Home > Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3)(5)

Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3)(5)
Author: Quinn Arthurs

I knew my own cheeks were heating now as I adjusted my glasses. “Pixie, I’m not sure what most women do.”

“Right, sorry, I meant most wolves,” she corrected, hurrying to fix what she saw as a faux pas.

I laughed, though it was a little strained. “I don’t know that either.” Wide blue eyes met mine, and I shrugged. “I told you I’m gay, Pixie, but the truth is, I have as much experience with women as you do.”

“But, how?”

“There aren’t any other females who are interested in me in the pack,” I explained.

“Impossible.” Her words were a vehement denial, her expression fierce as she suddenly sat up, sloshing water wildly as she grasped my hands. “You’re gorgeous, Shannon. You’re sweet, caring, and intelligent. Why in the world have none of them dated you?”

“There are only a few of us in the pack who are out as gay. There may be more, of course, but a few are in committed relationships. Others are several years my junior or older than my mother. There was never anything between us. While a few students have transferred in from other packs, none have shown an interest in me.” I shrugged, not wanting to reveal that a part of that was also due to my rank in the pack.

“So you’ve never…” She trailed off, but the intention was clear, and I shook my head.

“No. Never.” I caught her eyes with mine, searching for an answer in them. “Does that change things? I mean, it’s okay if it does.”

Pixie leaned in, laying a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away. “Help me with my hair?” she requested. “You’re so much better at it than me.”

“Of course.” The water had already begun to cool, so I didn’t take the time I wanted to, focusing on my task rather than the expanse of creamy skin she had on display, the silky strands under my fingertips, and the long, lean plain of her back that the dissolving bubbles exposed as I worked. In only a few minutes, I turned the tap back on, running clear water to rinse the shampoo from her hair. I angled her head carefully as I massaged her scalp, making sure to work her hair cautiously. She let out a groan of approval at the massage, and I smiled before turning off the flow. I tugged a fluffy towel from the warmer and held it open for her. She stepped out gingerly, her eyes not leaving mine, and let me wrap her up tightly. “Here.” I grabbed another and began work on her hair, drying the prismatic strands carefully. When I was satisfied, I scooped her up, carried her easily into the bedroom, and settled her onto the bed. “You need to rest, angel. You’re exhausted.”

“Will you rest with me?”

Her rainbow hair contrasted beautifully against the mint of her pillowcase, and her fair skin nearly matched the cream of her bedspread. “Do you want me to?”

“I want you.” The words were breathy, and I swallowed hard.

“Let me find you some pj’s,” I told her, heading for the closet.

“I think sleeping naked is supposed to be better for the skin.” I froze before turning back to look at her. She sat up, studying me carefully. She’d drawn her lip back into her mouth now, and her nerves were evident despite the bold declaration.

“I think I’ve heard that somewhere,” I replied. I knew she needed rest, but she needed to play as well. She’d been denied fun as much as she had been denied sleep. If she wanted to play with me, I’d go wherever she directed.

“You know, that shirt of yours is awfully uncomfortable looking. I’m sorry I got it wet.” She peered up at me through her lashes, her blue eyes dancing. “I think I have a stain stick if you want to treat it before the stain sets.”

“Always thinking of others,” I teased, glancing down at my shirt. The wet spot from her tears had dried already. “You do have a point.” I reached up and flicked open the top button on my blouse, then the next. I had no issue with nudity, so if she had hoped to embarrass me, she had picked a game she wasn’t going to win. One by one I slipped the buttons from their holes until my blouse hung open. Pixie’s eyes weren’t sleepy anymore as she watched me run my fingers up and down the gap in my shirt, over the tops of my breasts, and down my stomach to the waistband of my skirt. I shrugged my shoulders, letting the fabric pool on the floor as I drew my fingers back up, tracing the front clasp of the white bra I wore. “You know, I think this may have a stain on it too.” I flipped the clasp, letting it slide apart. Pixie drew in a sharp breath as it followed my shirt to the floor.

“You’re beautiful.” Her words were a whisper, but I didn’t need them to see she truly believed it. I could read it in her eyes, the way her pupils dilated and how her gaze tracked across my body, and see it in the way her fists clenched and her tongue darted out to wet her lips.

“Do you want pajamas after all?” I wanted to play, but I didn’t want to push too far. This was always going to be her choice. Her eyes met mine, and that smirk I loved crossed her lips as her chin lifted into the air.

She shrugged and dropped her towel to the floor, not bothering to lift the sheet to cover herself. “Whoops. I guess since I’m already naked I may as well stay this way.” I couldn’t have agreed more. Pixie’s skin was fair, and a scattering of golden freckles danced across her body as if she’d had glitter splashed across her skin. I wondered if those spots would taste as good as they’d look. Pixie moaned, and I moved my gaze up her body. “When you look at me like that, I feel like you’re deciding how you want to devour me.”

“You’re not wrong.” I reached for the zipper on my skirt, sliding it free with ease, leaving me in purple silk panties that I would never tell her I chose because they matched the color and texture of her hair. “Lie with me?” She drew back the covers, the cream comforter hiding the mint sheets that matched the pillows, and slipped in, letting me crawl in behind her. I pulled her against me, unable to resist the sigh of pleasure that slipped from my lips as her warm body molded itself to mine. I slid my glasses off, laying them on the bedside table so I could bury my face in her hair as I wrapped her tightly in my arms.

She traced patterns lightly against my skin, first across my arm, then down my stomach, making the muscles there quiver and flex as she circled my belly button. “Not ticklish, hm?” Her tone was almost sulky, and I chuckled.

“No. You’ll have to find different ways to extort favors from me, I’m afraid.” I stroked my fingers through her hair, drinking in her scent even as her fingers drove me to distraction.

“Oh, I think I can figure something out.”



Chapter Four






I’d been shocked when Shannon told me she had no experience. She had always seemed so confident, so innately sexual, I had just assumed she had been with plenty of women before. The females here were insane, leaving her untouched. I hadn’t been lying when I told Shannon she was beautiful. With her golden skin and dark hair, she looked like a goddess. She felt like it too. I drew my finger across her stomach again, relishing how soft she was. It was odd, in that moment, to realize I actually had more experience than she did and I was able to savor the differences. My men were hard everywhere I had touched them, their abdomens, their arms, their legs. Shannon’s body was so soft under my hands, delicate even, such a contrast to how strong I knew she was.

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