be his girlfriend or maybe wife. Mariah hadn't heard that Seb had married but it was entirely possible. He had his arm around the woman's shoulders and she was sniffling into a shredded tissue while he patted her arm.

The room was full of people that Mariah recognized and a few that she didn't. It was like jumping into the deep end of her past seeing them again. These last several years she hadn't really kept up with most of them, preferring to live a quiet life with her art and a few friends and family.

When the minister finished, Daniel Bosworth went to the podium to talk about Brad. Dan was an old friend and he and Brad had always been close. They'd gone to the same boarding school and then college. They'd been like brothers.

Dan told the assembled guests a few crazy stories from their time at boarding school that had everyone smiling. He ended his speech in tears, his hand over his heart.

"I miss you every day, buddy, and I think of you every day. Rest in peace. You were just too good for this world."

When the service was over, they all filed outside where people were still milling about, hugging and talking.

"Brace yourself," Ryan warned, his hand on her elbow. "Jack and Patricia are heading right for us."

Mariah had always liked Ryan's parents and they'd gotten along well. She understood his frustration with them as they had some very definite ideas about what their son should have done with this career, but she'd never understood the ruthless way he'd basically cut them from his life after college. From what Liza had told her, he barely visited once a year and even then, he avoided his mother and father like the plague. Liza had said that their mother was heartbroken and his father was obviously disappointed, although he hadn't expressed anything out loud.

Jack Beck was an older version of Ryan except with silver hair and a few more lines in his face. Still handsome and vital in his sixties, Jack looked every inch the debonair businessman in his dark pinstriped suit.

Patricia was tall and graceful, her blonde hair cut into a sleek bob that just touched her shoulders. Today she was in a stylish dark blue Chanel suit paired with a simple strand of pearls. She might be sixty in a few days but she could have easily passed for forty-five.

After hugging Ryan, Patricia beamed at Mariah, giving her a kiss on each cheek. "We don't get to see enough of you, dear. You must come by for dinner sometime. I'll call you and set something up."

"I'd love that. I think the last time I saw you was at Liza's birthday party."

The older woman nodded in agreement. "I think that's when it was. Far too long, if you ask me."

"Son," Jack said gruffly, shaking his son's hand before turning to Mariah. "It’s wonderful to see you again, Mariah. Patricia is right, you need to come for dinner. In fact, why don't you come with Ryan tomorrow night?"

She could feel Ryan stiffen beside her and she held her breath. This could go so badly or it could be fine.

"Dad, I'm not sure–"

"It would hurt your mother's feelings if you declined," Jack said firmly, his gaze intent on Ryan. "Besides, you have to eat even if you're working."

"We would love to have both of you," Patricia said softly. She was looking at her son with such love and adoration. How did Ryan not see it? "I can have the cook make roast chicken. It's your favorite."

Clearing his throat, Ryan shifted on his feet. "Of course, I'll be there, Mom."

His mother's gaze traveled back to Mariah. "And Mariah, too? We haven't seen her in so long."

"If she's free. I can't speak for her."

It was pure instinct for Mariah to agree. She'd run interference for Ryan with his parents many times before. It came as naturally as breathing. She'd already said yes before she remembered that it wasn't really her problem anymore.

Oh well. The roast chicken is divine.

Jack checked his watch. "We need to be going. I have a conference call with California in an hour."

Patricia hugged Ryan again and the older couple headed for the exit, only stopping to bid goodbye to a few friends.

"Heaven forbid Dad might miss a conference call."

Mariah didn't like the sarcasm in Ryan's tone. It wasn't her job to call him on it anymore but what the hell? Somebody ought to and Liza wasn't here to do it.

"What's your problem? He has a conference call. So what?"

"He always put work before his family."

"His family seems fine today. Why is it so terrible that he might take a call? You worked today, too."

A muscle jumped in his cheek. She'd pissed him off. Good.

"That wasn't a big deal."

"Maybe this call isn't either."

"Whose side are you on?"

"Is it a war? Call me Switzerland."

"You know how he is."

"I do, but I don't think you do."

He muttered something under his breath that she couldn't quite make out but had the feeling it wasn't all that complimentary of her. She had a few things she could say right back to him.

With his hand on her lower back, he pressed her forward toward the exit but immediately their path was blocked by one of their old friends, Carl Winwood.

"We're all going to have a drink," Carl said, giving Mariah a hug. "You have to come, too."

Carl had been Ryan's best friend for years. Red-haired and freckled, Carl always had a big smile on his face except for today. Did they still keep in touch? She had no idea, but she'd always liked him. He'd brought out the best in Ryan and vice versa.

Raising his brows in question, Ryan waited for her to accept or decline. She would say yes, of course. She wanted to see her old friends and catch up, although it was a terrible reason for a reunion.

They all decided to meet up at a restaurant and bar within walking distance. Ryan and Mariah walked with Carl and he'd assured them that most of the group was already there. Without spouses. It was just going to be the old friend group today.

"It's awful that we're seeing each other under these sad circumstances but I'm so damn glad to see both of you," Carl said as he pulled open the door of the bar. "We can't let it go this long again."

"We won't," Ryan promised, clapping his friend on the shoulder. "I've been too caught up in my job but I want to change that. Make time for my friends more."

Mariah didn't say much as they were led deeper into the restaurant to a back area that was dimly lit and quiet, separate from the rest of the establishment with a set of French doors. Two tables had been pushed together and most of the chairs were already filled with familiar faces.

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