Home > Bringing It Home (Code of Honor #3)(32)

Bringing It Home (Code of Honor #3)(32)
Author: Reese Knightley





The house was cold and dark when they arrived back home. He lifted a hand to the searchers and entered his home before reactivating his house alarm and the area sensor alarm even though wild animals would set it off. It was better than being sitting ducks in the house.

They’d searched for three hours and had found no signs of Molly.

Diesel had called it quits when Triton began shivering. The boy had argued, but the fire behind the words was gone. The devastation on the boy’s face gutted him.

The chance of Molly coming home on her own was slim. That motherfucker either took Molly or killed her. On the heels of that thought, he suspected Auto knew Triton was here at his house.

The realization that Auto wasn’t stopping until he had Triton back sank home.

He took a moment to reassess. Auto meant business. The best course of action would be to neutralize Auto before Clay made his appearance.

“Get cleaned up, take a hot shower. I’ll make some phone calls.”

Wordlessly, Triton nodded and disappeared into the bathroom. As soon as the shower turned on, Diesel made his way into his study.

He dialed the sheriff. “Hey, Memphis, someone took Molly.”

“What the hell?”

“Yeah, Triton and I and several of the neighbors looked for three hours tonight, but found nothing. It’s too cold and dark. I’m going back out at first light to see if I can find her. I think Auto may have found Triton here. Can you have a cruiser sit outside of my house tonight?”

“Calling one now. I’ll be there at first light.”

“Thanks, man. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

“Take care, Diesel.”

He hung up and then dialed Maddox as he lowered into the chair behind his desk and rubbed at his aching thigh muscle before unlacing and pulling off the knee brace.

Cedar entered the room, made straight for him, and jumped into his lap. He caressed the brown cat’s fur. “She’ll be okay, boy. We’ll find her,” he told the cat.

“Hey, Diesel.” Maddox said after a few rings. “I was set to call you in the morning.”

“You back on assignment?”

“I am, Liam sent us out last night.”

“Any news on Clay Martin?”

“The marshals made the bust at the house, but no Clay. They found drugs, cash, and weapons and they arrested Sticks, otherwise known as Ronald Bateman.”

“So, they got the ring leader.” He felt a wave of relief.

“Yeah. Except, we had a fire in barn number four last night. I suspect that asshole Clay had something to do with it. The fire caused significant damage, but no animals were hurt. We managed to get the stock rounded up shortly after.”

“Fuck,” he muttered.

“What about Auto?”

“I thought Auto would have left town by now, but he and some of his gang broke into a local surplus store. They stole a bunch of gear and tranquilizer darts.”

“The fuck? What’s he need tranq darts for?”

“My guess? He used it on Molly tonight. I heard her yelp and then nothing. We can’t find her, and she’s not coming to my whistle. I’m hoping like hell he tranqed her and didn’t kill her. I think Auto’s found out that Triton is here with me.”

“That son of a bitch,” Maddox spat.

“Yeah, this guy is ex-military. If he’s a few cards short of a full deck, I may have my hands full.”

“What do you need?”

“I need a few reinforcements to help me keep an eye on Triton. Did you all deploy?”

“No, not all of us.”

“Can you see if a couple of the team can get here? I’d feel better with a few more men.”

“It’s no problem. I’ll put the word out.”

He rubbed at his shoulder and sighed. “Thanks.”

“How’s the knee?”

“It’s getting stronger, but it’s not completely stable. Other times, it almost feels ninety percent. I tweaked it tonight.”

“So, slow going, huh?”


“You think you won’t pass your medical?”

“Honestly? I don’t know, and even if I’m cleared medically, I’m thinking of not reenlisting,” he said out loud for the first time.

“I’m sorry.”

“Bah, don’t be. I’ve been thinking about this since my last reenlistment. I’m ready, you know? I want to explore other things.”

“I’m happy for you. Does this exploration include my cousin?”

That brought him upright, hand pulling at his beard. “Haven’t gotten that far.”

Maddox snorted. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

“I’m a lot older than him.”

“I think that bothers you more than him.”

“It does.”

“You’ll figure that out too.” He heard the smirk in Maddox’s voice. “When I’m back stateside, I’ll come collect Triton.”

Diesel’s heart lurched. “When it’s safe for him to come home, I’ll bring him myself.”

“That works.” Maddox sounded like he was smiling.

Diesel frowned, hung up, and stared into space. Was Molly hurt and lying in the dirt out there? Cedar had enough of his caressing fingers and jumped down, heading for the door.

He couldn’t stop thinking about Maddox’s question. Does this include my cousin?

Diesel would put Clay and Auto behind bars or in the ground to keep Triton safe.

The floor creaked in the hallway, drawing his gaze up, and he found a freshly showered nymph standing in his doorway. He stretched out his hand toward Triton.

The young man hurried across the room and burrowed into his arms, filling his lap.

Unable to resist, he fisted a hand in Triton’s hair and pulled the boy’s head back, face up.

“Diesel,” Triton said, licking at his full bottom lip.

Diesel made a sound in his throat and then devoured those plush pink lips. There was no sin in taking comfort from each other. That was all this was, he reasoned, refusing to let the niggling voice of wanting more creep in.

After several long and tender moments, Diesel ended the kiss.

“I’m so sorry,” Triton cried and buried his face into his neck.

He ran his hands up and down Triton’s slim back, keeping him close.

“It’s not your fault,” he murmured, kissing the top of Triton’s bright head.

“I won’t be able to sleep until she’s home.”

“We’ll go out at first light and find her,” he promised.

Triton sniffled and pulled back.

“Come on.” Diesel urged Triton to his feet and then took the boy’s hand and drew him out into the hall. Diesel led the way into the living room, and once there, he stretched out on the couch and lifted his arms.

Triton came to him and stretched out over him. The feel of that slim body against him thickened his cock, but he gave himself a stern talking to. Triton nuzzled his cheek against his shirt-covered chest and Diesel ran his fingers through silky blond hair. He tugged the throw from the back of the couch and over them.

His heart hurt for Molly and he hoped his girl would be okay out there. Somehow, having Triton in his arms lessened the pain and worry.

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