Home > Lethal Temptation (Rifle Creek #2)(14)

Lethal Temptation (Rifle Creek #2)(14)
Author: Kaylea Cross

Avery smothered the urge to laugh, caught somewhere between amusement and shock. Mason was coming on strong. Damn, he was good. Everything he did and said looked and felt sincere, even though she knew it was an act.

It also hurt a little, too, because even though it was all fake, deep down she’d missed this. The affection, sure, but more the feeling of being important to and valued by her partner. It’s what she’d craved from her husband throughout their marriage and never gotten.

As if he somehow sensed her inner turmoil, Mason bent his head to whisper to her, his nose nuzzling her ear. “Loosen up a bit. You look freaking terrified and you’re ruining the plan.”

She summoned a smile and forced herself to relax, leaning into him until she was cuddled against his shoulder. Of course, that only made the tension inside her worse. Every time he got close, every time he touched her, her body lit up and tingled.

All over. In places she didn’t want any tingling where he was concerned. It made her start thinking about the idea of more with him. Sexy, erotic things she couldn’t help imagining.

“Tell us about your first date,” her mom said, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Mason was partway through some fictional story about going hiking for a picnic up in the mountains when the bride and groom arrived to a raucous round of cheers and applause.

Avery sighed in relief and joined in the applause. The couple addressed the guests, thanking everyone for coming and acknowledging their immediate family and those who had traveled from far away. After a short grace, people began heading for the buffet.

Mason led her to it with a solid hand on the small of her back, just inches from the base of her spine. Her skin warmed, heat spreading out in all directions and pooling low in her abdomen. It felt good. He smelled good, and shit, he was so damn sexy in the cobalt blue button-down shirt, dark slacks and his black cowboy hat.

She could feel the curious eyes on them as they waited in line. She reached for a plate but Mason beat her to it, and insisted on filling her plate for her. Avery went along with it, playing it up like it was the most normal thing in the world to have a man take care of her, when it was exactly the opposite.

On their way back to their seats, Avery caught the way her mother’s face tightened slightly as she stared at someone behind Avery. Then her gaze darted to Avery, and Avery’s stomach clenched.

Before she could even turn around, the familiar scent of Doug’s cologne wafted to her. She tensed instinctively, her hands tightening around her silverware. Had he seen her? Was he—


Steeling herself, she turned to face him and pasted on a civil smile. “Doug. Hi.” He was still handsome, but thankfully this time there was no punch to the gut, no swell of hurt or sadness when she looked at him. She could feel everyone staring, though. Watching to see what happened. “How are you?” She only said it to be polite, because she actually didn’t give a shit.

“Good. Busy.” His smile was the same. Charming as ever. Then he glanced behind him at someone, and a sharp pain lanced Avery’s chest. His wife Keely was blond and tiny and petite, the swell of her belly outlined beneath her dress. She was probably sweet and submissive, too. In short, polar opposite to Avery in every way.

“I see that.” It hurt to look at her, but the damn proud smile on Doug’s face made her long to scrub it off him. With sandpaper.

A strong, heavy arm wrapped around her shoulders, jolting her from her thoughts as Mason hugged her into his side. Avery leaned into him, battling the stiffness in her muscles, grateful for his warmth because she suddenly felt chilled.

Doug’s gaze shifted to him, and she could practically see him sizing Mason up, looking for shortcomings as if Mason was some sort of rival.

Avery had had more than enough. “Well, enjoy the dinner.” She started to step past him, eager to escape.

Doug’s eyes snapped back to her, and she took satisfaction in seeing the confidence bleed from his expression. “Yeah. You too. We’ll see you around.”

Hopefully not. She gave a tight nod and let out a quiet breath as he and Keely walked away.

“You okay?” her mom murmured when they reached the table, watching her anxiously.

“Of course.” She picked up her wine and took a sip, ignoring her ex as he crossed the room.

A strange thought hit her. What did I ever see in him? She pitied Keely in a way, because it was only a matter of time before he tired of her too and quit trying because the thrill of the hunt was gone. Worse, there was a child involved now and would be for its whole life.

At least Avery didn’t have to go through life being tied to him that way. In a way, he’d done her a favor because now she was free. Being lonely when she was free was a whole lot better than being lonely while married.

“You did great,” her sister said, squeezing her arm in support. “Very dignified. More than I would have been.”

“Because she’s classy,” Mason said, planting a kiss on her cheek.

His lips lingered, nuzzling. Tempting her into imagining what it would be like to turn her head and meet them with her own.

Tingles scattered across her skin, fanning out in a wave that tightened her nipples and made her core clench.

God. He was only playing and she was ready to melt. It made her wonder what it would be like to feel the full power of his sensuality directed at her. Goosebumps rose and she squeezed her legs together to stem the throb there.

Mason’s hand rubbed over her shoulder. “You cold?”

“A little,” she lied. Try turned on. Hot, and getting hotter.

“So, Avery, tell us more about your first date,” her sister said, mercifully changing the subject.

She looked at Mason, got lost for a moment in that potent, pale blue gaze. “Do you want to tell the story?”

Amusement gleamed in his eyes. “No, you tell it so much better.”

She couldn’t help but grin a little at him, and just like that, all the residual tension inside her eased. The worst was over. The people she loved most had met Mason, and the dreaded first encounter with Doug was over.

As the conversation flowed around the table, she began to relax even more. Mason was attentive and charming, allowing her another glimpse beneath that cocky intensity he usually wore.

He told a funny story about his time in the military and she laughed along with everyone else. The way he looked at her made her belly flip in the most delicious way, the attraction between them growing by the hour.

By the time the meal was over, she’d started to truly enjoy herself, and Mason’s company. Maybe a little too much. On the plus side, she’d forgotten about Doug and Keely completely.

“Well, hate to be a wet blanket, but I’m ready for the kipper,” her dad said, pushing his chair out from the table. “Think I’ll turn in, it’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.”

Her mother poked him in the shoulder. “It’s going to be a fun day,” she corrected.

Well, it would be interesting, if nothing else. But not as interesting as the night ahead of her.

As everyone began to leave, she stood too. Mason helped pull her chair out and was right there to wrap his arm around her.

He felt so damn good, and a few times tonight as she’d watched him, she’d had to remind herself of why she needed to keep her hands off him. He tempted her in ways she’d never experienced before. Like he’d woken some dormant part of her she hadn’t even known was there until now.

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